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China's new IFV!


May 28, 2011
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United States
United States
China Defense Blog: Photo of the day: New tracked IFV with bolted armor

More pics on the link.

That's the ZBD-08 with bolted armor
New isn't relevant. The fact that China is steadily developing and producing their land vehicles only means more evidence to the progress of the evolution of the PLA.

But yes, it's not a revolution and it, in comparison to vehicles of it's class, is not "noting new".
Only American's in the world has right to develop anything including weapons.......rest other countries don't.
Only American's in the world has right to develop anything including weapons.......rest other countries don't.

Well USA is world police, which world never need them. They economic turmoils so they go here and there pick on weak countries.
Do not worry, Indians will have plenty of opportunities to see it from up close and below.
Last time we had a war with them was 50 years ago, so no they won't.

Not gonna pretend I have good depth perception, but I'd wager that those frontal plates on the lower glacis are 25 mm thick steel, probably HHS or SHS, and the plates on the side of the hull are maybe 10 mm thick steel, probably HHS or SHS.
Do not worry, Indians will have plenty of opportunities to see it from up close and below.

We are not worrying when we destroyed US made Patron Tanks whose armor is 2-3 inch and considered to invincible by world....... we can made these to fry also.

In India we have called technology " Juggad" which no other country posses........ With Juggad, Indians done marvels in better field and done things which can't even dream by enemy or world, consider Karachi port attack by small missile boat ........lol
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