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China's F-16: Meet the J-10 Fighter (Possibly Thanks to Israel)

Keh dene se ho nahi jata bro. It's then similar to the F-16 claim by IAF. Because they said so.
Check history of indian of airforce ... they claimed balakot strike killed 300 ... actually it was none ... they dont have credibility ... world wide professuonal forces dont do propaganda and Pakistan Airforce is one of the most professional force ...

Did u even heard false claim from PaF in past ?
Check history of indian of airforce ... they claimed balakot strike killed 300 ... actually it was none ... they dont have credibility ... world wide professuonal forces dont do propaganda and Pakistan Airforce is one of the most professional force ...

Did u even heard false claim from PaF in past ?
indians have a long and proud history of lying...my dad even remembers listening to all india radio that they could receive in sargodha during the 65 war, they were proudly announcing that indian air farts has destroyed the PAF airbase in LAALOOKHAYT KARACHI of all places! :wacko:
Bottom line
1980s -1990 china had not much experience in weapon making apsrt from what soveuts gave them in 1960s(alot of weapons)
But late 1980s europe and usa and in 1990 Israel and russia hand over them alot of technology this cuppled with large R&D and illegal stealing USA data has led them to become one of the laegest and sophisticated weapon manufacturer in efforts lasting 3 decades

China is now just second to USA in weapons manufacturing

Nope, Russia is still ahead
View attachment 548786 View attachment 548787

If we look at the picture, f-16 Lavi and J-10 are very different to each other. Not only the size and fuselage shape are different. Even the wing model and position are different. Don't you think that these two birds have different aerodynamic? Or do you think that those difference are only decoration?
As someone said here, when Americans or any Western country allege China of 'copying' or having 'cheap' weapons, they want to insult China and want to be disrespectful towards China. China is a rising power and no country in the West likes it. They see their influence on the wane and dont want the control of the world being shared at the least or totally being lost.
Never said it was 'easy', kid. I challenge the argument it 'cannot'. As for the 737 Max, I can debate that with you and you WILL end up being the technically ignoramus like your fellow Chinese. :lol:
You must be 80 YEARS OLD to be calling others "kid".
I know you are very good at being Internet Search Professor.

Professor in everything on the Internet, haha.
I read somewhere you are really only an aircraft mechanic.
Closet war hero keep touting war credentials as if it was REAL.

I will be honest with you, I am not into aviation engineering.
You should go apply to be BOEING HEAD ENGINEER since you know BETTER than them.
Its a PITY BOEING didn't get you to "non easily" COPY the flight software over to the Max8 for them.
Hundreds of lives would have been SAVED.
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One of the stupidest articles on the J-10. You can't "steal" an advanced fighter jet. You have to build up the technology, a deep understanding of the engineering and science and then develop the precision tools, software, chips etc. that go into a modern fighter. Advanced metallurgy alone needed for these modern fighters is hard enough to master and the Chinese have done so after a lot of hard work.

No crappy article or a few misinformed fools online can take that away from China. They have no idea what they're talking about.

I'm really looking forward to even more advancements from the Chinese weapons industry. Pakistan is very lucky to have such an ally that has shared so much with us. We would have almost no local aviation weapons industry in Pakistan without Chinese help and that is a fact.

My next hope is to see advanced optics development from China. Not sure where they stand in that area as I know the West is ahead of everyone else in optronics research.
One of the stupidest articles on the J-10. You can't "steal" an advanced fighter jet. You have to build up the technology, a deep understanding of the engineering and science and then develop the precision tools, software, chips etc. that go into a modern fighter. Advanced metallurgy alone needed for these modern fighters is hard enough to master and the Chinese have done so after a lot of hard work.

No crappy article or a few misinformed fools online can take that away from China. They have no idea what they're talking about.

I'm really looking forward to even more advancements from the Chinese weapons industry.
Pakistan is very lucky to have such an ally that has shared so much with us. We would have almost no local aviation weapons industry in Pakistan without Chinese help and that is a fact.

My next hope is to see advanced optics development from China. Not sure where they stand in that area as I know the West is ahead of everyone else in optronics research.
Pakistan is very lucky to have such an ally that has shared so much with us.
It is NOT luck.
Rather, Good Deeds Reap Rewards.

After Xi unveiled the US$46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – which has since risen in potential value to US$60 billion – as the showcase project of his pet Belt and Road Initiative in 2015, the Chinese leader characterised it as a thank you for Pakistan’s key role in helping communist China establish diplomatic ties with the US and end its international isolation in 1971.
. :china: :pakistan:
Check history of indian of airforce ... they claimed balakot strike killed 300 ... actually it was none ... they dont have credibility ... world wide professuonal forces dont do propaganda and Pakistan Airforce is one of the most professional force ...

Did u even heard false claim from PaF in past ?
That's not my point.
Su-30MKI kill is not confirmed and is also a chance that the F-16 secured the 2nd kill.

Keep dreaming twat.

Never said it was 'easy', kid. I challenge the argument it 'cannot'. As for the 737 Max, I can debate that with you and you WILL end up being the technically ignoramus like your fellow Chinese. :lol:

The “American” janitor is at it again LOL

One of the stupidest articles on the J-10. You can't "steal" an advanced fighter jet. You have to build up the technology, a deep understanding of the engineering and science and then develop the precision tools, software, chips etc. that go into a modern fighter. Advanced metallurgy alone needed for these modern fighters is hard enough to master and the Chinese have done so after a lot of hard work.

No crappy article or a few misinformed fools online can take that away from China. They have no idea what they're talking about.

I'm really looking forward to even more advancements from the Chinese weapons industry. Pakistan is very lucky to have such an ally that has shared so much with us. We would have almost no local aviation weapons industry in Pakistan without Chinese help and that is a fact.

My next hope is to see advanced optics development from China. Not sure where they stand in that area as I know the West is ahead of everyone else in optronics research.

It is sour grapes from the West. There bum is on fire and we are loving it.

Let them argue about BS whilst China keeps churning out the goodies LOL
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LOL of your gonna "copy" why not just copy :disagree:

the j10 is clearly a bigger plane with a different wing design and canard placement not to mention the intake
You simply cant reinvent nut and bolt. Similarly every fighter jet in its basics follows the same principles of aerodynamics. You simply cant reinvent supersonic stable designs from scratch. So to the geniuses i would say even to cheat and copy you need to have talents and intelligence beyonds measures. China developed Su 27 into J11 and J15 where as india had access to same technology but couldn't do squat with it. Pakistan copied American Tomahawks and developed babur but indians couldn't copy Russian missile in their inventory.
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