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China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military

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This article was published in a reputed magazine as the diplomat. It is full of insight for those who live outside china.

China is spending on their military industrial complex because they know that their soldiers cannot win wars for them any more. That is exactly what the article says. China relying more on missiles and gadgets to win wars.

Bro listen to yourself? Warfare has changed since the Greeks. Modern warfare is all about missiles and gadgets.
I can't agree more.Chinese military is just a paper tiger!!
India army is the universe-class super power only behind America.Actually,America is behind India if we don believe the fault words of media.
Modiji should take Forward Policy again to defeat America instead of China. And India will take over the solar system soon.
The point is not to underestimate nor overestimate, but be sure of yourself when the time comes you will do the best you can.
A person sure of himself fears no one..

In fact , in this article, we are under estimating the chinese capability (provided the fact that we are to believe the article whole heartedly)..... and in a far fetched, but inevitebly, over estimating our position vis a vis the article ( in case a dic comparision starts).
And regarding fear, i believe its a state of mind. Its presence or its absense can be lethal , depending on the ground situation.
I can't agree more.Chinese military is just a paper tiger!!
India army is the universe-class super power only behind America.Actually,America is behind India if we don believe the fault words of media.
Modiji should take Forward Policy again to defeat America instead of China. And India will take over the solar system soon.
dude, u are new in this forum. so i think its a brain shattering experience for u to get the taste of my countrymen.
Spend sometime here and you shall know the ways of ur countrymen too, who also are quite brilliant when it comes to giving mind boggling performances.
so take a chill pill and enjoy the trolling.
Levina, as you have said, it is more of how you had wanted it to be rather than how it is. :)
It's not about @levina at all. Read this. It clearly shows that the Chinese Forces need a complete overhaul. All doesn't seem right.

From South China Morning Post
23 Oct 2014

President Xi Jinping has called for the country's military to make technical and strategic "innovations" and to narrow the gap with other powers as new trends in warfare emerge.

Xi issued the call during a Politburo study session on Friday on how to adapt to changes in warfare, according to state media. The comments also come as China seeks to defend expansion of its strategic interests in disputed waters in the East and South China seas.

Xi said the People's Liberation Army must "strive to establish a new military doctrine, institutions, equipment systems, strategies and tactics and management modes" for information warfare that had become central to modern combat.

He added that operational thinking, combat forces and military management must be overhauled to reshape the military system.

In addition to the focus on innovation, Xi also highlighted three principles: the party should formulate an overall strategy to beef up its military strength; develop a new mindset for the different military wings to unite under a coherent strategy; and find ways to identify problems in the forces.

Xi said: "Faced with the severe challenges to our national security and stability and the deep-seated contradictions and problems with reform, it is even more pressing that we greatly liberate our ideas and concepts, have the courage to change our fixed mindsets of mechanised warfare and establish the ideological concept of information warfare."

Yue Gang, a military commentator and retired PLA colonel, said Xi's comments showed that he realised how much China trailed some developed countries in terms of modern warfare.

"It is clear that our country has developed a long way economically, but its military hasn't kept up," Yue said.

"He understands that to have a competitive army nowadays, merely having all the cutting-edge hardware - which we have been spending more money on - will not be enough. Our entire thinking needs to catch up with the rest of the world."

Xi Jinping urges China's military to create 'information warfare' strategy | South China Morning Post

So, there it is. There is a dire need for Chinese Forces to get more professional. A lot needs to be done to reach minimum levels of combat efficiency.

A dragon is of no use to man or beast without its fire!
Bro listen to yourself? Warfare has changed since the Greeks. Modern warfare is all about missiles and gadgets.

Missiles and gadgets can only HELP the soldier. End of the day its the soldier who has to fight the battle.

A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.
It's not about @levina at all. Read this. It clearly shows that the Chinese Forces need a complete overhaul. All doesn't seem right.

From South China Morning Post
23 Oct 2014

President Xi Jinping has called for the country's military to make technical and strategic "innovations" and to narrow the gap with other powers as new trends in warfare emerge.

