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China’s Deceptively Weak (and Dangerous) Military

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I love this joke thread, buddy !:jester:

Be Good for u to read this thread ↓ To compare India and China military force after enjoy this joke.:pop:
Rising China military force, PLA Army/Navy/Airforce Power pics

This article is amateurishly written by a Gordon Chang wannabe.

It should be clear to all that China does understand her deficiencies and working hard at catching up. It is clear that China is betting that a full scale war is unlikely in the next 10 years thus they are putting so much money into R&D (at least six planes under development) and so little into actual production (<200 planes per year). If no wars imminent, who cares what weapons one has. Unlike the Indians, China is spending money wisely and perfecting its military-industrial infrastructures and that is what is scaring the Americans as wiser commentators can see a totally different world in 20 years than the author of this article. It amazes me what things people will write in order just to get published (or a few minutes on TV)...
This article is amateurishly written by a Gordon Chang wannabe.

It should be clear to all that China does understand her deficiencies and working hard at catching up. It is clear that China is betting that a full scale war is unlikely in the next 10 years thus they are putting so much money into R&D (at least six planes under development) and so little into actual production (<200 planes per year). If no wars imminent, who cares what weapons one has. Unlike the Indians, China is spending money wisely and perfecting its military-industrial infrastructures and that is what is scaring the Americans as wiser commentators can see a totally different world in 20 years than the author of this article. It amazes me what things people will write in order just to get published (or a few minutes on TV)...

This article was published in a reputed magazine as the diplomat. It is full of insight for those who live outside china.

China is spending on their military industrial complex because they know that their soldiers cannot win wars for them any more. That is exactly what the article says. China relying more on missiles and gadgets to win wars.
This article was published in a reputed magazine as the diplomat. It is full of insight for those who live outside china.

China is spending on their military industrial complex because they know that their soldiers cannot win wars for them any more. That is exactly what the article says. China relying more on missiles and gadgets to win wars.

This article written base on the 3rd party opinion living outside of China and turn this article into concrete fact relate to China military?
I always have said this. Chinese army is a paper tiger that is why they are trying to show off and even fail at showing off. Real military powers don't have the need to show off. They believe in their own strengths. Weaker wannabe countries have the need to look stronger than they really are. This counted also for Iraqi army. We just need to wait for an event that will expose the farse.
This article written base on the 3rd party opinion living outside of China and turn this article into concrete fact relate to China military?

the fact is, this is indeed true, and confirmed by the chinese members too. This article was already posted here in PDF 10 days ago
This article written base on the 3rd party opinion living outside of China and turn this article into concrete fact relate to China military?

So are you suggesting we wait for the Chinese Ministry for Information to release press notes about all these incidences ?
the fact is, this is indeed true, and confirmed by the chinese members too. This article was already posted here in PDF 10 days ago

Chinese poster on this forum confirmation wouldn't make this a factual article because these posters in here can't be proven they would have total access to all China classify military document or actually the China military general who command the whole Chinese military.
Chinese poster on this forum confirmation wouldn't make this a factual article because these posters in here can't be proven they would have total access to all China classify military document or actually the China military general who command the whole Chinese military.

you don't need classified documents or General 's word to find that out...
So are you suggesting we wait for the Chinese Ministry for Information to release press notes about all these incidences ?

How did the author know all the dead sailors were the best Chinese submarine talents without the confirmation from the China government as a fact? Base on this logic he can't use 3rd party opinion as the fact he base on this article.
How did the author know all the dead sailors were the best Chinese submarine talents without the confirmation from the China government as a fact? Base on this logic he can't use 3rd party opinion as the fact he base on this article.

I don't know how ANY journalists knows what they knows. Its their job to find out things. But the Diplomat is a very reputed journal and if the editors of that magazine thought it fit to publish the article, I have no problem in believing it.

You on the other hand can wait for the chinese govt. press releases. ok ?
Lasting you want to read into an article written about China military by a white American with no command of Chinese language, how the heck the author can professed fully understand China military doctrine without the close contact with China military personnel or have the full access of China military classify document? This article written base on his own subjective opinion shouldn't taken seriously on it face value.

About the author,

Ian holds an M.A. in China Studies from National Chengchi University in Taiwan and a B.A. in International Studies from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He also holds a certification in advanced Mandarin Chinese, having formally studied the language at Fudan University in Shanghai, and National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. Ian’s research has been featured in major media outlets in the United States and Asia, including the New York Times, Reuters, US News and World Report, Huffington Post, NHK, CCTV, the Diplomat, and the Taipei Times. He has testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and lectured at the U.S. Naval War College, Japan’s National Defense Academy, and Taiwan’s National Defense University.
About the author,

Ian holds an M.A. in China Studies from National Chengchi University in Taiwan and a B.A. in International Studies from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He also holds a certification in advanced Mandarin Chinese, having formally studied the language at Fudan University in Shanghai, and National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. Ian’s research has been featured in major media outlets in the United States and Asia, including the New York Times, Reuters, US News and World Report, Huffington Post, NHK, CCTV, the Diplomat, and the Taipei Times. He has testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, and lectured at the U.S. Naval War College, Japan’s National Defense Academy, and Taiwan’s National Defense University.

Thank for posting information about the author of the article, since he can fully understand Chinese language then he surely didn't wrote an outlandish article but other than he had complete knowledge of China military classify document, any foreign journalist write on other nation military matter are purely base on subjective opinion totally dependent on a 3rd party hearsay to confirm as fact. Sorry anything relate to national security of nation are keep in classify and very secretively guard by the government.

I don't know how ANY journalists knows what they knows. Its their job to find out things. But the Diplomat is a very reputed journal and if the editors of that magazine thought it fit to publish the article, I have no problem in believing it.

You on the other hand can wait for the chinese govt. press releases. ok ?
Hardly anybody analyse the article posted except few and started trolling.

it should be noted that the article mainly compare PLA forces to western or western supported forces, not Indians. So if you compare the hardware, it should be compared to Japaneses US hardware etc.

Not to forget that the embargo of military sales to China by US/EU. All they can fetch is either indigenous or Russian stuff.

So problems will be there in quality of hardware for few decades till they catch up with the rest provided they are No. 2 economy and no problem for funds so far.
i dont mind underestimating oneself when confronting a bigger hurdle/enemy, as long as it doesnt damage one's self pride and inspiration for betterment.
The point is not to underestimate nor overestimate, but be sure of yourself when the time comes you will do the best you can.
A person sure of himself fears no one..
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