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China's World: Philippines Looks to Revive U.S. Naval Base

Its nothing to do with content, but the fact you can't communicate properly using english, which is a nice comedic touch for us readers.

Wow same thing for me too! I find your lack of everything real very funny too good for your kind and me then.
Ok whatever just give it a rest already because you replied that means you understand my post so why be woman about it then?

First of all, there are some sentences that don't require punctuations to understand, while others require it. Since when did using a brain change someone's gender? In fact, since when did being a woman become an insult?

By the way, I had to read this post three times to understand it.
First of all, there are some sentences that don't require punctuations to understand, while others require it. Since when did using a brain change someone's gender? In fact, since when did being a woman become an insult?

By the way, I had to read this post three times to understand it.

man your slow i mean stop making small things bigger not actual woman
I do but you dont need to be grammar nazi about it

I'm not being a grammar nazi, I'm simply asking you rewrite a comment I can't understand. How is that being a grammar nazi?
I'm not being a grammar nazi, I'm simply asking you rewrite a comment I can't understand. How is that being a grammar nazi?

Well you responded it simply means you understood it and yet you over look it and try to correct it so again Grammar Nazi that how anyway lets give it a rest i just be a bigger man here and end this its pointless lets just go back in the topic at had shall we? if its ok with you?
Well you responded it simply means you understood it and yet you over look it and try to correct it so again Grammar Nazi that how anyway lets give it a rest i just be a bigger man here and end this its pointless lets just go back in the topic at had shall we? if its ok with you?

Like I said be there are somethings that are understandable and some not. For example, in this comment of yours;

try to correct it so again Grammar Nazi that how anyway lets give it a rest

I don't understand.

But if you INSIST, then I'll just leave it and move on.

Good bye.
Like I said be there are somethings that are understandable and some not. For example, in this comment of yours;

I don't understand.

But if you INSIST, then I'll just leave it and move on.

Good bye.

good then :cheers: back to topic then?
Sure, why not?

Good ok Going back on topic as i said earlier US forces will be staying on Filipino bases (yes we have some great facilities Ft Magsaysay is an example) so this so called revival is nothing but propaganda by the imperials on a other note they here only on rotational bases meaning they can't stay too long and to train Philippine Military personnel and other military exchanges and exercise and of course to fulfill the Mutual defense treaty.
It sounds like a prostitute saying that I have a long time hooker...
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