Xi issued the call during a Politburo study session on Friday on how to adapt to changes in warfare, according to state media. The comments also come as China seeks to defend expansion of its strategic interests in disputed waters in the East and South China seas.

Xi said the People's Liberation Army must "strive to establish a new military doctrine, institutions, equipment systems, strategies and tactics and management modes" for information warfare that had become central to modern combat.

He added that operational thinking, combat forces and military management must be overhauled to reshape the military system.

In addition to the focus on innovation, Xi also highlighted three principles: the party should formulate an overall strategy to beef up its military strength; develop a new mindset for the different military wings to unite under a coherent strategy; and find ways to identify problems in the forces.

Xi said: "Faced with the severe challenges to our national security and stability and the deep-seated contradictions and problems with reform, it is even more pressing that we greatly liberate our ideas and concepts, have the courage to change our fixed mindsets of mechanised warfare and establish the ideological concept of information warfare."

Yue Gang, a military commentator and retired PLA colonel, said Xi's comments showed that he realised how much China trailed some developed countries in terms of modern warfare.

"It is clear that our country has developed a long way economically, but its military hasn't kept up," Yue said.

"He understands that to have a competitive army nowadays, merely having all the cutting-edge hardware - which we have been spending more money on - will not be enough. Our entire thinking needs to catch up with the rest of the world."

Xi Jinping urges China's military to create 'information warfare' strategy | South China Morning Post

So, there it is. There is a dire need for Chinese Forces to get more professional. A lot needs to be done to reach minimum levels of combat efficiency.
A dragon is of no use to man or beast without its fire!

Xi say military needs overhaul but that does not mean complete incompetent. I dare to say China operation capabilities and readiness is even higher than Russian given our second largest military budget in the world.

And trying to take a retired colonel words as the truth is absolutely rubbish. I can bet during his time, he never been thru what is a third generation and information warfare. How would he know what is the latest for PLA?

Xi has set his standard standard for PLA to be very high. We are not just going to match the US armed forces but to surpass them.

Missiles and gadgets can only HELP the soldier. End of the day its the soldier who has to fight the battle.

A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Don't worry, PLA soldier quality is one of the best.
Is this another Chinese bashing thread by our disrespected Indian members?
Xi say military needs overhaul but that does not mean complete incompetent. I dare to say China operation capabilities and readiness is even higher than Russian given our second largest military budget in the world.

And trying to take a retired colonel words as the truth is absolutely rubbish. I can bet during his time, he never been thru what is a third generation and information warfare. How would he know what is the latest for PLA?

Xi has set his standard standard for PLA to be very high. We are not just going to match the US armed forces but to surpass them.

Don't worry, PLA soldier quality is one of the best.
And how do you know that? Are you better aware of the state of the Armed Forces than an ex colonel who has served the PLA for most of his life? Are you serving in the Army? If not, then you need to pipe down. You're just an ordinary civilian who knows jack about the armed forces. Getting your 'knowledge' from tabloids and blogs doesn't make you an expert.

You need to read this: Why the Chinese military is only a paper dragon - The Week

In other words, you're the one spouting rubbish, not the ex colonel of the PLA.
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Is this another Chinese bashing thread by our disrespected Indian members?
We call a spade a spade. We don't do this....
like some countries do to their 'benefactors'. :sick:
And how do you know that? Are you better aware of the state of the Armed Forces than an ex colonel who has served the PLA for most of his life? Are you serving in the Army? If not, then you need to pipe down. You're just an ordinary civilian who knows jack about the armed forces. Getting your 'knowledge' from tabloids and blogs doesn't make you an expert.

In other words, you're the one spouting rubbish, not the ex colonel of the PLA.

So we need an Indian to tell us how PLA state is? Pathetic. Is China second largest military budget is also a fake? How about our own Beidou 2 GPS system can be fake? It is specially tailor to fit modern 3rd gen military warfare. Does the retired ex PLA colonel even knows it?
Obvious troll thread.

But anyways, the proof of China's growing military strength is actually very evident. If China was as weak as the author implied then the United States, with the world's most powerful military, would not feel the need to change decades of deployment policy and now "pivot" to Asia with 60% of its forces.
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