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Chinese City seeks to banish Muslim Veil!!

A campaign by city officials to "dilute religious consciousness"!! That is the catch word there. Its starts with 'suggesting and advising people not to do certain things which ultimately lead to official party dikats!!

And when did religious debates start occurring in China? Or for that matter, "debates" per se?

A lame attempt to justify Chinese actions! Attempts to justify this looks pathetic, really.

Do you have evidence to suggest this was a dictated order? Are they fining people on the streets for wearing the veil?
LOL, I am posting in PDF after a long time, but this thread made me laugh.

I have posted earlier that the average Chinese has nothing but contempt for Muslims, but the Pakistani members here and some Chinese members berated me for this.

I guess news like this only drives home the point. I have seen my relatives from mainland China spew venom on Uighurs whenever the topic comes up for discussion as well as on Mongols. China's relations with Pakistan are only a marriage of convenience, and have nothing to do with the love of the Chinese people for Muslims the and time will tell all.......

This feeling of animosity is even greater among the ethic Chinese in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Your relatives are likely to be from Fujian. Their comments represent a specific part of China that is special and different from the other parts.

If there is any bias against the Uighurs, it is because they are known for being criminal thugs, not for their religion. Hui and Kazakhs are also Muslim, why no hate for them?

Mongols are Buddhist. I guess that means Chinese have nothing but contempt for Buddhists too.

I'm glad you're telling Chinese here from both mainland China and Hong Kong how we actually think. I was so wrong, I should start hating Muslims, so should Chinese-Dragon. Just for you.

---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

Ignore that "ephone" guy, he is a false-flag Israeli.

Check any of the other threads. He constantly abuses the rest of the Chinese members (calling us "dick-men") because we have the gall to dare mock his beloved Israel :-)lol:), or even if we say anything in support of Iran.

He has clearly shown that given a choice between supporting Chinese members or supporting Israel, he will always support Israel. That is where his loyalties lie, with Israel and not with China.

The average Chinese person wouldn't even be able to point to Israel on the map, much less defend them instead of China.

there's no point in talking to him. he makes the #1 mistake of Zionists:

when bad things are done by Israel, they scream "Not all Jews are Israeli, you can't stereotype them!"

but when a Jew does a good thing, they scream "That's Israel's achievement, because Israel represents Jews!"

Not all Germans were Nazis. Not all Nazis were German.

Not all Jews are Zionists. Not all Zionists are Jews. Not all Jews are Israeli. Not all Israelis are Jews.
But some how as usual Chinese Members are trolling and posting BS.
Being Patriotic is one thing and being a fact ignoring ostrich is another...

Therein lies the problem. Its not their fault for they do NOT know of the facts! Dissemination of facts is an abomination! Propaganda machinery disalloweth it!
Do you have evidence to suggest this was a dictated order? Are they fining people on the streets for wearing the veil?

You read it wrong. I said it starts with a suggestion, in this particular case a suggestion to bring about "dilution of religious consciousness" - which goes AGAINST the tenets of Islam! (I hear no outcries!!) I never said it was a dictated order, yet. I simply said that such an order wouldnt be far, considering China's dikats about one child policy (which began as a suggestion, no?), banning non-adult Muslims to visit Mosques for prayers etc. So it wont be long before clean shaven men and veil-less dresses become common, not as a choice, but due to an order!
I'm glad you're telling Chinese here from both mainland China and Hong Kong how we actually think. I was so wrong, I should start hating Muslims, so should Chinese-Dragon. Just for you.

Funny how they are always telling us what we should think. :lol:

And then they turn around and accuse our Government of doing exactly that to us!

The irony is lost on them...
Seems eerily similar to a certain geographical area in the neighborhood! Somehow, the suppression of terrorist activities by a legitimately elected democratic govt there is decried as abuse of human rights/suppression of religious freedom/targeting of minorities and what not bul!shyte! Those same terrorist trouble mongers are are proudly called as 'brothers and sisters'!

There is a word to describe such acts of applying different yardsticks to suit one's delusional ideas. Oh wait, its called 'hypocrisy'.!!

Why no outcry at this blasphemy? Why dont I hear calls for "Jihad" in China against the non-believers/godless communists just like many make such calls against the kaffir evil Yindoos?

