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China's moment of truth

No more trolling after this post please. If you do so then it will be a ban.
I've already applied to work and live in India as I know by 2025 India will be a real superpower. I have to give up Canadian citizenship. @rott
There are many Chinese if given the opportunity will move to India in a flash like the Tibetan refugees.
Hahaha... I'll meet you there, brudder. ;)
Just to educate your ignorant self.
Tibetan Slave Owners(monks) are beggars.
Begging is a tradition in Tibet
Don't associate Tibetan Slave Owning Beggars with me.
While its true Indians are begging to come to Singapore.
Its not my fault Singapore refused to entertain your BEGGING to come here.

Tibetan Slave Owning BEGGARS are rich, so maybe you can go beg some from them.

The declassified documents show that the Dalai Lama received a personal subsidy from the US
government – a covert payment arranged by the CIA – of 180,000 US Dollars per year from
1959 through till at least 1974. To put this in a modern context 180,000 dollars in the 1950s
would be worth nearly 1.5 million today, and 180,000 dollars in the seventies would be worth
nearly 800,000 today.

Post reported for personal insult, hopefully the Mods do something about it.
Bro, reporting seems to be broken. Try tagging a mod.
Bro, reporting seems to be broken. Try tagging a mod.
I reported him 4 times.
He seems not to use the term anymore.
I was going to use "Child Rapist" for him if it continues.
I will wait and see.
I reported him 4 times.
He seems not to use the term anymore.
I was going to use "Child Rapist" for him if it continues.
I will wait and see.
I know what he is doing.
He's trying to repeat it a thousand times to make it become the truth.
This is an opinion. "Moment of truth" article is the opinion which is funded by US.
It said here.

Minxin Pei is a professor of government and a non-resident senior fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

It is not a hard fact. Earth quake, we see earth quake. but the moment of truth is assumption. You cannot see, torch, measure.

Minxin Pei is mentally retarded.
Though it is an opinion piece, I expect professors to be able to analyze logically without bias. But this guy has gone full retard.

Minxin Pei is simply Liu Xiaobo with a greater sense of self-preservation. He's a Chinese liberal who recoils at the idea of sovereign, independent Asian countries and wants to see China become India 2.0: a vast Asian country enslaved by 'enlightened' and 'superior' whites.
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