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China's human rights situation is getting worse, says US official


Nov 18, 2010
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China's human rights situation is getting worse, a senior US official said in Beijing on Friday, as reports of another detention increased fears of a crackdown on activists and lawyers.

Uzra Zeya, who led the US side in annual bilateral rights dialogue, cited increasing pressure on activists' friends and relatives and religious restrictions in Tibet and Xinjiang.

"I think we have continued to see a deterioration in the overall situation in China," said Zeva, the acting assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labour.

"The specific issue of the targeting of family members is one reason for that assessment: the case of the family of Liu Xiaobo, of Chen Guangcheng and other instances. This is a worrisome trend and one we have raised at senior levels."

She added: "Looking at policies towards ethnic and religious minorities, the situation in the Tibetan Autonomous Region and [Xinjiang] Uighur Autonomous Region, particularly with respect to repressive measures relating to religious practice, we would also say that supports the same overall assessment."

The first round of the dialogue since China's power transition came amid growing concern about recent detentions. Human Rights Watch says that at least 16 activists from Beijing and Jiangxi province have been put under criminal detention for publicly calling on the government to require officials to disclose their assets, despite the country's leader, Xi Jinping, announcing a crackdown on corruption.

Zeya said the US had highlighted one of those cases – the detention of Xu Zhiyong, a well-known legal scholar and rights defender – as well as raising concerns about Liu Xiaobo, the jailed writer and Nobel peace prize winner; the author's wife, Liu Xia, who has been under house arrest since shortly after he won the award; and others.

Other cases raised by the US included those of the jailed Tibetan film-maker Dhondup Wangchen and the ethnic Mongolian activist Hada, who was released from jail in December 2010 but remains in detention. The Chinese responses "fell short of our expectations", Zeya added.

Reports of another detention by state security – this time of the veteran journalist Xiao Shu – emerged shortly after Zeya's comments. Xiao was among the friends and supporters who had called publicly for Xu Zhiyong's release. He reportedly refused a demand from state security to leave Beijing last month.

"Like Xu Zhiyong, he is very constructive and very moderate in his viewpoint. They place a lot of emphasis on practical objectives and frame it often within existing party language," said David Bandurski, who runs the China Media Project at Hong Kong University.

Bandurski noted what appeared to be broader attempts to control debate recently, such as reports of "seven don't speaks" – an edict to academics and others to avoid seven sensitive topics.

China publishes an annual report on the US human rights record in response to US criticisms.

China's human rights situation is getting worse, says US official | World news | theguardian.com
Amnesty Internationale Annual Report: China 2013


Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown

Justice system
Lawyers who took on controversial cases faced harassment and threats from the authorities and, in some cases, the loss of professional licences, severely curtailing people’s access to justice.

Arbitrary arrests and detentions
Police arbitrarily deprived hundreds of thousands of people of their liberty by placing them in administrative detention, including RTL camps, without recourse to independent courts.
The authorities operated hundreds of places of detention, including “black jails” and Legal Education Training Centres where they held thousands arbitrarily, and where torture, sometimes leading to death, was an established method of “correction” or deterrence.

China: Six human rights defenders risk torture | Amnesty International
well maybe Obama should ask congress to bomb China then.

Also just risk torture?

Damn we are weak, we should be like the Americans waterboard you until we get bored.
Sorry @JayAtl but China didn't enslave Africans or eradicate Red Indians or invade the middle east.This US official needs to visit guantanamo bay before making such claims.

How does that make the human rights violations go away? I've never understood this " hey way back then , you did XYZ 300 years ago, so today you are not capable of putting out a report". people, countries evolve ...

Gitmo is a jail and they are all getting trails. It is not perfect I give you that, and supreme court has asked for changes, which are in place. many gitmo detainees who were given freedom , went back to the terror activities.

well maybe Obama should ask congress to bomb China then.

Also just risk torture?

Damn we are weak, we should be like the Americans waterboard you until we get bored.

handful of people got water boarded, which is banned now. We evolved - while you torture 100's of thousands in your labor camps and without them seeing a day in court to date.
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How does that make the human rights violations go away? I've never understood this " hey way back then , you did XYZ 300 years ago, so today you are not capable of putting out a report". people, countries evolve ...

Gitmo is a jail and they are all getting trails. It is not perfect I give you that, and supreme court has asked for changes, which are in place. many gitmo detainees who were given freedom , went back to the terror activities.

Rebiya Kadeer admitted in her autobiography that her father served in the Soviet backed Ili Army, and that the Second East Turkestan Republic received Soviet aid. She says that they were friendly with the Russian engineers in northern Xinjiang.

Too bad, she didn't inform her readers that the same Soviets massacred and butchered tens of thousands of Chechen, Ingush, and Tatar Muslims.


You know why Kadeer is in America now? She was convicted of leaking state secrets when she met an American Congressional delegation in China.

She admits her family were Soviet agents and she openly serves America now. :rofl:
How does that make the human rights violations go away? I've never understood this " hey way back then , you did XYZ 300 years ago, so today you are not capable of putting out a report". people, countries evolve ...

Gitmo is a jail and they are all getting trails. It is not perfect I give you that, and supreme court has asked for changes, which are in place. many gitmo detainees who were given freedom , went back to the terror activities.

handful of people got water boarded, which is banned now. We evolved - while you torture 100's of thousands in your labor camps and without them seeing a day in court to date.

you evolved? That was a year ago. A handful really, according to who, I didn't know the CIA shared their travel plans, and was so easy to hack into. Guantanamo still exist today. As well as others. BTW, our "labor camps" if you must, actually house criminals. What they do is just work. Most Chinese will not accept a prisoner just living in prison on their tax.

