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China’s Worst Nightmare ‘QUAD’ Becoming A Reality

its absolutely disgusting, infact some one named moh is the leader of it and a whole race follows it. absolutely horrible
That is nothing compared to the billions of Indian pedophiles
I mean this is your favourite hobby
just curious, without firing a bullet how much a sqkm of Azad Kashmir did pakistan give china? you guys talk about masters

Just curious, without firing a bullet how much sqkm of Azad Kashmir did China give Pakistan? You guys talk about surrenders

Pakistan gained a bit more than China in sq km of area that no Pakistani had even set foot onto. This was of course in return for Pakistan approving Chinese permanent seat at the UN.
Just curious, without firing a bullet how much sqkm of Azad Kashmir did China give Pakistan? You guys talk about surrenders

Pakistan gained a bit more than China in sq km of area that no Pakistani had even set foot onto. This was of course in return for Pakistan approving Chinese permanent seat at the UN.

Aksi chin almost the size of Bhutan and little smaller than Switzerland. Dammit
Aksi chin almost the size of Bhutan and little smaller than Switzerland. Dammit

Duh, Pakistan has never claimed the area of Aksai Chin and people in that region don't have anything to do with Pakistan.

It's like saying Iranian and Afghan Balochistan also belong to Pakistan or Indian Punjab also belongs to Pakistan, something that Pakistanis have never claimed.
Duh, Pakistan has never claimed the area of Aksai Chin and people in that region don't have anything to do with Pakistan.

It's like saying Iranian and Afghan Balochistan also belong to Pakistan or Indian Punjab also belongs to Pakistan, something that Pakistanis have never claimed.

ok i got you, so pakistan doesn't claim the whole of Kashmir.
Notice how this news only ever comes out of Indian sources who are weird, prolific liars and terrorist supporters.

Literally almost every Western media source was balanced in their reporting on the Galwan fighting, I can't even recall one major news source that sided with India.

China is one of Japan's two largest trading partners and with Abenomics failing as Abe resigns the next Japanese PM is going to have a hell of a time trying to rescue the economy than fighting with China. I also don't think anyone on here actually realizes how strong anti-war sentiment is in Japan, the large majority aren't going to sign onto a US lead war against China.

Don't count on the US for support either. The war weary US public isn't going to sign onto it not after spending $2 Trillion on their wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East which may possibly increase to $6.4 Trillion USD after debts and long term obligations are fulfilled:
20 Years of War: A cost of war research series

China is Australia's largest trading partner, the latter is one of the few countries that has a trade surplus with China, and Indians actually think the Australians are going to jeopardize that relationship?

Neither Japan nor Australia want to see harm come to China that would disrupt their own individual economies the same is true for the US.

So then you have this nonsense about moving the global supply chain out of China which the Bank of America estimates would cost about $1 Trillion USD for US and EU companies to repatriate manufacturing back to their home countries. I don't see this happening unless China kicks them out or there are significant cost savings through automation and shortened time to market through local manufacturing that can be justified to shareholders. This isn't achievable moving manufacturing to India so what importance does India even serve except as a meat shield?

"But what about Covid19 supply chain disruptions?"

Does anyone actually think any of the multitude of companies operating in China want to move back to the EU or US, let alone India, considering how abominable their Covid19 responses are?

India is desperate, this imaginary QUAD is all they have left.

This has already been covered in an article linked below:
The delusion of India trying to throttle China's maritime trade

Terrorists never learn.

17 Years, a library in Afghanistan no one uses and 2 shipments of wheat through Chabahar happened.

It's always a bilateral issue for India until they get their *** kicked and then run to the US and UN for support.
I think you haven't read the article properly.
It doesn't mention how china can defend its lanes of shipping at all!

It only speaks about IN inability to interdict those lanes during peace times, or during conflicts (without any data backing)

Article claims that indian shipping will be affected in west Pacific. By whom exactly that can happen??

China as on date lacks such power projection during waar times
Australia, Japan and India import most of their oil needs. Their supply lines can be threatened as well. This is all keyboard strategizing. No shooting war between the USA and China will happen.
Fyi, indian oil comes from Arabian sea lines, Australia from ior japan from America if war comes...
The only challanger india has in Arabian sea is PN
Fyi, indian oil comes from Arabian sea lines, Australia from ior japan from America if war comes...
The only challanger india has in Arabian sea is PN
USA can't even meet its own needs with local oil production. Its fantasy to assume US shale will save the "QUAD" if the Arabian Sea is shut down.
The QUAD (excluding Japan.. they would have made no difference to the outcome) with the help of NATO, Russia and Iran was in joint military action in Afghanistan. They could not defeat the Taliban after 20 years of fighting. How will they perform against the PLA??

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How long did Taliban hold onto Kabul once the invasion begun?
How long did Taliban hold onto Kabul once the invasion begun?
Moving the goal post. Taliban control large parts of Afghanistan despite USA/Australia/India's stated military objective to eradicate them. Taliban military objective is to resist foreign military presence...which they accomplished. "Quad's" first military outing was a failure.
Moving the goal post. Taliban control large parts of Afghanistan despite USA/Australia/India's stated military objective to eradicate them. Taliban military objective is to resist foreign military presence...which they accomplished. "Quad's" first military outing was a failure.
India wasn't even involved. Not that India would have made a difference. But Pakistan was part of the offensive by providing bases and logistics. So are you saying Pakistan failed there?

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