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China’s Worst Nightmare ‘QUAD’ Becoming A Reality

I've long wondered if there's a mole in Zhongnanhai advising Xi, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Because if the goal was to alienate most other countries across the globe, and drive them closer together to oppose China, well, mission accomplished. This is yet one other respect in which Xi's policies are actually achieving the opposite of what the CCP presumably wanted.
The QUAD (excluding Japan.. they would have made no difference to the outcome) with the help of NATO, Russia and Iran was in joint military action in Afghanistan. They could not defeat the Taliban after 20 years of fighting. How will they perform against the PLA??

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The QUAD (excluding Japan.. they would have made no difference to the outcome) with the help of NATO, Russia and Iran was in joint military action in Afghanistan. They could not defeat the Taliban after 20 years of fighting. How will they perform against the PLA??

View attachment 665755
Wow comparing oceans to landlocked Afghanistan....

Very intelligent indeed...

Pla can't overstretch themselves so far as the quad can control. Pivot points will be Malacca straight
Wow comparing oceans to landlocked Afghanistan....

Very intelligent indeed...

Pla can't overstretch themselves so far as the quad can control. Pivot points will be Malacca straight
Australia, Japan and India import most of their oil needs. Their supply lines can be threatened as well. This is all keyboard strategizing. No shooting war between the USA and China will happen.
Wow comparing oceans to landlocked Afghanistan....

Very intelligent indeed...

Pla can't overstretch themselves so far as the quad can control. Pivot points will be Malacca straight

Please do that. That will make Gawadar absolutely vital for China if it wasn't already.

Happy days!
Taking the Indian issue aside
China having it's main allies in the world of north Korea Pakistan Iran is a testimony of their very bad image.

The free democracy of the world are in the other camp.

Nobody will fight for you but equipment. Spares and real.time intel.are crucial
such a joke,japanese economy and chinese economy are totally intertwined,japan will only support in mouth for hongkong protest like incidents to appease the western democracies ,they aren't joining any anti chinese coalition.
Kono taro will be weeded out.
Australia is just US's lapdog,it has no reason to cross china ,but can flip anytime with upcoming election though not that likely under the murdoch media's embargo,China is by far Australia's largest trading partner so there's some chance of policy reversal. But one shouldn't underestimate the racist western supremacists ideology of the anglo saxon nations that are extremely afraid of yellow peril,these are civilization with an ancient tribe like mindset under the cloak of modern democracy
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Taking the Indian issue aside
China having it's main allies in the world of north Korea Pakistan Iran is a testimony of their very bad image.

The free democracy of the world are in the other camp.

Nobody will fight for you but equipment. Spares and real.time intel.are crucial

That is strange. Not so long you were singing Iran and Chabahar every minute of the day. What happened? How did Iran end up in the Indian bad list?

LOL at free world and democracy certificate coming from an Indian. Just stop lynching and raping Muslims before handing out lectures. Free world and democracy sounds like a bad joke when uttered by you.

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