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China's DRDO is different...

Most of your examples are old projects from many many years ago, almost all started under Kangress, and almost all of them have been cancelled or never been accepted into service due to poor performance and cost overruns.

Where are the dizzying array of promising indigenous systems?
So are u looking for something that started from scratch in last 2-3 years, something for which tech had to be developed and is already a final product in 2018? Im sorry we dont have alien tech that china and pak has.
Funnily enough, DRDO has caught up without resorting to reverse engineering, and that too with peanuts in terms of R&D budget.
Caught up like Tejas which as per your air force will be absolete by the team it will be inducted in numbers and rejected by your navy
Or Arjun ?
Or Kaveri engine for which you are finally looking towards French to help ...
Caught up like Tejas which as per your air force will be absolete by the team it will be inducted in numbers and rejected by your navy
Or Arjun ?
Or Kaveri engine for which you are finally looking towards French to help ...
Congratulations u have successfully enumerated 3 out of a fraction of Projects that haven't gone at the desired pace.
Most of your examples are old projects from many many years ago, almost all started under Kangress, and almost all of them have been cancelled or never been accepted into service due to poor performance and cost overruns.
Most of these products have already been inducted or are under testing. NORINCO I feel is a private organization and cannot being compared to DRDO. DRDO is mainly focused on research and development of products, while the production would be handed over to another PSU. PSU's in India are known to be lethargic when compared to private companies which is now changing. Same is true for HAL. In india, private companies mainly focus on production and not research and development. Other members can comment better in this. @amardeep mishra @hellfire @Abingdonboy
The QRSAM in particular does not even have a decent competitor in the world right now. It completely surpasses even the SPYDER.

QRSAM has failed multiple times, as recently as six months ago. It has yet to prove itself fit for service.

India to scrap QR-SAM surface-to-air missile contract? Big setback for Make in India scheme in the offing

Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week


Another setback for Indian missile programme, snag hits quick reaction missile test again

We no longer have to import artillery, radars, sonars, missiles, PGMs etc. Most of India's equipment is in the process of being indigenised completely.

India still imports artillery, radars, etc. In fact, India is the world's largest weapons importer.

Indian Army gets M777 howitzers 30 years after Bofors scandal

IAI emerges as lowest bidder for Indian Army's radar program

India world's largest importer of major arms in the last four years

India world's largest importer of major arms in the last four years
MUMBAI: India was the world’s largest importer of major arms between 2012–16, accounting for 13 per cent of the global total sales, according to a new data released by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), an independent institute that tracks arms proliferation among other issues in conflict studies.

India increased its arms imports by 43 per cent, between 2007–11 and 2012–16. In the last four years India’s imports were far greater than those of its regional rivals Chinaand Pakistan, SIPRI said in its report released today on international arms transfer.

"While China is increasingly able to substitute arms imports with indigenous products, India remains dependent on weapons technology from many willing suppliers, including Russia, the USA, European states, Israel and South Korea," said Siemon Wezeman, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme in a statement to press.

According to this study increase in arms transfers are driven by demand in Middle east and Asia, with imports by countries in South East Asia going up by 6.2 per cent from 2007–11 to 2012–16. Vietnam was another in South East Asia that made a big jump with its arm imports. Being the 29th largest importer in 2007–11 to the 10th largest in 2012–16, a 202 percent jump in its arms imports.

Middle East has doubled its imports, as between 2007–11 and 2012–16 arms imports by states in the region rose by 86 per cent and accounted for 29 per cent of global imports in 2012–16.

Saudi Arabia was the world’s second largest arms importer in 2012-16, with an increase of 212 per cent compared with 2007–11. Arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 per cent, SIRPI reported.

The United States of America is the leading arms exporter in the world which increased its exports by 21 percent compared with 2007–11, with almost half of its arms exports going to to the Middle East. Russia comes close second that increased its exports by 23 percent, selling its arms to four countries of India, Vietnam, China and Algeria.

China too is climbing the ladder on the arms exports, who is now a top supplier to France and Germany. The only country that seemed to have cut down on its arms exports is Germany, which over a five-year period, decreased its exports by 36 percent between 2007–11 and 2012–16, SIPRI said.

In the African region, Algeria was the largest importer across Africa, in the sub-Saharan Africa Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia were all the leading importers of arms.

NORINCO I feel is a private organization and cannot being compared to DRDO. DRDO is mainly focused on research and development of products, while the production would be handed over to another PSU. PSU's in India are known to be lethargic when compared to private companies which is now changing. Same is true for HAL. In india, private companies mainly focus on production and not research and development. Other members can comment better in this. @amardeep mishra @hellfire @Abingdonboy

NORINCO is state-owned.
So are u looking for something that started from scratch in last 2-3 years, something for which tech had to be developed and is already a final product in 2018? Im sorry we dont have alien tech that china and pak has.

He lost the argument before it even started.
QRSAM has failed multiple times, as recently as six months ago. It has yet to prove itself fit for service.

India to scrap QR-SAM surface-to-air missile contract? Big setback for Make in India scheme in the offing

Setback for Indian missile programme: Two failures in a week


Another setback for Indian missile programme, snag hits quick reaction missile test again

India still imports artillery, radars, etc. In fact, India is the world's largest weapons importer.

