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Chinese can't innovate.......

Building a heli would be a great achievement by any country. Vietnamese cannot build anything without Chinese assistance.
But they are good at making Pho and three colour ice drink.
I got to admit that is the only thing they're good at. LOL
The Chinese can innovate. The question is will they try hard to do it. Or are they just going to copy things because its faster and easier than spending billions on research and development to surpass another country. You could say its being smart cheating on the test and pass instead of doing all the work. But if the classmate next to you is absent or separated, then you are in trouble. Not because you are stupid, but refused to learn the hard way.
The Chinese can innovate. The question is will they try hard to do it. Or are they just going to copy things because its faster and easier than spending billions on research and development to surpass another country. You could say its being smart cheating on the test and pass instead of doing all the work. But if the classmate next to you is absent or separated, then you are in trouble. Not because you are stupid, but refused to learn the hard way.
We have spend billions on research and development. The difference here is we have fall behind Western technology for over 100 hundred years. We are not fortunate enough like some of your allies who can share and enjoy the benefit of Western tech transfer or license. Therefore our choice is limit to learning the quickest way possible, including any possible meant. Let not forget the US advance in tech is also spying on other countries, Nazi and Soviet Union, to name a few. Why are we being penalized for doing the same? You see, my friend, it doesn't work that work. The result is what matter to us.
We have spend billions on research and development. The difference here is we have fall behind Western technology for over 100 hundred years. We are not fortunate enough like some of your allies who can share and enjoy the benefit of Western tech transfer or license. Therefore our choice is limit to learning the quickest way possible, including any possible meant. Let not forget the US advance in tech is also spying on other countries, Nazi and Soviet Union, to name a few. Why are we being penalized for doing the same? You see, my friend, it doesn't work that work. The result is what matter to us.

Oh you mean like the Soviets getting their hands on the atomic bomb instead of inventing it themselves? Or the usage the rockets which by the way the Nazis learned from an American professor. Not the other way around as people assumed. When the Russians sent Sputnik out into space, they forced us to be aware of how far we were behind and started to develop and research in programs to reach the moon first. Beating the Russians. Thats innovation, not waiting behind.
"Chinese can't innovate" -

This is a reminder to all of us that we are not working hard enough.

Oh you mean like the Soviets getting their hands on the atomic bomb instead of inventing it themselves? Or the usage the rockets which by the way the Nazis learned from an American professor. Not the other way around as people assumed. When the Russians sent Sputnik out into space, they forced us to be aware of how far we were behind and started to develop and research in programs to reach the moon first. Beating the Russians. Thats innovation, not waiting behind.
The question is not whether the US innovated, it is whether the US ever used foreign tech invention to broaden their technological development. That, my friend, is what you should focus and respond on.
"Chinese can't innovate" -

This is a reminder to all of us that we are not working hard enough.

The question is not whether the US innovated, it is whether the US ever used foreign tech invention to broaden their technological development. That, my friend, is what you should focus and respond on.

Right. So is there anything that China made right now that we used to broaden our technological development? I mean question is can the Chinese innovate? Not about the U.S. because we know its already been answered.
Right. So is there anything that China made right now that we used to broaden our technological development? I mean question is can the Chinese innovate? Not about the U.S. because we know its already been answered.
How can we make something when we lack far behind you, my friend?
How can we make something when we lack far behind you, my friend?

Thats your excuse. Sound like a whiny student. I can't take this test because I didn't learn it or didn't pay attention. Or the lesson plan was confusing.
Thats your excuse. Sound like a whiny student. I can't take this test because I didn't learn it or didn't pay attention. Or the lesson plan was confusing.
Excuse? LOL If you are a village boy just migrate to a city and in school. Do you try to listen and learn from your higher classmate first before you voice your opinion?

Didn't our Defense Minister visited your country and said we are far behind the US and that the US shouldn't worry about this "little bug". We agree on that. We never said we are ahead of the US in anything. In fact, we never boast about our achievement to international audience. We are simply working toward our national priorities. Most of our advance news had been from Western media leaks spying on some Chinese web portal/forum. LOL

Trust me on this, my friend Oldman1. We are a good student. We will not disappoint you in 20 years. We will not. I guarantee you on that. LOL
Why is everybody so upset over some ill-informed and rash opinions of online loudmouths who can't ascertain the discrepancy between copying and form following function?

Exactly, who cares what others think. The Mainland Chinese have very very low self esteem now.
Excuse? LOL If you are a village boy just migrate to a city and in school. Do you try to listen and learn from your higher classmate first before you voice your opinion?

Didn't our Defense Minister visited your country and said we are far behind the US and that the US shouldn't worry about this "little bug". We agree on that. We never said we are ahead of the US in anything. In fact, we never boast about our achievement to international audience. We are simply working toward our national priorities. Most of our advance news had been from Western media leaks spying on some Chinese web portal/forum. LOL

Trust me on this, my friend Oldman1. We are a good student. We will not disappoint you in 20 years. We will not. I guarantee you on that. LOL

Then don't disappoint. Make something that makes China stand out.
Chinese are not talented to be creative,we just be created by GOD to share fruits of any one's research.No need to be shame,we should be proud of it.

And really no real creative one cares.

Don't worry. The world will need mathematicians if we are to colonize space and enslave aliens.

First stage of cataloging new worlds and trying to find suitable ones for life (targets for landing) has already begun. :dirol:
The J 20 just follows the most effiecient shape with respect to aerodynamic, maneuverability and all traits that are vital to a fighter jet, there are some constants in the field of weaponry and they never change, next you are going to call Chinese conservative because they drive cars with four rubber tyres.....:crazy:
Thats your excuse. Sound like a whiny student. I can't take this test because I didn't learn it or didn't pay attention. Or the lesson plan was confusing.

The adoption of mutual concepts, which Westerners call copying, is the integral part of the learning curve.

Right. So is there anything that China made right now that we used to broaden our technological development? I mean question is can the Chinese innovate? Not about the U.S. because we know its already been answered.

Sure, they do. Green tech, telecommunications, etc. Those can be gauged by the sheer number of patents and research papers the country produces annually; there's no way China can thrive as it does in this world, with Western sanctions and reluctance to share technology, without a dose of ingenuity.

Oh you mean like the Soviets getting their hands on the atomic bomb instead of inventing it themselves? Or the usage the rockets which by the way the Nazis learned from an American professor. Not the other way around as people assumed. When the Russians sent Sputnik out into space, they forced us to be aware of how far we were behind and started to develop and research in programs to reach the moon first. Beating the Russians. Thats innovation, not waiting behind.

Your logic is about as sound as the claim that the United States cannot innovate because it uses German jet engines to spur its own jet engine program and German small arms designs in some of its weapons.

The Chinese can innovate. The question is will they try hard to do it. Or are they just going to copy things because its faster and easier than spending billions on research and development to surpass another country. You could say its being smart cheating on the test and pass instead of doing all the work. But if the classmate next to you is absent or separated, then you are in trouble. Not because you are stupid, but refused to learn the hard way.

"Copying" in its own right is a massive learning tool and is one of the reasons most countries at some point indulged in it.
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J20 is nothing at this moment, pals !!!
Current advanced aircrafts of China are from buying and cloning !!!

Yeah, because J-20 is obviously developed by Lockheed Martin in the US city of Chengdu.
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