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China's War Plans For India

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India people to choose their leader? You know nothing of basics of social science and democracy. According to your absurdity, Indian people choose the leader that lead the country to murder 2 mil of their own kids a year? :tdown:

Be sane! :devil:

Well I would say just two mn today,'cause 10 years back it was 4 mn.So Indian leaders have saved 2mn and would save another two mn in the next decade,but u are free to harp on the same rant even then.Though I sicerely hope that ur 50 cents gang has been promoted to at leat 60 cent gang by then by ur big daddy.

---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ----------

Only 1 thing India cann suppress China for NO.1 very soon - Population :smokin:

In that too.
there is news for u ,India is the largets democracy.with more than 600mn voters.r u suggesting that these voters have been dropping from the sky.U sure are one jerk of highest lunacy.

Hunder and poverty doesn't make good electorates. People will just vote with their stomach instead of weight the value of policies and the integrity of candidates. I think many Indians, include you, had drank the British cool-aide. Do you think the British democracy and parlimentary system was created over night and the people naturally become accostom to it?

India actually need a strongman to lead Indians out of poverty.
China is not the sole global power. US is the sole global power and will be so for the forseable future.

Every country has poor and destitute. But India's poor is perpetual by Hindu religious belief. Also, you miss a "0" or two beside the word "20". Please check your spelling before you post. Thanks

That's harsh, maximum 30-40 years.
China is not the sole global power. US is the sole global power and will be so for the forseable future.

Every country has poor and destitute. But India's poor is perpetual by Hindu religious belief. Also, you miss a "0" or two beside the word "20". Please check your spelling before you post. Thanks

No indias poor have nothing to do with Hinduism.Worlds top two of top 5 richest people are also Hindus.And no I dis not miss any zeroes.
there is news for u ,India is the largets democracy.with more than 600mn voters.r u suggesting that these voters have been dropping from the sky.U sure are one jerk of highest lunacy.

Leave him. He doesn't know India is having the youngest population in the world. he keeps copy pasting words criminal, poverty etc etc in each posts. He doesnt know India is producing most number of graduates , even his obama mama has acknowledged this time and again. He will keep on babbling the same s@#t again and again.

He calls India murder capital when real statistics are:

Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country

United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people
India:0.0344083 per 1,000 people

Not to tell the murders of innocent civilians in the name of war.

Murders (per capita) statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

Also the homicide rate of US is 5.9 where in the case of India it is 5.5 per 100,000 pop.
No indias poor have nothing to do with Hinduism.Worlds top two of top 5 richest people are also Hindus.And no I dis not miss any zeroes.

But India also have the biggest proportions of people under poverty. Despite that China has a bigger population, there is more starvation and destitute in India vs China. As India develops, there will be more rich people but the number of poor will continue to grow. its a vicious cycle called poverty that will keep India down.
Perhaps China does execute more its CRIMINAL citizens than any other countries. I couldn’t believe that you handicapped brain would actually condemn a thing that worthy hailing.

This is precisely why India is a murder capital of the world. This is because all your criminals are roaming freely on the street to find a pray, and 30% of your parliament members are criminal as well.

As a result, you have 2 million fewer diapers to change every year.

Restriction of birth was a policy mostly phased out in China. Moreover, it is not murder of children, such as 2 mils in number, and yet no criminals are put under punishment. Incredible!

Thats why China will always be the most hated country of all time.From ur neighbours to the west ,everyone is apprehensive of ur evil designs shrouded in secrecy.a nation which sees no merit in its citizen after it has made on mistake and decides to take his life ,which it does not have the power to give it back.These are outright mafia policies.Therefore CPC is the largest mafia gang which ever inhabited the face of this earth.A grwat nation like India believes in human reforms through parting learning and not in killing .The chinese have no respect for life and thats why they are the biggest barbarian state to reside in the modern anthopological history.
Sounds like India indeed was not a nation until 1947. Prior to that, India is a civilization with many states. If India was not a country and has nothing prior to 1947, than the country of India can make claim only with treaties and agreements it make with other countries after 1947. Anything prior to that is null and void.

you should indeed be proud of India's acheivement after 1947 as its a young nation.Congraduations for all the achievements.

No need to post troll is your post related to the topic???????????

BTW, talk about your own country Taiwan. is it still a independent country your neighbor china claims it as its part.
You are so hilarious that you’ve descended to a lunatic stage.

Basic fact tells that PRC was established in 1949, India was independent in 1947.

