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China's War Plans For India

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Only myopic and brainwashed persons would perceive as you do… if you can read Chinese, you’ll find how many people curse CPC members/corrupted officials in a much cruel way than yours.

In addition, China has different election than yours… BTW, does your type of election prevent 2 million children from dying every year? Or rather, it put 2 million children on death rope every year? :disagree:

BTW again, notorious performance of your system, albeit copy/pasted from UK, gives a bad name to democracy. :tdown:

And you are an American!!! Some people are ashamed of their own nationality!!! Very sad!! :blah:

Atleast in India people are allowed to choose their leaders and vote but in your country they are not even allowed to have more than one child!!! :what:
And you are an American!!! Some people are ashamed of their own nationality!!! Very sad!! :blah:

So he decided move to Afghanistan, denying his homeland. In deed very sad.

Atleast in India people are allowed to choose their leaders and vote but in your country they are not even allowed to have more than one child!!! :what:

India people to choose their leader? You know nothing of basics of social science and democracy. According to your absurdity, Indian people choose the leader that lead the country to murder 2 mil of their own kids a year? :tdown:

Be sane! :devil:
So he decided move to Afghanistan, denying his homeland. In deed very sad.

India people to choose their leader? You know nothing of basics of social science and democracy. According to your absurdity, Indian people choose the leader that lead the country to murder 2 mil of their own kids a year? :tdown:

Be sane! :devil:

Are you on pot or what? Do read what you write or its just that you lack basic common sense and level of understanding, as you cross all limits of absurdity cum sanity with ease?:rofl:
I thought this article is about India's perception of China's war plan for India? I dont' think the topic has been mentioned in the last 8 pages.
So he decided move to Afghanistan, denying his homeland. In deed very sad.

India people to choose their leader? You know nothing of basics of social science and democracy. According to your absurdity, Indian people choose the leader that lead the country to murder 2 mil of their own kids a year? :tdown:

Be sane! :devil:

first, look at your hands,how dirty they are...you people are the murderer of millions of innocent lives ...Plz do not ask us to learrn yours type of social science and Democracy...:wave:
first, look at your hands,how dirty they are...you people are the murderer of millions of innocent lives ...Plz do not ask us to learrn yours type of social science and Democracy...:wave:

Americans believe that using the bomb in heroshima and nagasaki is the correct action as it brought the war to an end. If US and Russia didn't force their way into Germany, many more would die in the concerntration camp. US is fight two wars to keep American safe. 3,000 civilians die in Sep 11,2001. Its the reponsibility of the US government to ensure that this does not happen again. Just like its Indian governments responsibility that the Bombay attack is not repeated. I understand and support India when India want to fight terrorist. That is why I believe US should supply weapons to any country that want to be free from terror.
Americans believe that using the bomb in heroshima and nagasaki is the correct action as it brought the war to an end. If US and Russia didn't force their way into Germany, many more would die in the concerntration camp. US is fight two wars to keep American safe. 3,000 civilians die in Sep 11,2001. Its the reponsibility of the US government to ensure that this does not happen again. Just like its Indian governments responsibility that the Bombay attack is not repeated. I understand and support India when India want to fight terrorist. That is why I believe US should supply weapons to any country that want to be free from terror.

ok ,you gavee a fine example of american philosophy,,,..Bro am not talking abt hiroshima and nagasaki...and BTW ask the victims of that bombing,..whether it was correct or not? and he(gpit) was trying to teach the meaning.of democracy and social science to India..,which is ,infact, Largest democacy in world...See friend Odds are everywhere,so as in India..but...it is coping well with its all problems...Just put yourself in this Situation, "A country...hardly 63 years of Independence,with continuous growth in economy, pressure of External and Internal threats(terrorism and Naxalism) to its existence and democracy.., growing Military power..still defeating all odds and making its presence on world map...Bro, its easy to make comment on others...But very difficult to judge himself...
First of all, I answered to your SEAD attacks in your post, where IAF has pretty much the same capabilities as PLAAF has, because of mainly the same weapons of Russian origin.

Second, both the types and the numbers of BVR missile launching platforms india has is much lower (Su-30 only) than ours (J-8, J-10, J-11). In addition, India has no air to air versions of anti radiation missiles while we have the YJ-91, making India's AWACs much more vulnerable.

Third, India's best anti radiation missile is the Kh-31 with a range of 110 km, which is just within the range of S-300 PMU1. The probability of a successful attack by india on our SAMs is much lower than that of ours.

There are some flaws in your theory!
IAF at the moment has around 300 BVR capable Mig 21 Bisons, Mig 29 and Su 30s (all able to use R77), so 3 times more than you believe and the number will nearly double in the next 3-5 years. PLAAF in theory of course has more in numbers, but can't use them all against India and leave northern, or eastern borders open for intruders. So the numbers that PLAAF could send against India will hardly be in a ratio of 2:1 (at the moment and counting mainly Su 27/30, J11 and J10). Only Su 30 MKK and J11B a real multi role fighters with enough strike capabilities, while Su 27, earlier J11 and the actual J10A are mainly for air superiority, which reduces the numbers of platforms for SEAD, or ground strikes again.

Coming to the weapons, SEAD does not mean destroying the radars with anti-radiation missiles only, but also detecting SAMs and destroying the missiles directly with low level strikes for example. The French are proving how good this taktic is with their Mirage and new Rafale fighters in combination with AASM these days.
Also on the one hand you say India has no anti-radiation missile, on the other hand you admit that we indeed have the Kh 31, which is the base of your YJ91 right?
YJ 91 might have slightly more range, but that doesn't mean much, because the platform that will deliver the missile, will be detected by IAF AWACS nearly at twice the range that the missile has, which makes the fighter much more vulnarable than our SAMs, let alone our AWACS that will be guarded by fighters too.