I do not agree with the LeT & their terrorism in Kashmir, they bring a bad name for all Kashmiris, but the Kashmir issues have transpired since 1947, whereas India's problem with LeT terrorism only arose in the early 1990s. The LeT is a banned group in Pakistan, & has been clamped down heavily on. I don't want to make this a Kashmir thread, but I am open to discussing this with you in detail on another thread. :)
Funny how they are always telling us what we should think. :lol:

And then they turn around and accuse our Government of doing exactly that to us!

The irony is lost on them...

What I'm worried about is a possibly growing influence of Israeli and American neocons on our youth. Evangelical Christianity, Zionism and hardcore conservatism are extremely dangerous forces that must be checked at all cost.

I'm not against all Israelis btw. The Israeli left is a great movement for peace and stability in the Middle East.
Therein lies the problem. Its not their fault for they do NOT know of the facts! Dissemination of facts is an abomination! Propaganda machinery disalloweth it!

Wonder what do they say to themselves after all this at the end of the day.... you are not going to get some award for swallowing all that sh*t... wonder If they know the word guilty...

By behaving like that they are being equally responsible.
You read it wrong. I said it starts with a suggestion, in this particular case a suggestion to bring about "dilution of religious consciousness" - which goes AGAINST the tenets of Islam! (I hear no outcries!!) I never said it was a dictated order, yet. I simply said that such an order wouldnt be far, considering China's dikats about one child policy (which began as a suggestion, no?), banning non-adult Muslims to visit Mosques for prayers etc. So it wont be long before clean shaven men and veil-less dresses become common, not as a choice, but due to an order!

Even I'm not against suggestion and debate and this is what countries like France should have done. A debate has two sides and the Islamic side would obviously put forth its case as well.

A debate is not a diktat, and if you want to debate abandoning the religion altogether then thats also legal in the free world, but of course you must be prepared for counter arguments. This is legal.
Even I'm not against suggestion and debate and this is what countries like France should have done. A debate has two sides and the Islamic side would obviously put forth its case as well.
Are you deliberately misleading readers here? France had a debate, a very public debate before resorting to a ban of veils/burkas. It was debated endlessly in their parliament, by their intelligentsia, public etc. It was then passed as a law by the democratically elected govt of France. Big difference mate.
A debate is not a diktat, and if you want to debate abandoning the religion altogether then thats also legal in the free world, but of course you must be prepared for counter arguments. This is legal.
Of course. In the free world. But we are talking China here, a communist party controlled country where almost everything happens due to party dikats. Where does that leave room for a debate? Are such religious debates even tolerated in China? What does "dilution of religious consciousness" mean to you?
I have no issue if any country, including Muslim countries, try to convince women to not wear the veil or burqa by educating them through religious leaders. What I oppose is a ban, since it infringes on individual liberties (unless security is a concern). Again, I am not saying China is banning anything; just making a general comment.

Hit the nail on the head. What is clearly obvious is the selective thoughts of the Indians on here. They dont have an interest in muslim or veil issue. Their core issue is knocking anything chinese. The obsession is truelly monumental. Guys why dont you stand back and think rationally - this is unhealthy for constructive thinking.
I do not agree with the LeT & their terrorism in Kashmir, they bring a bad name for all Kashmiris, but the Kashmir issues have transpired since 1947, whereas India's problem with LeT terrorism only arose in the early 1990s. The LeT is a banned group in Pakistan, & has been clamped down heavily on. I don't want to make this a Kashmir thread, but I am open to discussing this with you in detail on another thread. :)
Yup, different topic - another thread, another day.
Its utter bull. A friend of mine was a member of the delegation that went in to observe how Ramadan is observed in China. What he had to say was not pretty. The results were even published. I will post it in here for you "Hans" to "examine" when i get home.


Why do Chinese Muslims have to fast in an Indian way?

As long as they believe it, they can practice their worship in whatever way they like. It doesn’t have to be in an Indian way.

Practice in an Indian way may be pretty to your eyes, but may not be pretty to other eyes.

Why do Chinese Muslims have to fast in an Indian way?

As long as they believe it, they can practice their worship in whatever way they like. It doesn’t have to be in an Indian way.

Practice in an Indian way may be pretty to your eyes, but may not be pretty to other eyes.

Forget the "Indian way" :rofl:

Try "every Muslim around the world except china" way....
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