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Chinese Carrier Battle Group

Ideal future composition:

1X Carrier (~70000 to 80000 tons)
2X Air defence destroyers (~9000 tons)
3X ASW frigates (~4000 tons)
2X Fast replenishment ships (~20000 tons, capable of 25 knots)
2X Nuclear attack submarines

The idea is the destroyers will focus on air threats, while the ASW frigates and SSNs can deal with anything underwater. Each ship class should have a specialized role, since the Chinese navy is going to center itself around the carrier.
Mark my words, the PLAN carrier group's fleet replenishment ship is MUCH BIGGER than 20000 tons, almost doubling it.
Pretty cool Carrier Battle Group.

But wait, isn't the Liaoning not assigned to any fleet?
Mark my words, the PLAN carrier group's fleet replenishment ship is MUCH BIGGER than 20000 tons, almost doubling it.
For the next 20 years, China's naval operations will be concentrated near the Western Pacific. Supply bases will be fairly close. The PLAN does not need to deploy globally as the United States. Fast replenishment ships should aim to keep up with the carrier group. Displacement is not that important considering the above factor. Anywhere between 20000 to 30000 is fine.







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For the next 20 years, China's naval operations will be concentrated near the Western Pacific. Supply bases will be fairly close. The PLAN does not need to deploy globally as the United States. Fast replenishment ships should aim to keep up with the carrier group. Displacement is not that important considering the above factor. Anywhere between 20000 to 30000 is fine.
At least 10 of those years will be for training. There will be no 'operations' other than training. Carrier air operations will usually be against the wind, so the entire fleet will have to learn how to read the local weather and maneuver to conduct efficient air operations.

Aircraft carrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carriers steam at speed, up to 35 knots (65 km/h) into the wind during flight deck operations to increase wind speed over the deck to a safe minimum. This increase in effective wind speed provides a higher launch airspeed for aircraft at the end of the catapult stroke or ski-jump, as well as making recovery safer by reducing the difference between the relative speeds of the aircraft and ship.
These operations consume fuel and training scheduling will have to take into consideration the unpredictability of combat operations that will consume fuel beyond what was estimated. Then the air wing stand down and the fleet return to port to study what was learned. In all this time, personnel changes occurs and the new ones will have to be trained. Accidents, minor and major, WILL occur and lives will be lost. For each, the fleet will cease operations in order to find out what happened and how to recognize the clues that leads to the mishap and how to deal with it.

Escorts will have to learn how to maneuver with the carrier and how to protect it. Complex exercises must be devised and exercised in order to remove ineffective captains and install good ones. Escort captains must realize they are expendable first before the carrier.

Do not for a moment think this fleet is ready for combat. Right now, a pair of enemy destroyer/cruiser can throw the entire fleet into disorder.
At least 10 of those years will be for training. There will be no 'operations' other than training. Carrier air operations will usually be against the wind, so the entire fleet will have to learn how to read the local weather and maneuver to conduct efficient air operations.

Aircraft carrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These operations consume fuel and training scheduling will have to take into consideration the unpredictability of combat operations that will consume fuel beyond what was estimated. Then the air wing stand down and the fleet return to port to study what was learned. In all this time, personnel changes occurs and the new ones will have to be trained. Accidents, minor and major, WILL occur and lives will be lost. For each, the fleet will cease operations in order to find out what happened and how to recognize the clues that leads to the mishap and how to deal with it.

Escorts will have to learn how to maneuver with the carrier and how to protect it. Complex exercises must be devised and exercised in order to remove ineffective captains and install good ones. Escort captains must realize they are expendable first before the carrier.

Do not for a moment think this fleet is ready for combat. Right now, a pair of enemy destroyer/cruiser can throw the entire fleet into disorder.
There seems to be two batches of crews for the Liaoning at the moment. They're housed on the carrier and this ship on a rotational basis:

The ship follows the carrier wherever it goes training. Since China only has one carrier at the moment, the hope is that two batches of crews can be trained simultaneously. Each batch will discover problems and relay the experience to the next batch when rotating. The next Chinese built carrier is confirmed to be a STOBAR one, most likely a slightly enlarged Kuznetsov class. Construction is due to start next year and will probably be completed by 2017. The hope is that once it's delivered, an experienced crew trained on the Liaoning will be able to helm it with relative ease.
Ideal future composition:

1X Carrier (~70000 to 80000 tons)
2X Air defence destroyers (~9000 tons)
3X ASW frigates (~4000 tons)
2X Fast replenishment ships (~20000 tons, capable of 25 knots)
2X Nuclear attack submarines

The idea is the destroyers will focus on air threats, while the ASW frigates and SSNs can deal with anything underwater. Each ship class should have a specialized role, since the Chinese navy is going to center itself around the carrier.

002 will be 80,000-100,000 tons with EMALS
055 destroyer is well over 12,000 tons with TMD capability
054B/057 is around 4500 tons with integrated electric propulsion (IEP) system

these stats i can assure you
Simple and logical reason is for reverse engineering, you need R&D which needs investments.

A country whos Economy is dependent of Aids from outsiders cant invest in R&D.

Lately, India started R&D coz our economy supports it with all the dollors we got due to IT sector and other Exports.

And India is getting a lot more remittance, which supports its economy.

congrats to China for creating its first carrier battle group.
China 1st time field a aircraft battle group look very impressive and potent. Laoning can't compare to US nuclear aircraft carrier but the rest of the support ship are capable providing the protection to any aircraft carrier out at sea.
We will have six CBG by 2025, and dozens of 052D/055 Agies DDG.
'China will grow larger': ZH :p
Good going china!
We will have six CBG by 2025, and dozens of 052D/055 Agies DDG.

Probably impossible for china to have 6 CBG by 2025.

First, the estimate time to build a 40-50 k ton carrier for China is currently 3.5 years, even US require 2 years 9 months to pump out an American Class LHD, realistically if the six carrier Chinese is going to have is a 40-50k class, they will need to wait till 2030-2035 to be able to build all 6, time will change to 4 years per for US to build a 100k tons of super carrier .

Then come the support ship problem, 6 CBG require about 60 support ship (30 of those are AAW destroyer @5 per CBG) the current way Chinese do thing, it took 2 years per ship, and 2-3 ship be built at the same time, which take at least 30 years to build alone, which realistically will not be done by 2043

And finally the crew, 6 CBG would require about 30k crew, either china divert the current crew from some other place or they will need to recruit 30k more sailor on top of the normal recruitment level, no way you can get that number done by 2025 as at best you can get 1k or 2k more per year

Ambition goal is good, but you need to be realisticrealistic
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