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China's moment of truth

Eating dust would be a step up for you lot. Indians are generous - we buy Chinese products so that you beggars get money and stop seeking refuge in India. No one is forcing you to sell your products here but we are happy to give you some money for actual work and products instead of you begging for it. Hahahahahaha.
ONLY those deceived Tibetain people forced and not allowed to Go back to Tibet may beleive you propaganda in order to get foods from you,
Why on earth a GDP per capita 5800USD Tibet want to flee to 1800USD per capita india?
No need to mention Tibetain can immigrate to east china where GDP per capita account for 11000USD?
YEAH,MUST be there democracy working!
eating shit and shiting on street BUT happy as democracized!!!
It takes a trade war for China to face its moment of truth. Before the U.S.-China trade war escalated from a skirmish to a full-frontal clash, the conventional wisdom was that China's closed one-party regime was much better positioned to withstand the political fallout from a trade war than America's fissiparous democracy.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not have to worry about elections, it was said. By contrast, Donald Trump's Republican Party would likely suffer from a backlash from voters hurt by Chinese retaliations.

Unfortunately for President Xi Jinping, such wisdom seems wrong. Even though Chinese trade retaliations against the U.S. have concentrated pain on the heart of Trumpland, the American farm belt in particular, the adverse impact on Trump is muted at best. Except for the faint complaints of a few Republicans, Trump's party has largely stuck by him. Indeed, the unfolding U.S.-China trade war has barely registered on America's political radar screen ahead of the fall mid-term elections.

But the story in China is entirely different. Its leaders may not have to run for office, but they are still held accountable by both public opinion and the fierce rivalry within the regime. The trade war with the U.S., to almost everybody's surprise, has triggered a heated but healthy debate on Chinese foreign and domestic policies under Xi's leadership.

On the surface, much of the debate revolves around the wisdom of responding in kind to Trump's trade war. Many in China are rightfully concerned that their country would end up much worse off in a full-blown war than the U.S. But underneath such economic worries is a comprehensive critique of President Xi's foreign policy since he assumed power in late 2012. Instead of blaming Trump solely for initiating the trade war, Xi's critics, both in society and within the party, attribute the trade war to the collapse of the foundations of U.S.-China relations caused by his expansive foreign policy in the last five years.

Directionally, they point to Xi's abandonment of Deng Xiaoping's grand strategy of "keeping international low profile" and "shying away from leadership" as the source of China's current external woes. In particular, Xi's signature foreign policy initiatives, such as the $1 trillion Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), island-building in the South China Sea, and strategic partnership with Russia, are now seen as too costly, ambitious, risky and confrontational. In hindsight, a growing consensus among Chinese elites is that the totality of these policies has fundamentally altered how the West in general, and the U.S. in particular, perceives China's rise. If the U.S. had an agnostic view on whether a powerful China constitutes a threat to its global leadership and interests, that has now changed entirely. The shift in Chinese grand strategy under Xi has clarified Washington's strategic thinking about China -- and directly led to the end of its long-standing engagement policy toward Beijing.

The realization that the trade war merely presages a long-term Sino-American strategic conflict appears to have shocked Chinese political and economic elites. It has finally dawned on them that the "golden age" of Chinese development is over. If Sino-American relations continue to spiral downward, the "China dream" championed by Xi would turn into a geopolitical nightmare. Notably, critics of Xi refer to the famous question Deng asked four decades ago: Why have America's friends grown rich but its enemies have grown poor? The implication is devastatingly clear -- by making China an adversary of the U.S., Beijing's current foreign policy risks dooming its economic future.

Inevitably, such soul-searching about Chinese foreign policy has led to a full reexamination of Xi's domestic record. Here his critics have also found plenty to decry.

The overall sense is that China has regressed alarmingly since 2013. The domestic political strategy devised by Deng and continued by his immediate two successors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, has been replaced with an unusual combination of neo-Maoism and neo-Stalinism. Official ideological orthodox has been reinforced. The personality cult of the dominant leader, a lethal threat to the CCP and its elites that Deng and his colleagues tried hard to eradicate, has been revived by sycophants eager to curry favor with Xi, who has done little to discourage them. The failure to designate a successor to Xi at the 19th party congress last October and the abolition of presidential term limit at the National People's Congress (NPC) session last March only serve to confirm that Xi has set himself up for open-ended rule. In the meantime, Xi's selective anti-corruption campaign has shattered the personal security pact among the ruling elites and upended the delicate balance of power at the apex of the regime that was crucial to managing risks and avoiding catastrophic mistakes in China's one-party state.

The implicit social contract between the CCP and the Chinese people has also been shredded in the last five years. During most of the post-Mao era, the CCP has largely maintained a defensive posture to ensure its political monopoly. It reacted only to overt challenge to its authority and allowed ever-expanding public space and personal freedom. But this trend was reversed in 2013. Censorship, repression, and surveillance have intensified. Fear has been reintroduced into Chinese society.

