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Chinese Aero Engine information thread

From last year
It is true that one of the plants was on fire. But I didnt ask the details, it seems the fire was put out quickly.

Via the SDF:

siegecrossbow said:
Second fire was in the same industrial park as the engine plant but not in the engine plant itself. One of the guys from CJDBY asked his relative from the engine plant.
How credible is this article?
Not sure. A 16 tonne after-burning WS-10 would be really stretching the limits of the CFM-56 core IMO. But given the Chinese advances in gas turbine development it is certainly doable. The only question is whether there is a need for a 16 tonne WS-10 given the advent of a 18 tonne WS-15 in the near future. As far as I can tell, the 14.5 tonne WS-10IPE with TVC that is powering the next batch of J-20s should be enough of a stop gap until the WS-15 arrives. No need to further develop the WS-10 into 16 tonnes.
Not sure. A 16 tonne after-burning WS-10 would be really stretching the limits of the CFM-56 core IMO. But given the Chinese advances in gas turbine development it is certainly doable. The only question is whether there is a need for a 16 tonne WS-10 given the advent of a 18 tonne WS-15 in the near future. As far as I can tell, the 14.5 tonne WS-10IPE with TVC that is powering the next batch of J-20s should be enough of a stop gap until the WS-15 arrives. No need to further develop the WS-10 into 16 tonnes.
LAMO, if this trend continues we probably will see a more powerful WS10 than WS15's design spec before WS15 come out...
From a very old academic article dating back to 2007 basically showing a 16 tonne WS-10 is definitely feasible for the core. The thrust is listed at 155 kN here.
Excerpt #1:

“As long as they have to depend on Russian or STOLEN American/European technology to power fighter aircraft, their ability to build and maintain their fighters in operational status is under threat,” Douglas Royce, analyst of aircraft and aviation gas turbines at Forecast International says.

Excerpt #2:

In October 2018, an alleged Chinese intelligence officer was extradited to the USA to face criminal charges related to a scheme to steal trade secrets from leading US aviation companies, including GE Aviation. Court documents suggested the alleged theft targeted technology related to engine fan blades and "containment structures".

Excerpt #3:

The REQUIREMENT for Beijing to STEAL technology was highlighted as early as 2011 in a report from the Washington DC-based Institute for National Strategic Studies entitled Buy, Build, or Steal: China's Quest for Advanced Military Aviation Technologies. The report concluded that China would find it increasingly difficult to develop highly advanced aerospace technologies, and its traditional partner Russia is ever more wary of sharing technology owing to fear of intellectual property theft. This will force China to rely increasingly on espionage to obtain advanced capabilities.


I will focus on those excerpts.
What is the remarkable substance from this article, basically the "cream" of this writing, is its heavy accusation on China stealing the Engine technologies from the West.

WHAT are these institution/organization? Funding? Owner, controller? … WHY did their words carry some weight!?

- Institute for National Strategic Studies
- Forecast International

So, what is the verdict of the litigation case mentioned in Excerpt #2?

Basically the author fired many heavy accusations on China, but only this one came with the "hard proof" -- so how was the case at the end???

Logically one needs to be very critical, what was, and how did the said legal case develop in the USA.

Does any one have the following up story of this bold, heavy accusation, typical of the many US publications with ease on accusations on other countries, as reflecting the state of that nation, in fabricating the many landmark cases in the history. I will start from the few landmark cases as they are still vivid in my memories, as well as affecting the fate of nations, the livelihoods of many tens of millions of people -- although the worldwide cases involved the US false flag operations are indeed very long:

• Saddam Hussein's WMD;
• Muammar Gaddafi genocided Libyan people;
• Bashar al-Assad smashed the Syrian baby in incubators as well as launched chemical warfare against the "Syrian rebels" incl. the report manipulations by the OPCW; or
• the USA invaded Afghanistan to free the people of Afghanistan from "whatever" but after more than a decade what do we witness in Afghanistan??? Better life for the people there?? Improved prosperity under the US occupation? Really?? Or are we witnessing the surge of Opium growing there after the US removed the Taliban rulers??? :D:P

How many more lies and deceptions do we need to convince ourselves of their integrity, trustworthiness and infallibility?
All West is typical hypocritical liars. All USA technology is stolen from Germany including jet engine, rocket science, nuclear bomb etc etc. America is the biggest liar in the history of mankind.
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