But of course you choose to believe America, your own country, and yet find it weird that we sort of believe ours.

China is not Nazi Germany, to say it is, just proves you are either ignorant or a troll. Which is it.
Rebiya Kadeer admitted in her autobiography that her father served in the Soviet backed Ili Army, and that the Second East Turkestan Republic received Soviet aid. She says that they were friendly with the Russian engineers in northern Xinjiang.

Too bad, she didn't inform her readers that the same Soviets massacred and butchered tens of thousands of Chechen, Ingush, and Tatar Muslims.


You know why Kadeer is in America now? She was convicted of leaking state secrets when she met an American Congressional delegation in China.

She admits her family were Soviet agents and she openly serves America now. :rofl:

Yes , we know your borg ( china)says everyone is an agent. amnesty international has noted that too. Blind men are especially dangerous in China too :lol:

People were frequently charged with “endangering state security”, “inciting subversion of state power” and “leaking state secrets”, and were sentenced to long prison terms, in many cases, for posting blogs online or communicating information overseas that was deemed sensitive. Annual Report: China 2013 | Amnesty International USA
you evolved? That was a year ago. A handful really, according to who, I didn't know the CIA shared their travel plans, and was so easy to hack into. Guantanamo still exist today. As well as others. BTW, our "labor camps" if you must, actually house criminals. What they do is just work. Most Chinese will not accept a prisoner just living in prison on their tax.

But of course you choose to believe America, your own country, and yet find it weird that we sort of believe ours.

China is not Nazi Germany, to say it is, just proves you are either ignorant or a troll. Which is it.

handful according to officials who were against this act and congressional hearings which were open. Gitmo exists as a jail but everyone is going through a due process. these are only terrorists there.

You are no Nazi america , yet you have 500,000 people in jails without even seeing a day in court? :lol: do you understand this? 500,000 people in jail with no way to get to see a judge ever!

Justice system

The state continued to use the criminal justice system to punish its critics. Hundreds of individuals and groups were sentenced to long prison terms or sent to Re-education Through Labour (RTL) camps for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression and freedom of belief. People were frequently charged with “endangering state security”, “inciting subversion of state power” and “leaking state secrets”, and were sentenced to long prison terms, in many cases, for posting blogs online or communicating information overseas that was deemed sensitive.

Lawyers who took on controversial cases faced harassment and threats from the authorities and, in some cases, the loss of professional licences, severely curtailing people’s access to justice.
Criminal defendants faced routine violations of the right to a fair trial and other rights, including denial of access to their lawyers and family, detention beyond legally allowed time frames, and torture and other ill-treatment in detention. The use of torture to extract confessions remained widespread.

Revisions to the Criminal Procedure Law, adopted in March to be effective 1 January 2013, introduced strengthened protections for juvenile criminal suspects and defendants, and those with mental disabilities. However, for the first time, the revisions authorized police to detain suspects for up to six months for certain types of crimes, including “endangering state security”, without notifying the suspect’s family of the location or reasons for detention. The revisions therefore potentially legalized enforced disappearance.
handful according to officials who were against this act and congressional hearings which were open. Gitmo exists as a jail but everyone is going through a due process. these are only terrorists there.

You are no Nazi america , yet you have 500,000 people in jails without even seeing a day in court? :lol: do you understand this? 500,000 people in jail with no way to get to see a judge ever!

So in America they are called terrorists, but China a human right abuse? Chinese police officers and other workers as well as people were killed in violent riots and yet they are more dangerous than a Muslim who posted threatening comments on facebook?

You believe official US story, why should we not believe our government. Cause it's not yours. CIA spends billions each year, you don't think they can cover up almost anything, the fact they are still there at least says they are ok at it.

500,000 people, where you get that number, why didn't you say 50 million, wouldn't that make you look better. Who says they won't see a judge, what kind of crimes did they commit, you don't ask. Just everything China does is evil, is that it.

What's the criteria here, Communist bad, democracy good. Facts are not relevant here is it.
So in America they are called terrorists, but China a human right abuse? Chinese police officers and other workers as well as people were killed in violent riots and yet they are more dangerous than a Muslim who posted threatening comments on facebook?

You believe official US story, why should we not believe our government. Cause it's not yours. CIA spends billions each year, you don't think they can cover up almost anything, the fact they are still there at least says they are ok at it.

500,000 people, where you get that number, why didn't you say 50 million, wouldn't that make you look better. Who says they won't see a judge, what kind of crimes did they commit, you don't ask. Just everything China does is evil, is that it.

What's the criteria here, Communist bad, democracy good. Facts are not relevant here is it.

In america actual terrorists is a terrorist. I am sure you have terrorists too... but you don't have 500,000 of them.

Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China.

An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances.

Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown
China Human Rights | Amnesty International USA
It sure is. How about trying those tomahawks over there? Might as well get the congress to approve that along with going into syria. If congress can give you syria, it can give you china as well.
In america actual terrorists is a terrorist. I am sure you have terrorists too... but you don't have 500,000 of them.

500,000. How do they get this number and more importantly, what do they count as rights violations. Chinese laws are not the same as US, is everything that isn't American rights violation?

Laws, you don't have to like it, but you do have to obey it. One case could set the whole law backwards. True, perhaps some don't deserve to be there, there are American cases too, but you can't go soft on a borderline case, then when you get a real one, what do you do.

imprisonment of human rights defenders, what do they count as rights defenders and why are there still tons of high profile firms that do these cases in China.

As to harassment, who's to say it wasn't because the cop was a real piece of work.

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