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China's War Plans For India

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Wow, please teach us the basics. How can we save those 2 mn children from being murdured? Let me guess - by killing their parents before they conceive, right. And Chinese people dont choose their leaders who kill them. So, you cant be blamed for whatever evil your Govt do. I understand your sentiments man. We should not blame people of China for what Chinese Govt does, coz they have no role to play in Govt functioning.


Your IQ is getting from low to that of sub-insects'. Try to get it tested... It's unprecedented and is qualified for Guinness...
I know you are literate. You can read and write and type too. But being brainwashed and mentally chained ( you have posted many times that Indians killl their 2 million children).

You have still not responded to be query dude. Who kills these 2 million children:-
1) Indian Government
2) Indian People
3) Poverty and disease
4) Earthquake
5) etc etc


Mentally chained? You are actaully mentally enslaved! You can't even click and read the link I provided where there are ready answers to you:

Reuters AlertNet - Happy birthday India! Sorry 2 million children will miss the celebration: Save the Children

New Delhi, 13 August: As India celebrates its 63nd year as a free nation, Save the Children reminds the nation not to forget the children who died and calls on Government to do more. India made commitments to reduce infant mortality by 2/3 by 2015 but we are lagging dangerously behind delivering on the promises. ...

Be due diligent and try to do more by yourself.
Mentally chained? You are actaully mentally enslaved! You can't even click and read the link I provided where there are ready answers to you:

Be due diligent and try to do more by yourself.

Dude - So this is what you term as India kills its 2M children. For a second I thought that Indian Govt line our kids ( the way it haapned / happnes in China) and shoot them.


Go back to school and learn to express well. If English is not your mother tongue, write in Mandarin. We love mandarin scripts and no matter what you write, looking at your name, we will know immediately that you are writing that India kills its 2 million children.:coffee:

I will write about what I know about China from Chinese studenst tomorrow. Giving you time to seek permission from your Communist Party to read my post. :toast_sign:
Chinese opium? We only know Indian opium sold to China.

Those who are under influence simply couldn’t believe how some Americans view India. So pitiful and pathetic!

It’s high time for you deluded to put your bony head out of sands to view the whole world and to hear what the world is viewing you!

I have some Indian Americans friends. They are very sane people with deep perspective of their own system. Some opinions I voiced here are actually theirs that I think are right.

While I still have many reservations about communism, some of them just embrace it whole heartedly with such a crotchety...

We are indeed indebted to you for you very deep and thoughtful insight. Good, bad or ugly, India is the nation of Indians. We are aware of all good and the not-so-good facets of our system. We will cure our beloved nation of all that it ails from. May take a few generations, but we will do it. Meaningless posts from the likes of you aimed at highlighting the ills in the Indian society are totally unwelcome because they are done with the sole intention of belittling our nation and earning cheap popularity from other cheap and like minded members.

Every society has its shortcomings. So do the Chinese or the Pakistani societies. Let not the Americans sit on any moral high horse pretending to be superior. We all know what the American society is like. Lesser said about it the better. Do the Americans know what Indians think of them? You talk like Americans are bloody Gods!! Do they know that the whole world laughs at them and calls them Ugly Americans?

It is not that the Indians you find on this forum are not sane or do not have a perspective on their society. The aggression that you see here is the natural outcome of the hostility found on this forum. I for one do not know of any way other than aggression to fight naked hostility.
Hmmm Interesting. If true, it would provide Pakistan with a perfect time to attack and get Kashmir back.

After that attack fails you will claim that you were only supporting the righteous China against evil India aggressor and you have won the war because India did not capture Pakistan. Dream on.
.... Meaningless posts from the likes of you aimed at highlighting the ills in the Indian society are totally unwelcome because they are done with the sole intention of belittling our nation and earning cheap popularity from other cheap and like minded members.


Nay, you take me wrong.

Each and every post illustrating dark side of India by me is a response to a post accusing China meaninglessly. My post only serves as a mirror for those bashers: why don’t you look at the freaking image of yourself in the mirror.

I always think India is a great country, but, unfortunately, it was first devastated by UK, then by Indian politicians themselves who are deeply influenced/brainwashed by western propaganda. (BTW, it’s still puzzling to me why so many Indians worship UK.)

