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Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

I Think China should!!! What is few Bucks to US for India anyways, Pay it!!!!


I wouldn't be too surprise if this is the case with the Obama administration. Watch out for Obama white house selling F-22 and F-23 designs to China. After all, he didn't win the nobel peace prize for nothing...:hitwall:
I wouldn't be too surprise if this is the case with the Obama administration. Watch out for Obama white house selling F-22 and F-23 designs to China. After all, he didn't win the nobel peace prize for nothing...:hitwall:

Selling F-22 and F-23, What!!!!!

First of all We where discussing about India being a sell out from US to China, How did the Raptors become a sell out!!!! You are not looking smart here smart guy. Stick to the topic..

Selling F-22 and F-23, What!!!!!

First of all We where discussing about India being a sell out from US to China, How did the Raptors become a sell out!!!! You are not looking smart here smart guy. Stick to the topic..


With Obama, he will sell out US, not just India or our allies. Obama is pandering to US enemies like China, Russia and Iran. No wonder Hamas endorsed him
With Obama, he will sell out US, not just India or our allies. Obama is pandering to US enemies like China, Russia and Iran. No wonder Hamas endorsed him

Now you sound paradoxial as well as crazy man who does not read alot!!!

Thanks Mr. smart guy you have just become a useless man!!!!
Now you sound paradoxial as well as crazy man who does not read alot!!!

Thanks Mr. smart guy you have just become a useless man!!!!

all right, I'll stop ranting. I'm not usually like that unless I talk about Barak Huseein Obama. Sorry. I just hate that guy. that's all.
all right, I'll stop ranting. I'm not usually like that unless I talk about Barak Huseein Obama. Sorry. I just hate that guy. that's all.

I really don't think you are dripping bile over the right places. There is zero need to play up or falsely accentuate his middle name just to show us that you are "in" with the militias.

Or with Glenn Beck for that matter.

Well perhaps you are "in" ... :coffee:
well asia is just like classroom...china=teacher,pakistan=smart student,india=trouble maker(naughty one) and rest are regular students
I really don't think you are dripping bile over the right places. There is zero need to play up or falsely accentuate his middle name just to show us that you are "in" with the militias.

Or with Glenn Beck for that matter.

Well perhaps you are "in" ... :coffee:

So are you a big fan of Rush, Sean and Glenn Beck. Or more of a fan of Ann coulter
R most Chinese in US or Canada into conservative talk radio or fox news?

what most Chinese are into is not the Question here.

I believe the question was directed at you. As an individual.

Given Your Conservative Views on Obama, and international forign policy. and frankly in retrospect the Blatant Abuse of generalizations you make. In almost all your posts.

It would not be inconceivable to imagine that you are part of the Fox Band wagon.
well asia is just like classroom...china=teacher,pakistan=smart student,india=trouble maker(naughty one) and rest are regular students

My god...........

I really thought pakistan have some self dignity, but see, first of U sucked USA and now China....... u have some Back born or not?

That's why see the differnce. Economy wise Isrial and pakistan both are same but see diffrence.
what most Chinese are into is not the Question here.

I believe the question was directed at you. As an individual.

Given Your Conservative Views on Obama, and international forign policy. and frankly in retrospect the Blatant Abuse of generalizations you make. In almost all your posts.

It would not be inconceivable to imagine that you are part of the Fox Band wagon.

I do believe that Fox is the only news org that provides the most balanced view in this country. The rest of the news networks make obama bash because of how much they smooch his behind. You must be in America or Canada to know so much about fox and Glenn beck. Also, I'm a fan of Bobby Jindal and America would be much better off with him then Barack Hussein Obama.:usflag:
My god...........

I really thought pakistan have some self dignity, but see, first of U sucked USA and now China....... u have some Back born or not?

That's why see the differnce. Economy wise Isrial and pakistan both are same but see diffrence.

When a citizen of a country knows their strength or weakness, it shows wisdom. What is sad is when a people doesn't know their weakness or their enemie's strength and dwell in their own strength and plans for their futures without regard to other's plans, that is playing chess only calculations of your own moves but not taken into account of the opponents moves.
I disagree with you. Though China will never come close to catch up to the US until at least 50 years later in terms of technology. Russian tech is actually not improving much. With how China importing and then developing technology. Its rate of improvement will increase over time. Just as China surpass economy of everyone else except the US and Japan(which will happen in 2011 if not 2010). China's technical development will enable it to surpass anyone but the US in the next 20 years or so. The reason is because technology growth is tie to wealth and the need to develop technology. China has the money, they will develop the technology.

This race will never end, but we will have minimum deterrence that is all we need. We are not in race. Russia is getting back to work, it lacked money which in some case we are providing.
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