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China's growing firepower casts doubt on whether U.S. could defend Taiwan ,In war games, China often wins

China wont fight a nuclear war over Taiwan.

It will be conventional air and naval battles.

Chinese pdf posters here may think so but the Chinese leadership is more rationale.
Precisely, if conventional warfare. China will win easily. People think it's a naval and air warfare. But there is reason why China amass 2000 precision strike ballistic missile and unknown number of cruise missile. The Taiwan strait is only 130km wide.

May I know, what will be the response of US if China manage to sink 4 USN carrier with ASBM? Back off and end the war or escalate to fight to the end?

Taiwan is part of China. China is willing to throw everything for it. Can US do the same?
Precisely, if conventional warfare. China will win easily. People think it's a naval and air warfare. But there is reason why China amass 2000 precision strike ballistic missile and unknown number of cruise missile. The Taiwan strait is only 130km wide.

May I know, what will be the response of US if China manage to sink 4 USN carrier with ASBM? Back off and end the war or escalate to fight to the end?

Taiwan is part of China. China is willing to throw everything for it. Can US do the same?

I think that people are missing the critical point is that China just may win but it will still have to sacrifice the majority of its airforce and navy in the process.

Sure USN will be bruised but it will stay intact somewhat. USN will mainly keeps its large carriers out of harm's way. It has multiple smaller "assault ships" that it can put in more danger that can carry 20-24 F-35Bs each for air combat.

China will need up to a decade to build back what it has lost and what if it loses and still Taiwan stands? The loss of prestige and humiliation for China will be devastating for the Chinese nation. Sure Chinese deeply care for Taiwan as they consider it part of the Chinese nation(as do I but unification should be consensual) but this may be a gamble too far to risk.

I have said this before and that is China can forget taking back China this decade and the 2030s will give it the upper hand to force Taiwan to reunify if it does not do it willingly. Even at this point I think China will hesitate to use force as that would mean killing thousands of Taiwanese who are their own blood in order to do so.
Pakistan would open up on India in that regard. India isn’t stupid to join a fight that China has elsewhere.

Yes, forget about Pakistan.

That was a theoretical possibility and India would just likely not do anything, if only because Indians know their military is pathetic for its size.
I think that people are missing the critical point is that China just may win but it will still have to sacrifice the majority of its airforce and navy in the process.

Sure USN will be bruised but it will stay intact somewhat. USN will mainly keeps its large carriers out of harm's way. It has multiple smaller "assault ships" that it can put in more danger that can carry 20-24 F-35Bs each for air combat.

China will need up to a decade to build back what it has lost and what if it loses and still Taiwan stands? The loss of prestige and humiliation for China will be devastating for the Chinese nation. Sure Chinese deeply care for Taiwan as they consider it part of the Chinese nation(as do I but unification should be consensual) but this may be a gamble too far to risk.

I have said this before and that is China can forget taking back China this decade and the 2030s will give it the upper hand to force Taiwan to reunify if it does not do it willingly. Even at this point I think China will hesitate to use force as that would mean killing thousands of Taiwanese who are their own blood in order to do so.
No it won't cause too much damage to us, and it's always US cry about using nuke threat to threaten China whenever they can't beat us conventionally.

Korea war is a good example. US threaten atomic bomb when we beat them back 38th parallel lines. Only when u lose, u start to talk about using nuke.
Precisely, if conventional warfare. China will win easily. People think it's a naval and air warfare. But there is reason why China amass 2000 precision strike ballistic missile and unknown number of cruise missile. The Taiwan strait is only 130km wide.

May I know, what will be the response of US if China manage to sink 4 USN carrier with ASBM? Back off and end the war or escalate to fight to the end?

Taiwan is part of China. China is willing to throw everything for it. Can US do the same?

Ask Iran. Iran is holding off invasion with legacy aircraft because Iran has so many missiles, and so many kinds of missiles. Even if US has the capabilities to defend from such an attack from Iran, does the US want to expose this, so the free world of China and allies opts for laser and other weapons, while trying to figure out how to make missile attacks functional again.

If ADS can be taken out, then aircraft is more important than subs in my list.

The US is arming the Western Pacific bases with two types of weapons; missiles and ADS.

Quick takeout is missiles. Defense is ADS and SAT weapons.
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Taiwan is part of China. China is willing to throw everything for it. Can US do the same?

Americans would lose far more service men and women in Taiwan strait compared to how many people they lost to coronavirus if they fight China in Taiwan strait.
I don't believe US has any chance to win a conventional war against China in Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean.

- PLARF can attack any F-22/F-35 bases and aircraft carriers around the region with ease. J-20 can knock down refuel tankers. Finally it will be infeasible for USAF or USN to launch any air strikes as aircrafts heavily rely on airfields, carriers and required support facilities. That's the background for which the US military intends to introduce highly distributed deployments of their military assets in the region. But the thing is, if the support facilities are that distributed so that it is substantially hard for PLARF to destroy large volume of US assets in one missile strike, it'd also be substantially hard to guarantee refueling and rearming a bomber can be done in such a highly intensive battle.

- PLA bases are mostly immune to conventional cruise missile attacks with its full spectrum SAM capabilities.

- If there is a conventional ballistic missile exchange, US has to risk its relatively stationary launch vehicles, limited numbers of missiles and limited propositions of launch sites against the highly mobilised PLARF.

- PLAAF and PLAN will still play important roles wiping out enemy forces in the region when a war happens. Recent near-Taiwan exercises indicated that they would like to destroy any remaining resistance using conventional cruise missiles and even glide bombs after initial ballistic and UAV attacks destroy key enemy strongholds.