Such criticisms of Xi's domestic policies might sound hollow if this giant political leap backward had been accompanied by significant and real progress in economic reform. A key rationale for concentrating power in the hands of a strongman is that this would make painful reforms possible. Sadly, this has not happened. Despite rolling out an ambitious blueprint of reform in late 2013, Xi's administration has recorded few achievements. Instead, there is backsliding on several fronts. According to IMF, China's nonfinancial sector debt to gross domestic product, a key measure of leverage, was 178% in 2012 but rose to an estimated 251% by 2017, evidence of the continuation of an unsustainable policy of credit-fueled economic growth. Instead of privatization, state-owned enterprises have been strengthened through mega-merges, protection of their monopoly profits, and other munificent privileges. Massive state subsidies have been planned to supercharge a state-directed industrial policy designed to supplant the West's technological dominance. Newly imposed controls have also halted China's movement toward capital account liberalization while crackdown on tycoons has raised worries about the security of private property under a regime unchecked by the rule of law.

The potency of this litany of criticisms cannot be underestimated. If nothing else, they sound the alarm that China is headed in a disastrously wrong direction.

But it would be premature to conclude that these criticisms have fatally weakened Xi's authority. His image as a strong, visionary and capable leader has certainly been damaged. Yet nobody should write his political obituary. His loyalists are in control of the most critical organs of the Chinese party-state -- the military, the anti-corruption agency, the propaganda department and the organization department. No plausible replacement is waiting in the wings to take over.

Based on historical experience, dictatorships have weak built-in capacities for self-correcting their mistakes, especially those made by their top leaders.

Today, Xi's challenge is to prove his critics -- and historical experience -- wrong. He can try to convince them that China's setbacks are temporary and his strategy will work and deliver huge long-term benefits. Alternatively, he can beat a quick but quiet strategic retreat and return to the cautious and moderate policies pursued by his predecessors.

Either way, this is a moment of truth, both for Xi and China.

This is an opinion at max ... Not an analysis, it has no numbers, no data to make any conclusion ... A debate in China means US is doing good and China is loosing ? No my boy , debate always healthy and you keep on reaccessing your position even if you are at a point of strength ,,, meanwhile on other thread China's export grew in H1 ..
ONLY those deceived Tibetain people forced and not allowed to Go back to Tibet may beleive you propaganda in order to get foods from you,
Why on earth a GDP per capita 5800USD Tibet want to flee to 1800USD per capita india?
No need to mention Tibetain can immigrate to east china where GDP per capita account for 11000USD?
YEAH,MUST be there democracy working!
eating shit and shiting on street BUT happy as democracized!!!
Show this to this troll who put me in his ignore list in order to continue his fantacy:

india is the world's biggest beggar which has to beg for money everywhere to feed its 100,000 Tibetan daddies!


And, there is another way to go to india from China besides take an airplane: you take a time machine instead:
from a 4th tier city in a minority region here in China https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/a-gl...minorities-guangxi-xinjiang-tibet-etc.571300/:

to the national capital of the super powa you can not find another one on the earth:
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So some party members don't agree with Xi, that is normal considering how the Communist Party is 80 million people large. There will be a diverse amount of opinions.

Claiming Xi Jinping should have been more accommodating to the west like Hu Jintao and Zhang Zemin is completely stupid. They rule completely different Chinas.

Zhang Zemin took over right after the cold war ended, China was still poor and needed foreign help to develop, there was a crippling sanction on China due to the Tiananmen Square protest. His Job was to restore relations with the rest of the world, integrate China with the international community by joining the WTO and signing common international agreements. You can tell how weak China's hand was as she even invited Japanese Emperor to China in 1992 to restore relations with Japan since aid was cutoff after 1989.

Hu Jintao took over a China that has established itself as a major economy (#6 in 2002), but still very poor per capita. His Job was to just play it smooth, let the west destroy itself in Afghanistan and Iraq, continue to develop China in the 4 modernization set by Deng Xiaoping, and host the olympics in 2008 to show how much China has grown to the world. Under his rule, China became the 2nd largest economy in the middle of 2009.

Xi Jinping rules a completely different China. It's economy this year is 14t, much larger than the 3rd largest economy (Japan at 5t). China has the largest HSR network, competitive technology and science sector, a robust military and navy. Eventually China should have it's own foreign policy and have its own vision on the global affairs of the 21 century that is different from the US.

It might actually be the moment of truth for the US. The world is quickly exiting the unipolar phrase, half of its population have borderline retarded IQ and voted for the most incompetent leader in history. How US will change under Trump is the real question.
This is an opinion at max ... Not an analysis, it has no numbers, no data to make any conclusion ... A debate in China means US is doing good and China is loosing ? No my boy , debate always healthy and you keep on reaccessing your position even if you are at a point of strength ,,, meanwhile on other thread China's export grew in H1 ..
Arguments in PDF is never based on facts. It's about finding any articles regardless of the source, factual or fake just to try to spread your personal agenda.
That's what makes PDF great. 90% fake, 10% less fake.
This is an opinion at max ... Not an analysis, it has no numbers, no data to make any conclusion ... A debate in China means US is doing good and China is loosing ? No my boy , debate always healthy and you keep on reaccessing your position even if you are at a point of strength ,,, meanwhile on other thread China's export grew in H1 ..
We Chinese are already trying to promote economic development by developing high technology. Americans and Indians still think that we are very concerned about exports.
We do not care trade war ,we care much more CHina Huawei Kirin 980 chipset and CHina BOE OLED soft screen,

Huawei 5 G new interface Polar code technologies.....