BTW again, I believe American domestic policies are the best in comparison with either India's or China's, though not without defects. That is perhaps why we have 200,000 Indian illegal immigrants and 150,000 Chinese illegal immigrants here, because America is in deed on higher ground. I do have a problem with many American foreign policies, though.
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You are so hilarious that you’ve descended to a lunatic stage.

Basic fact tells that PRC was established in 1949, India was independent in 1947.

You find a lot of pretexts to excuses India’s from this and from that, don’t your feeble brain ever thought that PRC has 2 year less time than yours to establish itself? Even so, don’t your week mind ever thought China has achieved much much more than you in general? :cheesy:

hey dude!!! whatever China has achieved is nothing to do with India, and wherever india lacks is not a problem for china and their natives...So take it easy..and dont worry about your neighbours...Just mind your business ...:smokin:
My hands? I haven't voted your murderous politicians.

We have problems in this country, we never deny that. But we don't murder our kids. Period!

OKKK am not going to remind you the whole incidence of..Tiananmen Square massacre

every year 3000 tiananmen squares happen to innocent children in india. the world remains silent.

killing 400 rioters once: big massacre
killing 2 million children per year: just a statistic brushed off with "democracy"
every year 3000 tiananmen squares happen to innocent children in india. the world remains silent.

killing 400 rioters once: big massacre
killing 2 million children per year: just a statistic brushed off with "democracy"

Killing millions across Tibet and Xinjiang...and humar right activists just a utter devilishness brushed off by CCP... and 50 cent...

sometine someone's brother, sometimes's sister, father, mother anyone.... just dont know will be shot in head at any moment....as per the whim and fancy of CCP....

Your IQ is getting from low to that of sub-insects'. Try to get it tested... It's unprecedented and is qualified for Guinness...

This is all what you can say form your IQ if billion + ?
I feel "G-PITTY" on you.
Carry on your rhetoric. I dont want to come down to your level.

BTW, reported your post for personal attack.
Killing millions across Tibet and Xinjiang...and humar right activists just a utter devilishness brushed off by CCP... and 50 cent...

sometine someone's brother, sometimes's sister, father, mother anyone.... just dont know will be shot in head at any moment....as per the whim and fancy of CCP....

even if, god forbid, every tibetan was killed right now it would take india only 300 days to catch up in number of deaths of children.

but since there are obviously still tibetans out there, india should be proud of the one thing it has better than china: death rates.

every day 6000 children in india die. that is 4 children per minute. by the time i have completed this post, 8 indian children have died.
even if, god forbid, every tibetan was killed right now it would take india only 300 days to catch up in number of deaths of children.

but since there are obviously still tibetans out there, india should be proud of the one thing it has better than china: death rates.

every day 6000 children in india die. that is 4 children per minute. by the time i have completed this post, 8 indian children have died.

That's a sad reality indeed. No-one can deny it.
But tell me, how China's military war plans will improve this situation? It seems China wants to join in to kill more children and adults too.
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even if, god forbid, every tibetan was killed right now it would take india only 300 days to catch up in number of deaths of children.

but since there are obviously still tibetans out there, india should be proud of the one thing it has better than china: death rates.

every day 6000 children in india die. that is 4 children per minute. by the time i have completed this post, 8 indian children have died.

China with all its technological developement,as they are trying so hard to believe is still ahead of India in death rate
source-Death rate - Country Comparison

Whereas in infant mortality rate is concerned India is at 30/1000 and china is at 20/1000 which is way higher than singapores 2/1000 deaths.So this means the propaganda fed infested chinese members attempt to create the impression of china at the most advanced nation and India at the bottom of the heap is nothing but the 50 cents gang members brief given to them,which they are following in all earnesty.Or they will be shot by their big dady's gang.
By the time I finished post 13 chinese infants had met their creator.
China with all its technological developement,as they are trying so hard to believe is still ahead of India in death rate
source-Death rate - Country Comparison

Whereas in infant mortality rate is concerned India is at 30/1000 and china is at 20/1000 which is way higher than singapores 2/1000 deaths.So this means the propaganda fed infested chinese members attempt to create the impression of china at the most advanced nation and India at the bottom of the heap is nothing but the 50 cents gang members brief given to them,which they are following in all earnesty.Or they will be shot by their big dady's gang.
By the time I finished post 13 chinese infants had met their creator.

chinese illusions crashing:taz:
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