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Chinese Agent Caught while Stealing F-22 stealth Technology.

Götterdämmerung;2915639 said:
China is already our biggest market outside the EU. That's a lot of friendship in my book. :)

trade & friendship are two different things. majority germans still have a negative view of china (as per pew research)
trade & friendship are two different things. majority germans still have a negative view of china (as per pew research)

So what? By the end of the day it's the economy, stupid. As long as there is money to be made, both nations have too much of mutal interests as to give ech other a hard day.

But gradually thing are changing as more and more people know that we are being manipulated by the Atlantic Bridge.

Just today there was an article concerning Al Jazeera. The article itself was bullocks as almost all comments were supportive of China's decision.

The most interesting comment came from an lder reader who has been to China many times and for the first time joined a tourist group just to know how it feels like to be a tourist in China.

Die Lügen über China glauben doch immer weniger
8. Mai 2012 - 14:18 — FD53

im März 2010 konnte ich Chima mal als Tourist in einer Reisegruppe erleben. Als wir auf einem Schiff auf einem bekannten Stausee unterwegs waren, hatten dann einige der Urlauber die Nase endgültig voll. "Wenn ich wieder daheim bin, werfe ich TV-Gerät und Radio aus dem Fenster und bestelle alle Zeitungen/Zeitschriften ab". Es war so mancher von den rund 200 Fahrgästen, die sich sehr verbittert und lautstark so äußerten. Andere zählten derweil die neu gebauten Werften und die vielen neuen Brücken, fast alle weit größer als das angeblich so tolle und noch neue deutsche Wunderwerk nach Rügen. Die Krönung erlebten wir dann in Peking. Wo wir im Hotel beim deutschen Auslandsfernsehen Aufnahmen vom "Platz am Tor zum himmlischen Frieden" sehen durften. Nur anders kommentiert, als leider dort selbst betroffen erlebt. Das deutsche TV hat nämlich an der Stelle Taschendiebe als Bürgerrechtler bezeichnet und die uns helfende Polizei als Büttel eines Unrechtsstaates.

My translation:

Less and less people are believing the lies about China

In March 2010, I was able to experience as a tourist with a travelling group. As we were on board a ship on a wellknown reservoir, some of the tourists were really fed up. "When I'm home, I will throw my TV set and radio out of the window and I will unsubscribe all newspapers and magazines." There were quite a few of the 200 odd passengers who expressed themselves with bitterness. Some others were counting the many new bridges and newly build dockyards, almost all of them bigger than the allegely great marvel of Rügen (from me: a new bridge). We experience the climax back in Beijing where we could watch footages of the Tian'anmen Square on German TV (from me: DW TV). But it was commented differently than how we were affected. the German TV has described the pickpockets as civil rights campaigners and the police who came to help us as lackey of an oppressive state.

Of course, there was immediately another commenting saying that he didn't see the real China as a tourists etc...

Here is how he responded:

8. Mai 2012 - 15:19 — FD53

Ich habe China in diesem (!) Fall als Tourist in einer Reisegruppe erlebt, weil ich mal wissen wollte, wie das eigene Erleben von China auf Touristen wirkt. Natürlich habe ich innerlich Beifall geklatscht, als dann in Peking zuerst 3 Angehörige unserer Reisegruppe auf dem Platz von Taschendieben bestohlen wurden, die Polizei hinterher hetzte und die Diebe stellte - und am nächsten Tag 8 Personen unserer Reisegruppe auf dem bekannten deutschen Auslands-TV Sender diese Bilder als Hetzjagd auf Bürgerrechtler gesehen haben. Eine größere Lügenblamage ist und war für das deutsche TV wohl nicht möglich. Übrigens, in China war ich erstmalig Ende Juni 1996 unterwegs.

I have experienced China in this(!) case as a tourist, because I wanted to know how my own experience have an effect on the tourists. Of course I had my inner applause when in Bejing three members of our group were pickpocked on the Square and the police rushed after them and caught them - and the next day eight persons of the travelling group saw on the wellknown German overseas TV the footages as a hunt after civic rights campaigners. A bigger disgrace of lies for the German TV was not possible. BTW, I was in China for the first time in 1996.

China weist ausländische Journalistin aus | meta.tagesschau.de
Götterdämmerung;2915770 said:
So what? By the end of the day it's the economy, stupid. As long as there is money to be made, both nations have too much of mutal interests as to give ech other a hard day.
your lengthy attempts at defending china are adorable :tup:

i prefer to go by credible research rather than a couple of comments on a forum. germany is still majority anti-china
Götterdämmerung;2915770 said:
But gradually thing are changing as more and more people know that we are being manipulated by the Atlantic Bridge.

ahh those evil US/UK manipulators, damn them.
your lengthy attempts at defending china are adorable :tup:

i prefer to go by credible research rather than a couple of comments on a forum. germany is still majority anti-china

ahh those evil US/UK manipulators, damn them.

Whatever floats your boat. :)
why wluld china steal f-22 design AFTER they have already built their own stealth aircraft and flying it?
why wluld china steal f-22 design AFTER they have already built their own stealth aircraft and flying it?
Dude, search around a bit, it was only after alleged stealing of the design could they build the J-20
Dude, search around a bit, it was only after alleged stealing of the design could they build the J-20

kiddo``where is the solid fact that J-20 was built on 'stolen' F-22 techs? WIKI? (just a bit more credible than Indian words)

```CAC has been working for J-20 for two decades started with J-9, and it is the sequential work.. and this so-called 'stealing' sensation was only around for few years, and your indian naivety believe anyone can build 5th gen for only few years?--well at end the day its not call-centers
. . .
kiddo``where is the solid fact that J-20 was built on 'stolen' F-22 techs? WIKI? (just a bit more credible than Indian words)

```CAC has been working for J-20 for two decades started with J-9, and it is the sequential work.. and this so-called 'stealing' sensation was only around for few years, and your indian naivety believe anyone can build 5th gen for only few years?--well at end the day its not call-centers
Why are you getting irritated, this is the reason I said 'alleged' stealing. As far as I remember you and I actually agreed that its fair to steal such tech through espionage.. dint we?
like how west used chinese technology for their age of discovery. shipbuilding technology, gunpowder technology, etc.

and india the great innovater dont need foreign technology.

this is espionage, every country that is good enough to do it, does it.
indians dont have the IQ to conduct intelligence. having a great military is all about knowing what technologies and capabilities your enemy has, then you analyse it and build countermeasures to it.

indians just proving your 85 IQ, no wonder you were colonized by the british for 200 years. with that low IQ, even africans could outsmart you indians.

infact they should be thankful to Russia.
. . .

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