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China's hand in India's power blackout?

Media tends to exaggerate.

A big NO.... It wasn't china.... It was the Congress who did that. Patil was ordered to do that because that way people would be diverted from anna's fast.... Patil later got promoted for doing the job.... Sonia gandhi is a w!tch. She a roman reptilian blood....

If these Chinese here had a free press where anyone and everyone can float an opinion, these guys would develop the mental capabilities of sifting through crap.... but unfortunately...oh well, All hail CCP...

Free media, freedom of expression...something along those lines folks...
EzioAltaïr;3339300 said:
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

..... They were used to kill students weren't they? ......

LOL you believed that bs in wiki? let take this qoute

4,000 to 6,000 civilians killed, but no one really knows – Edward Timperlake.[114]
Over 3,700 killed, excluding disappearance or secret deaths and those denied medical treatment – PLA defector citing a document circulating among officers.[114]
2,600 had officially died by the morning of 4 June (later denied) – Time Magazine.[109] An unnamed Chinese Red Cross official estimated that, in total, 5,000 people were killed and 30,000[clarification needed] injured.[115]
Closer to 1,000 deaths, according to Amnesty International and some of the protest participants, as reported in a Time article.[109] Other statements by Amnesty have characterized the number of deaths as hundreds.[116]
300 to 1,000 according to a Western diplomat that compiled estimates.[106]
400 to 800 plausible according to the New York Times' Nicholas D. Kristof. He developed this estimate using information from hospital staff and doctors, and from "a medical official with links to most hospitals".[106]
180–500 casualties, according to a declassified NSA document which referred to early casualty estimates.[117]
241 dead, including soldiers, and 7,000 wounded, according to the PBS Foundation.[105]
186 named individuals confirmed dead at the end of June 2006 – Professor Ding Zilin of the Tiananmen Mothers. The Tiananmen Mothers' list includes some people whose deaths were not directly at the hands of the army, such as a person who committed suicide after the incident on 4 June.[118]
A USA State Department Briefing, classified top secret, dated the morning of June 4, 1989, reported 180 to 500 deaths[119].

10 different account of casualty here ranging from 4000 to 300 :lol:which one do you think is credible and accurate?
LOL you believed that bs in wiki? let take this qoute

4,000 to 6,000 civilians killed, but no one really knows – Edward Timperlake.[114]
Over 3,700 killed, excluding disappearance or secret deaths and those denied medical treatment – PLA defector citing a document circulating among officers.[114]
2,600 had officially died by the morning of 4 June (later denied) – Time Magazine.[109] An unnamed Chinese Red Cross official estimated that, in total, 5,000 people were killed and 30,000[clarification needed] injured.[115]
Closer to 1,000 deaths, according to Amnesty International and some of the protest participants, as reported in a Time article.[109] Other statements by Amnesty have characterized the number of deaths as hundreds.[116]
300 to 1,000 according to a Western diplomat that compiled estimates.[106]
400 to 800 plausible according to the New York Times' Nicholas D. Kristof. He developed this estimate using information from hospital staff and doctors, and from "a medical official with links to most hospitals".[106]
180–500 casualties, according to a declassified NSA document which referred to early casualty estimates.[117]
241 dead, including soldiers, and 7,000 wounded, according to the PBS Foundation.[105]
186 named individuals confirmed dead at the end of June 2006 – Professor Ding Zilin of the Tiananmen Mothers. The Tiananmen Mothers' list includes some people whose deaths were not directly at the hands of the army, such as a person who committed suicide after the incident on 4 June.[118]
A USA State Department Briefing, classified top secret, dated the morning of June 4, 1989, reported 180 to 500 deaths[119].

10 different account of casualty here ranging from 4000 to 300 :lol:which one do you think is credible and accurate?

What did the beloved CCP tell you, why dont you tell us?
If these Chinese here had a free press where anyone and everyone can float an opinion, these guys would develop the mental capabilities of sifting through crap.... but unfortunately...oh well, All hail CCP...

Free media, freedom of expression...something along those lines folks...

Oh **** dont make me laugh with your free press and all that craps , you even banned PDF yesterday :rofl: you are just like your country a complete joke

What did the beloved CCP tell you, why dont you tell us?

LOL what a fool why dont you tell me does GOI share something with you ? do they always tell you everything:lol:
LOL you believed that bs in wiki? let take this qoute

4,000 to 6,000 civilians killed, but no one really knows – Edward Timperlake.[114]
Over 3,700 killed, excluding disappearance or secret deaths and those denied medical treatment – PLA defector citing a document circulating among officers.[114]
2,600 had officially died by the morning of 4 June (later denied) – Time Magazine.[109] An unnamed Chinese Red Cross official estimated that, in total, 5,000 people were killed and 30,000[clarification needed] injured.[115]
Closer to 1,000 deaths, according to Amnesty International and some of the protest participants, as reported in a Time article.[109] Other statements by Amnesty have characterized the number of deaths as hundreds.[116]
300 to 1,000 according to a Western diplomat that compiled estimates.[106]
400 to 800 plausible according to the New York Times' Nicholas D. Kristof. He developed this estimate using information from hospital staff and doctors, and from "a medical official with links to most hospitals".[106]
180–500 casualties, according to a declassified NSA document which referred to early casualty estimates.[117]
241 dead, including soldiers, and 7,000 wounded, according to the PBS Foundation.[105]
186 named individuals confirmed dead at the end of June 2006 – Professor Ding Zilin of the Tiananmen Mothers. The Tiananmen Mothers' list includes some people whose deaths were not directly at the hands of the army, such as a person who committed suicide after the incident on 4 June.[118]
A USA State Department Briefing, classified top secret, dated the morning of June 4, 1989, reported 180 to 500 deaths[119].

10 different account of casualty here ranging from 4000 to 300 :lol:which one do you think is credible and accurate?

300, or 300,000, doesn't matter. Fact remains, that the entire 27th Army was needed to stop a peaceful protest.

Wiki vs Government of China. Uh... yeah my bet's on Wiki.
Everybody has a hand in India's ..... . I dont know what type of state India is. Communal violence - blame Pakistan. Blackout - blame China. And what's the reason for such a paranoid India?

Did they blame the Germans for faulty parts in the X'mas day firework some years ago?
indians sent everyone a joke on X'mas day!

Looking for excuses and shifting the bucks are easy. When there is no excuse or no one to shift their blames to, they delay. When there is no allowance for delay, they quit!

who did the murderous indian regime blame on June 1984 when they murdered thousands upon thousands of innocent sikhs in the sikh holocaust and destroyed the sikh golden temple?

Operation Blue Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

let's not follow the path of indians trying to derail the thread more than this posting.

Tianmen Sq is a blotch in our history. In other parts of China, many people hold candle light vigils every year. Our history will correct the situation when time is right. Whereas in india, they have many times more "Tianmen Sq" tragedies happening throughout their bloody history and the blood sheds are happening on frequent basis nowadays. Do they hold any remembrance events for the innocent deaths in "operation blue star"? or for the massacres of the innocent people in "Gujarat?" " Orissa?" " Manipur?" " J and K?" and now "Assam'?
india media= biggst joke ever.
india democracy= a failed example of democracy

you india peoples should shame on your own media and your democracy , instead of blaming china.

congress party go to hell.
Glad to know China is off the hook for this one.
A big NO.... It wasn't china.... It was the Congress who did that. Patil was ordered to do that because that way people would be diverted from anna's fast.... Patil later got promoted for doing the job.... Sonia gandhi is a w!tch. She a roman reptilian blood....
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