To make it more clear, the US will definitely lose a lot more people and assets if such a war had ever happened. China could risk losses in its most wealthy east coast. However, to them, what can be more rewarding than wiping out the entire US military existence in Western Pacific and Indian Ocean?
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China's new rocket launcher system is its most powerful ever, and it's looming over the Taiwan Strait

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Minnie Chan, South China Morning Post
Dec 11, 2019, 9:17 AM

China multiple launch rocket system parade
Military vehicles in a parade for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, October 1, 2019. VCG/VCG via Getty Images
  • 'Mystery' hardware that appeared without a name at China's National Day parade in October is the PLA's most powerful multiple launch rocket system ever, experts say
  • The system is capable of firing eight 370 mm rockets a distance of 350 km or two 750 mm ballistic missiles 500 km.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

The multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) that made its public debut at China's National Day parade on October 1 has been identified as a state-of-the-art piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles, according to a leading military magazine.

A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships also gave the new hardware a name — the Type PCL191 — saying it was a modular launcher based on the AR3 system developed by China for the export market.

Unlike other weapon systems on display in Beijing, which had their names emblazoned along their sides, the Type PCL191 rumbled through the streets of Beijing on the back of heavy-duty trucks with almost complete anonymity.

A commentator for state broadcaster CCTV described it simply as a "self-propelled rocket launcher with precision strike capability."

China multiple launch rocket system parade
Military vehicles in a parade for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen Square, in Beijing, October 1, 2019. VCG/VCG via Getty Images

Modern Ships went further, saying the modular rocket system can carry eight 370 mm (14½ inch) rockets — each with a range of 350 km (220 miles) — or two 750 mm Fire Dragon 480 tactical ballistic missiles — each capable of flying up to 500 km.

While it is not known how many PCL191 units China has, a report by PLA Daily — the mouthpiece of the People's Liberation Army — said that an MLRS brigade was stationed with the 72nd Group Army in Huzhou, Zhejiang province.

Based on China's eastern seaboard, the 72nd is one of three active group armies under the Eastern Theatre Command and has priority status in terms of readiness, strength and equipment.

According to a military source, who asked not to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue, a second PCL191 brigade is stationed to the south of Huzhou, in Xiamen, Fujian province, the nearest point on China's mainland to Taiwan.

Relations across the Taiwan Strait have slumped since President Tsai Ing-wen rose to power in the self-ruled island in 2016. Beijing regards Taiwan as part of its sovereign territory — a claim vehemently opposed by Taipei — and has repeatedly threatened the use of military force to reunify it with the mainland.

In an interview with CCTV in October, Wang Tanshen, a master sergeant with the 72nd Group Army's artillery brigade, said the range of the new launch system was "seven times" that of its predecessor.

"The new generation MLRS has extended our firing range to cover everywhere we want to hit," he said.

The Taiwan Strait is just 180 km across.

Taiwan China
Old anti-landing barricades on a beach facing China on the Taiwanese island of Little Kinmen, which, at times is only a few miles from China, on April 20, 2018. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)

Song Zhongping, a military commentator for Phoenix Television in Hong Kong, said Chinese scientists had been working hard to extend the capabilities and range of the PLA's multiple launch rocket systems.

"Chinese MLRS technology has kept pace with American products, which have also successfully merged rockets and missiles," the former instructor with the PLA's Second Artillery Corp said.

"Scientists have upgraded the chassis [of the trucks that carry the launchers], the explosives [used to propel the rockets and missiles] and other technologies to extend the firing range of the MLRS and improve its precision strike capabilities," he said.

According to the Chinese military magazine Ordnance Industry Science Technology, the PCL191 units are carried on 45-tonne trucks and require just three people to operate them.

Chinese missiles and rockets are guided by the domestically developed BeiDou navigation satellite system, which is a rival to the United States' GPS system.

The anonymous source said that in the event of a military conflict, the new PCL191 system could be used to destroy strategic targets such as airports, command centres and supply bases
this invasion can happen in this decade 2021-2031 and stabilize Taiwan under mainland rule will take around 10-15 years enough time to make it to 2049, 100 years of PRC as one unified china
Yes China may win but what kind of Navy and air-force will it be left with afterwards?

Not much and even India may be able to take advantage and make gains in the Himalayan region in this situation.

You dont understand the might of an industrial giant:

Let me put it this way:

In cold war, the Soviet manage to field 3,000 tanks per year, thats a pretty huge number right?

But do you know what is the number of tanks the Soviet was capable to produce at war time mode at that time?

60,000 to 70,000 tanks per year.

Its rather stupid to think China will lack any weapons in war time mode, considering the fact China's heavy industrial output is now almost comparable to the combination of the entire rest world put together.
You dont understand the might of an industrial giant:

Let me put it this way:

In cold war, the Soviet manage to field 3,000 tanks per year, thats a pretty huge number right?

But do you know what is the number of tanks the Soviet was capable to produce at war time mode at that time?

60,000 to 70,000 tanks per year.

Its rather stupid to think China will lack any weapons in war time mode, considering the fact China's heavy industrial output is now almost comparable to the combination of the entire rest world put together.

True but their experience in warfare isn't much soo
He does not realise that it takes many months before you can produce these sophisticated weapons even in "war mode" and by then the war is well and truly over.

Lol he's jerking off his wee wee to the idea of Chinese world domination
These braindead fools don't understand the doctrine of MAD aka Mutually Assured Destruction

A lot of the hyper nationalist fools here are living a PDF fantasy world, where they think they can actually win a nuclear war.

As for non-nuclear combat, they think it would be a one-way war, where the other side won’t shoot back.
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