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China's moment of truth

So you were just farting and you have no proof that India either asked or demanded anything from the Chinese citizens who begged their way into India as refugees?
You are so obsessed with BEGGING so I just enlightened you on who is doing the BEGGING.
See picture below, only INDIANS BEGGING, no rich TIBETAN SLAVE OWNER with their hoard of gold stolen from China begging on Indian streets.
BEGGARS OutsideHanumanMandir_Reuters_380.jpg
Only Gangadesh BEGGARS, No Tibetans.
Please let us know if you are inside this picture, just cannot comprehend your OBSESSION with BEGGING.
You are so obsessed with BEGGING so I just enlightened you on who is doing the BEGGING.
See picture below, only INDIANS BEGGING, no rich TIBETAN SLAVE OWNER with their hoard of gold stolen from China begging on Indian streets.
View attachment 491358 Only Gangadesh BEGGARS, No Tibetans.
Please let us know if you are inside this picture, just cannot comprehend your OBSESSION with BEGGING.

The residents of Kapadia Basti in Kanpur have been surviving on alms for centuries, and they are unwilling to switch to a more respectable occupation...

(Continue story by clicking on link) from above

The residents of Kapadia Basti in Kanpur have been surviving on alms for centuries, and they are unwilling to switch to a more respectable occupation...

(Continue story by clicking on link) from above
Thanks for the link.
I didn't know BEGGING is professional occupation in SHITHOLE NATION.
Now I can use BEGGAR NATION to address this SHITHOLE NATION without being slanderous as this is FACT.
Now I can understand why this @Jackdaws guy so obsessed with BEGGING.
He is so frustrated with so much BEGGING in his SHIT AROMA FILLED country.
BEGGING could also be part of his upbringing that caused him so obsessed with BEGGING.
POOR BOY, everything is BEGGING to him.

There is a government-run school close to the village. “But children go there only for food,” says Dubey.
“Once the children have food in the school, they are out on the streets begging.”
However, government officials seem unaware about the village of beggars.

More likely they pretend not to know, like @Jackdaws pretend that only TIBETAN SLAVE OWNERS are professional beggars even though one can easily differentiate the different skin color of these BEGGARS.
Truly Gangadesh == BEGGAR NATION.
You are so obsessed with BEGGING so I just enlightened you on who is doing the BEGGING.
See picture below, only INDIANS BEGGING, no rich TIBETAN SLAVE OWNER with their hoard of gold stolen from China begging on Indian streets.
View attachment 491358 Only Gangadesh BEGGARS, No Tibetans.
Please let us know if you are inside this picture, just cannot comprehend your OBSESSION with BEGGING.
Beggar boy, where is the proof of your wild claims about India demanding anything from Chinese beggars begging for refuge in India?

Thanks for the link.
I didn't know BEGGING is professional occupation in SHITHOLE NATION.
Now I can use BEGGAR NATION to address this SHITHOLE NATION without being slanderous as this is FACT.
Now I can understand why this @Jackdaws guy so obsessed with BEGGING.
He is so frustrated with so much BEGGING in his SHIT AROMA FILLED country.
BEGGING could also be part of his upbringing that caused him so obsessed with BEGGING.
POOR BOY, everything is BEGGING to him.

There is a government-run school close to the village. “But children go there only for food,” says Dubey.
“Once the children have food in the school, they are out on the streets begging.”
However, government officials seem unaware about the village of beggars.

More likely they pretend not to know, like @Jackdaws pretend that only TIBETAN SLAVE OWNERS are professional beggars even though one can easily differentiate the different skin color of these BEGGARS.
Truly Gangadesh == BEGGAR NATION.
Imagine that your citizens have to come begging to a country which has an entire village dedicated to beggars. Lol - it's like a mini China - one village in India, while it seems the whole country of China is basically a country of beggars.
India gets jumped on by the mob of online paid commentators even when it's only bedridden in bed peacefully counting sheeps,it seems dragging India into dirt has become a political correctness
Beggar boy, where is the proof of your wild claims about India demanding anything from Chinese beggars begging for refuge in India?

Imagine that your citizens have to come begging to a country which has an entire village dedicated to beggars. Lol - it's like a mini China - one village in India, while it seems the whole country of China is basically a country of beggars.
I see your frustration, must be your begging to come here is rejected.
Tit for Tat? Singapore blocks Indian workers visa

Continue begging us, maybe you get lucky to escape SHIT FILLED HOLE you are now in.
Tibetan Slave Owning BEGGARS are rich, don't you dare look down on them.

You have been stupidly conned by your corrupt government.
While large swathes of the Indian population languish in poverty, the Tibetans have their big monasteries with golden altars, sponsored school buildings and such. The Indians now recognize that the Tibetans are not behaving like real refugees, and enjoy an unusual level of autonomy and self-governance thanks to the Indian leadership’s magnanimity.
I see your frustration, must be your begging to come here is rejected.
Tit for Tat? Singapore blocks Indian workers visa

Continue begging us, maybe you get lucky to escape SHIT FILLED HOLE you are now in.
Tibetan Slave Owning BEGGARS are rich, don't you dare look down on them.