That is exactly what I told you before, with A50 Phalcons and KJ 2000 AWACS on both sides, surprises are not really likely, not to mention the BARS radar on MKIs. PLAAF fighters will be detected within Chinese air space, which gives IAF enough time to react with fighters, or ground defense and that's why getting air superiority over India will be way more difficult than you believe.

Fourth, india has a geographical disadvantage. In any war, northern india immediately becomes a battlefield, while China's major population centers are 2000 km away.
I agree and this agree here!
As I said in my last post, India don't has offensive capabilities to attack China yet, because most of them are under development only and the important targets are in the east.
But on the other hand in terms of defending our country, it is not a necessarily a disadvantage to have smaller distances only!
While Chinese force has do be transported over big distances to the borders, Indian forces instead can be moved way faster and Indian fighters, or missiles can attack supply routes, or infrastructure behind enemy borders too.

No doubt that Chinas missiles will be the major threat for India in a hypothetical war, but missile attacks alone won't let you win right? Air superiority like the US often had in their wars, can't be achieved like that, because IAF has more than enough fighters for defense and moreover, they are as capable as PLAAF fighters and there won't be a technological advantage, like the US had. Combine these with the good ground defense, the number of tanks, missiles and man power we have too, you have to admit, that even with numerical edge of Chinese forces, India won't be an easy target!

Also don't forget another major point too, while IAF and IA have to defend the land borders, IN most likely will block the shipping routes to the east, especially for oil! PLAN might have many vessels, but not a single carrier that can be deployed in the Indian Ocean, or the Bay of Bengal, which means IN only have to fear Chinese subs, while they block the Strait of malacca for example.

Supplies and supply routes are key points in war times and can change things completely. In WW2 German tanks and ground force headed too fast towards Russia, that their supply routes were over streched and many of their tanks couldn't be used because of the lack of fuel.
When the oil supply from the Africa was cut off, German Luftwaffe had not enough fuel for fighters to protect their air space from British and US bombers.
The Japanese attack in Pearl Harbor was mainly aimed on USN vessels, but if it was aimed on the fuel supply and the fuel tanks that was there for the whole USN Pacific Fleet, it would have hit the USN way harder and things would have gone different.

So yes, that many main Indian cities are in the north and would be easy targets for Chinese missiles is a problem and a geographical disadvantage , but on the other hand, the shorter distance will put our forces in a logistical advantage and the stratigic location in the Indian Ocean will be very important to limit Chinese supplies.
Only myopic and brainwashed persons would perceive as you do… if you can read Chinese, you’ll find how many people curse CPC members/corrupted officials in a much cruel way than yours.

In addition, China has different election than yours… BTW, does your type of election prevent 2 million children from dying every year? Or rather, it put 2 million children on death rope every year? :disagree:

BTW again, notorious performance of your system, albeit copy/pasted from UK, gives a bad name to democracy. :tdown:

Wouldn't that be China's copyright infragmentation of copying? :lol:
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So he decided move to Afghanistan, denying his homeland. In deed very sad.

India people to choose their leader? You know nothing of basics of social science and democracy. According to your absurdity, Indian people choose the leader that lead the country to murder 2 mil of their own kids a year? :tdown:

Be sane! :devil:

China executes more of its own citizens than whole world combined. Not to mention CCP infamous organ trade and Nuclear tests that led to death of many chinese citizens led by your leaders.

In India, married couples (specially poor ones) have more than 2 kids that can strech upto 10. Indian govt is not responsible if 8 kids die due to inability of parents to nourish them.

China restricts Parents to have more than 1 kid, India (or better call nature) makes them learn the hard way. Fate of Kids and family planing lies in citizens and thats called empowerment.

So forward my message to commies next time they arrive to change your diapers.
China executes more of its own citizens than whole world combined. Not to mention CCP infamous organ trade and Nuclear tests that led to death of many chinese citizens led by your leaders.

In India, married couples (specially poor ones) have more than 2 kids that can strech upto 10. Indian govt is not responsible if 8 kids die due to inability of parents to nourish them.

China restricts Parents to have more than 1 kid, India (or better call nature) makes them learn the hard way. Fate of Kids and family planing lies in citizens and thats called empowerment.

So forward my message to commies next time they arrive to change your diapers.

Only 1 thing India cann suppress China for NO.1 very soon - Population :smokin:
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So he decided move to Afghanistan, denying his homeland. In deed very sad.
Just like many here!!! But we are not ashamed of our homeland like you!!!

India people to choose their leader? You know nothing of basics of social science and democracy.

So now the CPC started democracy courses?

According to your absurdity, Indian people choose the leader that lead the country to murder 2 mil of their own kids a year? :tdown:

Be sane! :devil:

Your taste is very low!!! I don't expect better from you. No people murder his/her own child but you cannot understand that. I can give a similar answer for you regarding China but I should not. Look at you, there are many guys here talking for their respective countries but you are the only one who is ashamed of your nationality! I feel really sorry, not for you but for your country! Good bye!
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Eh? Could you elaborate?

BTW, what happened the last time when someone said "I hate you" to Paramount Leader Hu Jintao?

No one knows because you will never see him again!!! Like he never existed.

BTW I am a strong supporter of India-China neighborly relation, not very friendly not like enemy but it will let both of us to concentrate on economy. I think our leaders working on it. But China should take the first step, they should stop trying to encircle India and supplying free weapons to India's neighbors.
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