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Chinese can't innovate.......

Right. So is there anything that China made right now that we used to broaden our technological development? I mean question is can the Chinese innovate? Not about the U.S. because we know its already been answered.
hmmm, let's see, Chinese food principles are used in other cuisines and as are western styles in Chinese.

Our economic system which is now the model for other third world nations to follow if they can is innovative, and there's a lot of talk of state capitalism to play a part in even developed economies. I'm talking the Chinese kind, not the Soviet kind. We have lots of policies that only China has

Chinese medicine and traditional treatment ideas are used in the pharma industry both in the West and the east. This has help create not only drugs, but also other health related food and supplements.

Another example, the Chinese google Baidu, is actually quite different that Google, it's goals is fundamentally different, it's strategy as well. Yes they are both search engines, but this is like comparing Rolls royce and Lambo because they are both luxury cars.

There's tons more.

The Rise of China's Innovation Machine - WSJ.com

Read and watch this.
hmmm, let's see, Chinese food principles are used in other cuisines and as are western styles in Chinese.

Our economic system which is now the model for other third world nations to follow if they can is innovative, and there's a lot of talk of state capitalism to play a part in even developed economies. I'm talking the Chinese kind, not the Soviet kind. We have lots of policies that only China has

Chinese medicine and traditional treatment ideas are used in the pharma industry both in the West and the east. This has help create not only drugs, but also other health related food and supplements.

Another example, the Chinese google Baidu, is actually quite different that Google, it's goals is fundamentally different, it's strategy as well. Yes they are both search engines, but this is like comparing Rolls royce and Lambo because they are both luxury cars.

There's tons more.

The Rise of China's Innovation Machine - WSJ.com

Read and watch this.
China is now exiting the copy paste stage, and is now moving into the innovative stage. \ In the next 50 years we will see china return to its rightful place in the world as one of the leading civilizations. :coffee:
Chinese might have one of the biggest economies but because of its population it doesn't mean much. Most of Chinese live under poverty line and as most economist predict Chinese economy is paper tiger based on foreign demand. Projects are that demand will decrease. They are replacing production to third countries. I'm sad to say that China had its better days. From here it will go down hill. A great Chinese economic crises with disintegration.
GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph

not true, chinas gdp per capita will soon surpass latin america, asia pacific and arabs
The J 20 just follows the most effiecient shape with respect to aerodynamic, maneuverability and all traits that are vital to a fighter jet, there are some constants in the field of weaponry and they never change, next you are going to call Chinese conservative because they drive cars with four rubber tyres.....:crazy:

shape, appearance are easiest items to be replicated or copied.
It seem that J20 collected shapes from several others... it's normal, but shape doesn't make an aircraft
Have the Chinese copied Santa yet ? That's the ONLY way they get anything. They don't invent, they copy.

You mean they'll surpass that economic powerhouse Guatemala ? WOW !!!
yea, we call him the fat white man who slaves midgets and cares too much for children.
See !! Like everything else, China sucks at copying Santa, too !!!

I know right, we try to copy the American system, failed and became better instead. tragedy. I'm crying rivers over it.
Have the Chinese copied Santa yet ? That's the ONLY way they get anything. They don't invent, they copy.

And statements like that are exactly what proves my point that the people who claim Chinese can't innovate either cannot distinguish the concept of copying and applying or simply don't bother trying to explain the reasoning, or rather the lack thereof, behind their simple-minded theories.

You mean they'll surpass that economic powerhouse Guatemala ? WOW !!!

When did Guatemala become the entirety of Latin America?

You mean just like how Americans made their own copy of Sinterklaas from the Dutch?

Well, obviously that is simply anti-American propaganda while every educated person knows that China only copies everything.
shape, appearance are easiest items to be replicated or copied.
It seem that J20 collected shapes from several others... it's normal, but shape doesn't make an aircraft

I differ your opinion, I am a layman in aerodynamics but even I know for a fact that aerodynamics are vital to an aircraft's maneuverability, speed and general performance, ''shape'' does make or break an aircraft.....
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