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China's most powerful 'killer mace' can instantly destroy the United States


Nov 4, 2011
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China's most powerful 'killer mace' can instantly destroy the United States
By Donald Hank
July 3, 2013

Instantly destroy the entire United States! China's latest killer mace weapon exposed. Recently, the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" cited an anonymous American source saying that the missile fired by the Chinese second artillery corps on July 24 is the most advanced Chinese missile thus far, the Dongfeng-41 [2] intercontinental ballistic missile. "This is the first time that an American official has confirmed the existence of this missile project." Of particular concern to the West is that the Dongfeng-41 could be put to use.

Recently, the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" reported a quote from an anonymous US official, who said that the chief concern of the West is the potential for the Dongfeng-41 to use multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) technology. This technology makes it possible not only to load multiple warheads onto a single missile but also to control individual flight trajectories for each individual warhead, controlling the orbit to attack different targets. In this way, each antimissile intercept missile can destroy only one warhead, rendering the antimissile system much less effective. An Asian military expert told the Jane's Weekly reporter that the Dongfeng-41 can carry up to 10 guided nuclear warheads, seriously compromising the reliability of the American antimissile system.

Actually, the Chinese People's Liberation Army's most powerful deterrent to the American military is still the intercontinental ballistic missile. If the Dongfeng-41 really completes its test launches, this will have three major implications: firstly, technically speaking, multiple warheads can largely ensure continuity of strike capability and breakthrough, and in particular, will greatly shift the balance against America's established antimissile system. Secondly, it will provide a powerful deterrent against the US military buildup in the Asia-Pacific region which is provoking a situation around China. Thirdly, the Dongfeng-41 features third generation ICBM characteristics, and has a formidable first wave strike capability. The West speculates that this may imply a change in China's "no first use of nuclear arms" commitment. In fact, this sort of ambiguous strategic thinking may be the biggest deterrent to hostile countries.

In terms of technology, the third generation ICBM can possibly control all strategic target threats on earth, enhancing global strike capability, but China's "no first use of nuclear weapons" commitment has not changed. China's ballistic missile development actually has no particular objective other than safeguarding China against any hostile forces that may provoke it. The "substantial nuclear arms reduction" announced between the United States and Russia is merely concept hype. This is because the "substantial reduction" is only a change in the state of the nuclear weapons and not their complete destruction. The USA and Russia have not yet destroyed nuclear warheads but have only gone from a state of high alert to a state of low alert. He [3] believes China is facing increasing nuclear threats and needs to perform limited development of third generation nuclear missiles if it wants to respond more efficiently to security challenges.

From the standpoint of both the trend in global political patterns and the surrounding strategic environment, the situation facing China is becoming increasingly complex and diverse. The South China Sea dispute, the Diaoyu Islands dispute, and the Taiwan problem are becoming very serious because of US involvement. From the looks of things, the South Sea problem and the Diaoyu Islands dispute could lead to an exchange of gunfire. The US is hemming in Chinese interests, and action will increase in the future. Further, China's strategic missile development has a deterrent effect on the US in terms of politics. In military terms, it is a very strong deterrent and this kind of strategic deterrent power is a strategic trump card which can effectively counter the U.S. in the political and military arena in terms of China containment and suppression.
that'll be a suicide mission ,both US and Russian have the nuclear stockpile that is capable of destroying this planet a hundred times,but do they have to do this ,they are also on this planet.
Destroying USA?? lolz..... is it joke or what... Even China economic growth is depend on... exports to the west...

No, once China destroys America they can easily take over every country in the world and create a communist utopia. That's what's in BeijingWalkers mind.
No, once China destroys America they can easily take over every country in the world and create a communist utopia. That's what's in BeijingWalkers mind.

China only has the spear so far, while its shield is not fully ready yet. :coffee:
Why not China then instantly destroy US and become the sole super power?

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

And U.S.A is going to sit and watch the Nukes land on its soil. They will launch all the weapons in its arsenal. The nukes aboard U.S submarines is enough to destroy the entire world.
China is not going to shoot missiles against America. America know that China can shoot missiles at US mainland for over 30 years and we manage to co exist
What happened? Did Communist Party just issue a directive to backtrack on the gung-ho attitude and play nice?
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