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China's human rights situation is getting worse, says US official

handful according to officials who were against this act and congressional hearings which were open. Gitmo exists as a jail but everyone is going through a due process. these are only terrorists there.

You are no Nazi america , yet you have 500,000 people in jails without even seeing a day in court? :lol: do you understand this? 500,000 people in jail with no way to get to see a judge ever!

what about 5 million kids let starved to death, and probably 10 millions people are beaten and killed for ethical, political and cultural purpose in India every year? 500,000 seems minimal to those staggering numbers from India annually ``!

do Indians even know what is the basic human rights? since you growed up in the states, please ask your illegally immigrated parents how was india like`?
All the people mentioned in the article has association with foreign organization. In China, once you do that you will be put under a different category by the authority.

China has seen their country put under constant sanction, embargo, criticism. Belligerent act like spy mission and at one time even frequent blatant violation of China air space. Foreign attempt at regime change as a state policy has been going on non-stop since the founding of the republic 60 years ago. The Chinese authority has a wider view of western government that is different from what the ordinary citizen of said western nation see.

Do Chinese trust in what westerner preach that they are benevolent in their action/criticism? Of course NOT. Chinese believed in their sovereign right in choosing their own destiny.
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