You have been stupidly conned by your corrupt government.
While large swathes of the Indian population languish in poverty, the Tibetans have their big monasteries with golden altars, sponsored school buildings and such. The Indians now recognize that the Tibetans are not behaving like real refugees, and enjoy an unusual level of autonomy and self-governance thanks to the Indian leadership’s magnanimity.
Lol. Look at Chinese beggars claiming Singapore. Hahahaha. China has nothing to do with Singapore. Even the name is of Sanskrit lineage.

Meanwhile, in the real world Chinese continue to beg to be let into India.
Lol. Look at Chinese beggars claiming Singapore. Hahahaha. China has nothing to do with Singapore. Even the name is of Sanskrit lineage.

Meanwhile, in the real world Chinese continue to beg to be let into India.
A very delusional guy, ok, India is so rich and great and the Chinese are iining up to beg to be let into India.. any other Indians believe the same except for this one?
A very delusional guy, ok, India is so rich and great and the Chinese are iining up to beg to be let into India.. any other Indians believe the same except for this one?
Who said India is rich and great? Lol. It's just that China is absolutely a joke.
A very delusional guy, ok, India is so rich and great and the Chinese are iining up to beg to be let into India.. any other Indians believe the same except for this one?
Afraid ONLY this deranged Gangadeshi keep harping about BEGGING.
So far the rest are not MAD as this one.
I think he forgot to take his medicine.

But they are way more foreigners come to travel, study, work and live in joke China than your great India. lol..
Great India is for those who got special feel for E-COLI SHIT FILLED aroma.
Not much people got this special trait, therefore INCREDIBLE INDIA campaign BIG FLOP.
People would shudder when told to go India for biz.
100% of their colleagues have experienced diarrhea.
Fugitives Tibetan Slave Owners got no choice, had to escape with their gold hoard to Dirt Poor India glad to receive this source of RICH refugees.
The GDP growth rate looks less after Xi came into power. Actually, China's economic volume has increased by 1/3 since 2013.
As a result of industrial transformation, and the use of cleaner energy, China's economic growth rate has been reduced. It's hard work now but it will be worth it in the long run.

This article is full of prejudice against China's state-owned enterprises and economy. Almost everyone else in China has seen our incomes increase in recent years, the air and greening are getting better and better.
Lol. Look at Chinese beggars claiming Singapore. Hahahaha. China has nothing to do with Singapore. Even the name is of Sanskrit lineage.

Meanwhile, in the real world Chinese continue to beg to be let into India.
Don't have to keep reminding us that you are SLAVES of the British.
Singapore was original name was Temasek.
What has "Singapore" got anything to do with SHIT FILLED Gangandesh?
Did India colonize Singapore?
Or did Indians come here as SLAVES of the British?

Please come out of your SHITHOLE and look around Singapore, nearly all here are CHINESE.
Not black black and SHIT everywhere.

Lee Kuan Yew on Race
I have said openly that if we were 100 per cent Chinese, we would do better. But we are not and never will be, so we live with what we have.

I have said this on many a previous occasion: that had the mix in Singapore been different, had it been 75% Indians, 15% Malays and the rest Chinese, it would not have worked. Because they believe in the politics of contention, of opposition. But because the culture was such that the populace sought a practical way out of their difficulties, therefore it has worked.

Singapore would be SHIT if majority are from SHIT FILLED IQ 82 Gangadesh.
Lol. Look at Chinese beggars claiming Singapore. Hahahaha. China has nothing to do with Singapore. Even the name is of Sanskrit lineage.

Meanwhile, in the real world Chinese continue to beg to be let into India.
Everyone who visited both China and India in recent times, knows that India is like 20 years behind China in development.
Don't have to keep reminding us that you are SLAVES of the British.
Singapore was original name was Temasek.
What has "Singapore" got anything to do with SHIT FILLED Gangandesh?
Did India colonize Singapore?
Or did Indians come here as SLAVES of the British?

Please come out of your SHITHOLE and look around Singapore, nearly all here are CHINESE.
Not black black and SHIT everywhere.

Lee Kuan Yew on Race
I have said openly that if we were 100 per cent Chinese, we would do better. But we are not and never will be, so we live with what we have.

I have said this on many a previous occasion: that had the mix in Singapore been different, had it been 75% Indians, 15% Malays and the rest Chinese, it would not have worked. Because they believe in the politics of contention, of opposition. But because the culture was such that the populace sought a practical way out of their difficulties, therefore it has worked.

Singapore would be SHIT if majority are from SHIT FILLED IQ 82 Gangadesh.
Beggar boy talking nonsense. What else can be expected from a hare Brained man from China?

Simply because there are more dogs in a dog shelter, doesn't mean the shelter belongs to the dogs. The pathetic Chinese people always claim what's not theirs. What's next? You going to claim Tangra in Calcutta? Hahaha

That's why the civilized, democratic world laughs at the Chinese.

Everyone who visited both China and India in recent times, knows that India is like 20 years behind China in development.

What kind of development? Infrastructure, yes. Development of personal freedoms, freedom of expression, judicial process etc. India would be atleast 70 years ahead of China.
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