Indian Army gets M777 howitzers 30 years after Bofors scandal

IAI emerges as lowest bidder for Indian Army's radar program

India world's largest importer of major arms in the last four years

India world's largest importer of major arms in the last four years
MUMBAI: India was the world’s largest importer of major arms between 2012–16, accounting for 13 per cent of the global total sales, according to a new data released by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), an independent institute that tracks arms proliferation among other issues in conflict studies.

India increased its arms imports by 43 per cent, between 2007–11 and 2012–16. In the last four years India’s imports were far greater than those of its regional rivals Chinaand Pakistan, SIPRI said in its report released today on international arms transfer.

"While China is increasingly able to substitute arms imports with indigenous products, India remains dependent on weapons technology from many willing suppliers, including Russia, the USA, European states, Israel and South Korea," said Siemon Wezeman, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme in a statement to press.

According to this study increase in arms transfers are driven by demand in Middle east and Asia, with imports by countries in South East Asia going up by 6.2 per cent from 2007–11 to 2012–16. Vietnam was another in South East Asia that made a big jump with its arm imports. Being the 29th largest importer in 2007–11 to the 10th largest in 2012–16, a 202 percent jump in its arms imports.

Middle East has doubled its imports, as between 2007–11 and 2012–16 arms imports by states in the region rose by 86 per cent and accounted for 29 per cent of global imports in 2012–16.

Saudi Arabia was the world’s second largest arms importer in 2012-16, with an increase of 212 per cent compared with 2007–11. Arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 per cent, SIRPI reported.

The United States of America is the leading arms exporter in the world which increased its exports by 21 percent compared with 2007–11, with almost half of its arms exports going to to the Middle East. Russia comes close second that increased its exports by 23 percent, selling its arms to four countries of India, Vietnam, China and Algeria.

China too is climbing the ladder on the arms exports, who is now a top supplier to France and Germany. The only country that seemed to have cut down on its arms exports is Germany, which over a five-year period, decreased its exports by 36 percent between 2007–11 and 2012–16, SIPRI said.

In the African region, Algeria was the largest importer across Africa, in the sub-Saharan Africa Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia were all the leading importers of arms.

India will continue importing for quite some time, since contracts were signed years ago, under Khangress, but a lot of critical equipment has already been indigenised.

Now all you're doing is clutching at straws.
So are u looking for something that started from scratch in last 2-3 years, something for which tech had to be developed and is already a final product in 2018? Im sorry we dont have alien tech that china and pak has.

Anything from the past five to eight years? There has to be something.

India will continue importing for quite some time, since contracts were signed years ago, under Khangress, but a lot of critical equipment has already been indigenised.

Now all you're doing is clutching at straws.

You are clutching at straws. You said India no longer imports artillery, and you said QRSAM was great and so on. I provided articles that prove you are a lying Bhakt.
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Congratulations u have successfully enumerated 3 out of a fraction of Projects that haven't gone at the desired pace.
Ok bro, thanks for being sarcastic ...

We are happy for your doing such blunders in your project ...

You did a good job ... Happy now ?
ATGMs like Nag/Prospina, MPATGM
PGMs like SAAW
PGMs like HSLD, Garudaa/Garuthmaa
Phase 1 BMD
Varunastra torpedo
TAL Shyena torpedo
Netra AEW&CS

Many more...

We have already indigenised radars and sonars, so we won't be importing much of that anymore.

Both countries are coming out with original designs only now. And it is stupid to take advantage of other people's research, then you will never have world class stuff. Only original designs will give you world class capabilities.

That doesn't work. You will only end up reinventing the wheel. You will only have what others have developed. Original designs are the way to go. If you can't manage original designs, then JVs is an alternative. Reverse engineering is a failure, even the Chinese will tell you so.

My favourite DRDO product.

How can you not list it ! Are you even indian to begin with? :)

ATGMs like Nag/Prospina, MPATGM
PGMs like SAAW
PGMs like HSLD, Garudaa/Garuthmaa
Phase 1 BMD
Varunastra torpedo
TAL Shyena torpedo
Netra AEW&CS

Many more...

We have already indigenised radars and sonars, so we won't be importing much of that anymore.

Both countries are coming out with original designs only now. And it is stupid to take advantage of other people's research, then you will never have world class stuff. Only original designs will give you world class capabilities.

That doesn't work. You will only end up reinventing the wheel. You will only have what others have developed. Original designs are the way to go. If you can't manage original designs, then JVs is an alternative. Reverse engineering is a failure, even the Chinese will tell you so.
Yep its copy paste
Whatchu talking about? All that I have named are what anyone would call successful. Most of them are new, and are all world class systems. Most of what I have named are pretty much in the induction process right now.

The QRSAM in particular does not even have a decent competitor in the world right now. It completely surpasses even the SPYDER.

We no longer have to import artillery, radars, sonars, missiles, PGMs etc. Most of India's equipment is in the process of being indigenised completely.

Rule #1

Never argue with a false flagger

Rule #2

Never argue with a troll

Rule #3

Don't waste your time once you get a retard answer the first time round.

Most of these products have already been inducted or are under testing. NORINCO I feel is a private organization and cannot being compared to DRDO. DRDO is mainly focused on research and development of products, while the production would be handed over to another PSU. PSU's in India are known to be lethargic when compared to private companies which is now changing. Same is true for HAL. In india, private companies mainly focus on production and not research and development. Other members can comment better in this. @amardeep mishra @hellfire @Abingdonboy

Don't tag me for threads started by a new member who starts off trolling. Understand that the sum total of age here will be 30, of all the posters. Don't waste your time
Give a slow clap and post on threads where you intellectually gain.

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