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Chinese and Korean players throw match: Olympic shame

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if you give indian one mile they still lose regardless

I have never seen worse sore losers in my life. :lol:

Indians not only have ZERO Gold medals, but also 2/3 of their country doesn't even have electricity.

thanks buddy. you save my time replying to a whiner from down under ( may be another indian false flagger)

He is definitely an Indian, just check any of his posts.
Bro I bet you've never got laid in your life.

i live in australia man.. apparently thats all we do here according to your chinese sisters lol.

ive even banged quite a number of tight chinese girls while they workin here.... lets just say i doubt they be marrying some not very well endowed chinese man lol
I have never seen worse sore losers in my life. :lol:

Indians not only have ZERO Gold medals, but also 2/3 of their country doesn't even have electricity.

He is definitely an Indian, just check any of his posts.

Sigh...if you are disqualified for cheating, how are we sore losers? And 100% of your country has not seen an election ballot. In like forever....2/3rds of our country not having electricity for a day - hmm- compared to a lifetime of servitude....let's see...
Oh comeon...the ATP World Tour Finals are Round Robin. Have you ever heard of anyone tanking a match?

poor example! do you know anything about these tournies? the merits and awards to the individual
i live in australia man.. apparently thats all we do here according to your chinese sisters lol.

ive even banged quite a number of tight chinese girls while they workin here.... lets just say i doubt they be marrying some not very well endowed chinese man lol

Yeah right, you Indians think you are so amazing with your Eve-teasing, when the Indian Youth Delegation tried that in China the women screamed sexual harassment. :rofl:

The truth is that Asian women care about skin colour, and you guys are as black as midnight unfortunately. :no:
i live in australia man.. apparently thats all we do here according to your chinese sisters lol.

ive even banged quite a number of tight chinese girls while they workin here.... lets just say i doubt they be marrying some not very well endowed chinese man lol

That is mighty charitable of you. Kind of like paying for your sins through your actions. Good on you.
chinese lizard still claiming im indian lol..

yeh go through all my post, you will see i have had quite a lot to say bout indians too..

i used to think indians pretty bad... but i can honestly say now, chinese are a hell of a lot worse... on this forum anyway
China is ruling the Olympics, so the mudslinging is to be expected.

Just relax and enjoy these displays of jealous heartburn for what they are...

Lol no limit to cheer leading from pakistanis !!! :rofl:
are you indirectly accepting that your athletes are just learning to be immoral?

you indians put on another master feat of putting words into somebody's mouth. you are defeated why it takes so long to even have the urge to take a shower?
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