Because you are a land of beggars. Even if your per capita income became as high as that of Monaco, you would still beg to be let into India. There is a reason why there have been Chinatowns around the world including in India since eons - your lot always wants to beg other countries to let them in.
Last time, an indain guy said indain have kills all chiense in india,there is no chinatown in india,now this already dead chinatown become your treasure to show off!
We Chinese are already trying to promote economic development by developing high technology. Americans and Indians still think that we are very concerned about exports.
We do not care trade war ,we care much more CHina Huawei Kirin 980 chipset and CHina BOE OLED soft screen,

Huawei 5 G new interface Polar code technologies.....

Last time, an indain guy said indain have kills all chiense in india,there is no chinatown in india,now this already dead chinatown become your treasure to show off!
Who said it is a treasure? It just exists as a small proof of our tolerance in letting destitute people into the country.
Show this to this troll who put me in his ignore list in order to continue his fantacy:

india is the world's biggest beggar which has to beg for money everywhere to feed its 100,000 Tibetan daddies!
View attachment 491044

And, there is another way to go to india from China besides take an airplane: you take a time machine instead:
from a 4th tier city in a minority region here in China https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/a-gl...minorities-guangxi-xinjiang-tibet-etc.571300/:

to the national capital of the super powa you can not find another one on the earth:

And you can compare that New Delhi Supa powan capital to Beijing City, China's Northern Capital City :coffee:

Driving in Beijing City, China's Capital City

Taken by Amjad Farooq (Pakistani youtuber)
the truth defined by western, yeah, just a joke!

The China-hater like assuming that normal Chinese and CCP are at opposite sides, they are happy to guess and make the kind of news, and normal western and China-hater also enjoy these reports? why?

Sound like Chinese are low IQ and lazy people, the problem is in front of Chinese, how many ethnic can perform better than us? western are afraid that Chinese develop fast and can live better and richer than them, they know Chinese can; as to the poor country, like indian and Vietnamese, they envy that poor Chinese has high IQ and wisdom, let them lag behind China so far, not at the same level with them.

moment of truth? hehe, in front of 1.4 billion Chinese, just a sh!t.
Says your BIG MOUTH?
Show us some proof or links instead of FARTS.

When the Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959, he was preceded by more than 60 tons of treasure.

Is that a Chinese insult? LOL.

Now, beggar boy - where does it say India asked him to bring in anything or took anything from him? LOL - if he brought something to save it from the Han looters, that's his call. Proves that all Chinese are beggars but the Han Chinese are looters as well.

Now if you have any proof that any gold was demanded by India for refuge, post it. Or continue farting and enjoying your farts with the rest of your beggar Chinese friends.
Is that a Chinese insult? LOL.

Now, beggar boy - where does it say India asked him to bring in anything or took anything from him? LOL - if he brought something to save it from the Han looters, that's his call. Proves that all Chinese are beggars but the Han Chinese are looters as well.

Now if you have any proof that any gold was demanded by India for refuge, post it. Or continue farting and enjoying your farts with the rest of your beggar Chinese friends.
Just to educate your ignorant self.
Tibetan Slave Owners(monks) are beggars.
Begging is a tradition in Tibet
Don't associate Tibetan Slave Owning Beggars with me.
While its true Indians are begging to come to Singapore.
Its not my fault Singapore refused to entertain your BEGGING to come here.

Tibetan Slave Owning BEGGARS are rich, so maybe you can go beg some from them.

The declassified documents show that the Dalai Lama received a personal subsidy from the US
government – a covert payment arranged by the CIA – of 180,000 US Dollars per year from
1959 through till at least 1974. To put this in a modern context 180,000 dollars in the 1950s
would be worth nearly 1.5 million today, and 180,000 dollars in the seventies would be worth
nearly 800,000 today.

Post reported for personal insult, hopefully the Mods do something about it.
Just to educate your ignorant self.
Tibetan Slave Owners(monks) are beggars.
Begging is a tradition in Tibet
Don't associate Tibetan Slave Owning Beggars with me.
While its true Indians are begging to come to Singapore.
Its not my fault Singapore refused to entertain your BEGGING to come here.

Tibetan Slave Owning BEGGARS are rich, so maybe you can go beg some from them.

The declassified documents show that the Dalai Lama received a personal subsidy from the US
government – a covert payment arranged by the CIA – of 180,000 US Dollars per year from
1959 through till at least 1974. To put this in a modern context 180,000 dollars in the 1950s
would be worth nearly 1.5 million today, and 180,000 dollars in the seventies would be worth
nearly 800,000 today.

Post reported for personal insult, hopefully the Mods do something about it.

So you were just farting and you have no proof that India either asked or demanded anything from the Chinese citizens who begged their way into India as refugees?
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