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China's English skills have surpassed India!

My congratulations to the Chinese,everyone knew this was going to happen.
I don't know why there's even competition between us to learn an alien language that belongs to neither of us? :lol:

Common communication mode, yes. But to beat each other to it? That's sad.

This is indeed a worthless thread. English is a foreign language for both China and India, even though India has more of an affinity to it for historical reasons. There is nothing special about English. The fact that it became the language of worldwide commerce is a reflection of two centuries' of Anglo-Saxon dominance. It is really pathetic for us to argue who is better at. I certainly do not have any sense of pride being able to write or speak fluent English. It is merely a tool for me.

Human skin color

Human skin color - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: So what do Australians think about their color?
I think my accent is okey, but some specific people dont understand it while many other do.
I could not understand many regional accent like scottish/irish, but now I am better.

It seem a few people lack inbuilt capability have to understand the variation of accent( bit like understanding handwritten text or badly spelt text)
I am not talking about Indian-local-English, which is completely different language. :)
I think my accent is okey, but some specific people dont understand it while many other do.
I could not understand many regional accent like scottish/irish, but now I am better.

It seem a few people lack inbuilt capability have to understand the variation of accent( bit like understanding handwritten text or badly spelt text)
I am not talking about Indian-local-English, which is completely different language. :)

Americans have a lot of trouble with Indian accents.
Really or is it a joke.

Most people on the roads of Shanghai/Beijing cannot understand English forget about the other areas. In India everything in Universities and Institutes are taught in English. The day to day business in public and private sector is conducted in English. China is no where near India in English usage
Some people are so naive.


The EF English Proficiency Index calculates a country’s average English skill level using the best available data from four different English tests completed by hundreds of thousands of adults every year. Two of the tests are open to any internet user for free. The other two tests are online placement tests used by EF during the enrollment process before students start an English course.

Test Takers

We recognize that the test-taking population represented in this index is self-selected and not guaranteed to be representative of the country as a whole. Only those people either wanting to learn English or curious about their English skills will participate in one of these tests.

Now we all know who goes to these English learning centers in India. Basically people who are intermittent user of the language, people who can barely form a small sentence. There is a big percentage of Indians who are very proficient in English, and have absolutely no need to attend these "English learning courses", and hence are not represented in the "ranking".

On the other hand, pretty much every Chinese guys I knew at university had been through these "English Learning Courses" and on top of that had to do ELICOS(English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students ) course at the university. Indian students didn't have to do any of that.

So yes when it comes to the "learners", Chinese are just slightly proficient than the Indian "learners"(according to this ranking). But "learners" is all that China has got, hardly anyone who is proficient in the language.

On the other hand there has to be atleast 150-200 Million Indians who can speak and write English just as good as Britishers if not even better.(Barring the accent of course:lol:)
Guess more Chinese people want to move to western side of the world living in a democratic society.

I dont blame them tbh.
Guess more Chinese people want to move to western side of the world living in a democratic society.

I dont blame them tbh.

yes you are right but not as much as indian may be that s why english is one of india official languages LOL
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