You find a lot of pretexts to excuses India’s from this and from that, don’t your feeble brain ever thought that PRC has 2 year less time than yours to establish itself? Even so, don’t your week mind ever thought China has achieved much much more than you in general? :cheesy:

Ur comparision is not logical.The CPC government is a mafia dictatorship,which can order the slaves loke u to do the work or u will be shot dead.Its not like in free societies like India.Period.
My hands? I haven't voted your murderous politicians.

We have problems in this country, we never deny that. But we don't murder our kids. Period!

YEah u dont murder ur kids ,u first allow them to grow then kill them after they have collected in TIanmen square.This is worse than barbarianism which the britishers have done to the chinese.
in any war, CJ-10s, DF-21s and HN-3s launched from H-6 bombers based in inner mongolia would paralyze indian command and control within hours.

WS-2 can bombard new delhi from askai chin.

JH-7's, J-8s and Su-30s equipped with antiradiation missiles escorted by J-10s and J-11s under the command of KJ-2000s will annihilate all indian SAM sites and destroy most of the indian air force on the ground.

after air supremacy is achieved over northern india, 500,000 soldiers from chengdu and lanzhou military regions backed by 2000 tanks can roll right into the ganges plain and take control of new delhi. when the indian government surrenders, it can have all its territory back except for the lands stolen from us in the past, and it will merely pay a small fine on the tune of several trillion dollars, to be paid for in oil, gold and natural resources, for all damage caused by its aggression in the past.

Cool.. In the meantime I bet Bangladesh could negotiate with China to split entire NE between BD and China. Bangladesh could retain all the Bengali inhabitated area and China could retain the rest. Also Pakistan could keep the entire Kashmir. And Shikh and Tamil could be given a choice whether to have their own Country or to join newly independent downsized India. Yet, India should be barred from developing any offensive force for the next 50 years.

But India also have the biggest proportions of people under poverty. Despite that China has a bigger population, there is more starvation and destitute in India vs China. As India develops, there will be more rich people but the number of poor will continue to grow. its a vicious cycle called poverty that will keep India down.

Believe me its just a hype that we are having poverty and all . Just made up news in media so that we can have some aid money to buy few things. Otherwise all are having plenty of food and food supply is surplus.have nt you heard news like India sending rice and food items to UN missions etc etc.
We pay media well to announce there is poverty and starvation etc etc so that people like you can have something to say whenever a debate comes up.
Please keep this in mind , its between you and me .. its our sweet little secret okay?/:cheers:
seems the Indian members here have no clue about china at all. just a few things

1 child policy, applied only to Han Chinese and it allows you to have as many children as you want, but you must pay a tax if you want more than one as a way to prove you can support then i suppose. this way people are discouraged to have many kids and thus saves our population from starvation and overpopulation and even the environment.

2. china does not have direct national elections, no country does but elections dont matter if your leaders are good, the Chinese leaders since Deng have consistently raise living standards, made the people richer, the country stronger and you know what many independent sources have confirm that rating for those chinese leaders are very high amongst the chinese people. so what is your problem with it if most of the Chinese people are happy? no one asked you to copy us.

3. dictators don't exists in china, national leaders are removed every 12 years after which they are actively discourage from interfering with the new generation.

4. you CAN get away with say a TON of bad stuff about the CCP

5. the borders between india and china is illegal in china eyes because india is living off a british past, a treaty drawn up between Britain and Tibet which even the British at the time admit is not a country, also to add injure to insult Britain has admitted that the line is illegal as well yet India refuses to accept this, so if we say its illegal and britain says its illegal who r u to say its fair when you didn't even have anything to do with the process?
Wow, bharati got to be kidding me. Per capita, Singapore executes far more people than China.

What do you consider mistakes? Murder isn't even a guarenteed death penalty anymore, the only death penalty guarenteed crimes now are corruption resulting in death, drug dealing, human trafficking, serial murder, gang rape, and special cases of murder like destroying the body, rape and murder or attempting to resist arrest. If India had the laws we had, human scum like traffickers, drug dealers, serial murders and gang rapists would not be roaming india's streets.
Cool.. In the meantime I bet Bangladesh could negotiate with China to split entire NE between BD and China. Bangladesh could retain all the Bengali inhabitated area and China could retain the rest. Also Pakistan could keep the entire Kashmir. And Shikh and Tamil could be given a choice whether to have their own Country or to join newly independent downsized India. Yet, India should be barred from developing any offensive force for the next 50 years.


yaa and gujarat will be given to ghana, kerala will be given to kazhakistan , andra will be given to austria, rajastan to rwanda , since their names starts in same letter . hahahaha :bounce::bounce::bounce:
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