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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

I stumbled across the no. 15 in the title, which is always most interesting, but it seems more likely related to the number of engine stages than the WS-15?!


= A design of a 15-stage aero engine with a thrust ratio, which uses a new principle turbine disc to greatly improve the single-stage boost ratio

Anyone with an idea what kind of engine this is?

I stumbled across the no. 15 in the title, which is always most interesting, but it seems more likely related to the number of engine stages than the WS-15?!

= A design of a 15-stage aero engine with a thrust ratio, which uses a new principle turbine disc to greatly improve the single-stage boost ratio
It just means the thrust-weight ratio is 15.
Ok, but thrust-weight ratio is 15 would hint towards the next generation engine or even a variable cycle type?
The TWR 15 engine should refer to the variable/adaptive cycle engine.
国产战机集结出阵!走进深山探秘钢铁战鹰的“心脏医院”!战斗机总装车间曝光大开眼界!「军迷行天下」20201007 | 军迷天下


China made fighters assembled! Exploring into the "heart hospital" of iron and steel Fighter Eagle! The exposure of fighter assembly workshop is an eye opener! | 20201007

The main content of this program: it is said that aeroengine is the heart of aircraft. Every major revolutionary progress made in the aviation field is closely related to the technological breakthrough and progress of aeroengine. How to repair the aeroengine, which is called the heart of an airplane, to return to the blue sky? As thin as hair parts processing, and to experience the unexpected technological process? This program goes into the deep of the "third line factory" to reveal the difficult past of the engine maintenance of the Fighter Eagle.
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