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Chinese Agent Caught while Stealing F-22 stealth Technology.

if we go through worlds opinion Chinese ppl stinks? really?

:smokin: trust me dude, indians are considered as dishonest, dirty, noisy, poor in general.

I think I made a minor mistake - a lot of low caste Indians work hard, but a lot of indians with whiter skin are damn lazy.
sorry buddy but ur opinion is not worth more than a **** to me. being an electronics engineer in an mnc I meet thousands of people of different nationalities .
in your parallel universe.

you didn't get the point, did you?

if india is given the full design details of intel processor, boeing airliner, can india build it? no, it can't.
because it is not industralized, you don't have the ability to produce the raw material in the first place.

that is why you don't do that - because such information is not useful.

dude, it is well observed and reported by the entire world that indians are considered as lazy.

read more and see the real image of india/indian.

if Indians are lazy then why they are winning the world. see Laxmi Mittal and Ratan Tata. . how about chinese who use their high IQ in C&P, rather than R&D.

It is open secret....Whole China technology made by stealing technology from west

Right dude. .
even after high IQ ppl need to stole it. chinese must be so lazy to use their IQ .

Americans must be low IQ since they have stolen considerable technologies from Germany. Not only in the aftermath of WWII but up until today openly via SWIFT and Echelon installations inside Germany.

US-Spionage gegen Europa - US espionage against Europe
US-Spionage gegen Europa - Club of Politics
rubbish! yindian invented zero symbol . the world can make up another symbol easily..lol

Another Indian lie. The digit zero or sifar in Arabic was invented by the Jabbir bin Hayyan the Arab Mathematician. Indians only good for outsourcing and follow a word document. If you ask them something that is not in the Word document then it is a challenge??
if Indians are lazy then why they are winning the world. see Laxmi Mittal and Ratan Tata. . how about chinese who use their high IQ in C&P, rather than R&D.

R&D? india has R&D?

dude, Huawei files more patent than you entire nation. you better read more and take less brainwashing BS feed to you by your government.
like how west used chinese technology for their age of discovery. shipbuilding technology, gunpowder technology, etc.

and india the great innovater dont need foreign technology.

this is espionage, every country that is good enough to do it, does it.
indians dont have the IQ to conduct intelligence. having a great military is all about knowing what technologies and capabilities your enemy has, then you analyse it and build countermeasures to it.

indians just proving your 85 IQ, no wonder you were colonized by the british for 200 years. with that low IQ, even africans could outsmart you indians.

So chinese got high IQ, and now they are using that high IQ for stealing others technology. What a BS. if chinese really has great IQ, they why china is dependant on russia for jet engines and arresters for aircraft carrier. because still you can't steal that tech. What is use of your high IQ? If you can make products by stealing technologies only.
Götterdämmerung;2901614 said:
Americans must be low IQ since they have stolen considerable technologies from Germany. Not only in the aftermath of WWII but up until today openly via SWIFT and Echelon installations inside Germany.

US-Spionage gegen Europa - US espionage against Europe
US-Spionage gegen Europa - Club of Politics

please note, you are talking to indians. they got brainwashed by their government and media, they all believe they are a high tech nation.

i think you will find the west was WELL AHEAD of china when by the time they had ANYTHING to do with china at all lol

so think again
China and India - World's largest and richest Civilizations existing for several thousands of years history.
'nuff said.:wave:
So chinese got high IQ, and now they are using that high IQ for stealing others technology. What a BS. if chinese really has great IQ, they why china is dependant on russia for jet engines and arresters for aircraft carrier. because still you can't steal that tech. What is use of your high IQ? If you can make products by stealing technologies only.

dude, first of all, there is no doubt by the entire world that east asia people has the highest average IQ - that is basically three nations, Korea, Japan and China. basically the nations that use chopsticks to eat rice.

secondly, Chinese have their own engines, e.g. hundreds of J-11BS are fitted with WS-10A, J-10B is testing WS-10A, Z-10 use a Chinese engine, H-6 are using Chinese engine.

russian arresters for aircraft carriers? that is another proved BS.

oh, let's don't forget the best part: india import its bullets
Being the largest weapon importer with virtually no high tech indigenous weapon is indeed ashamed.

So Agni V and INS Arihant, Bramhos, HAL LCH developed by your Pa?

dude, first of all, there is no doubt by the entire world that east asia people has the highest average IQ - that is basically three nations, Korea, Japan and China. basically the nations that use chopsticks to eat rice.

secondly, Chinese have their own engines, e.g. hundreds of J-11BS are fitted with WS-10A, J-10B is testing WS-10A, Z-10 use a Chinese engine, H-6 are using Chinese engine.

russian arresters for aircraft carriers? that is another proved BS.

oh, let's don't forget the best part: india import its bullets

WS 10A, ha ha ha. . .So you are taking about the Russian
made AL-31FN. Copied by china.
China and India - World's largest and richest Civilizations existing for several thousands of years history.
'nuff said.:wave:

BS. show me something remotely comparable from your "civilization"

4000 years old:

2200 years old:

other than those indian porns, do you have anything remotely comparable to this:

the acheivement in arts, technology, science is simply not in the same scale.
So Agni V and INS Arihant, Bramhos, HAL LCH developed by your Pa?

you bloody liar.

Agni V is using Russian seeker. ICBM using foreign seeker is unheard of before Agni V
INS Arihant, which countries supplied its AESA radar? which country built its engine? shall we go on?
Bramhos is a russian weapon.
HAL LCH's engine?

please just admit: india couldn't even build a single processor required to control these weapons.

WS 10A, ha ha ha. . .So you are taking about the Russian
made AL-31FN. Copied by china.

:smokin: as already said again and again: india won't be able to build WS-10A even if China supplies it all blueprints.

you need very advanced material science to do it, your industry is about 30 years away from that.
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