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China’s debt-trap diplomacy

and you are capable of running as independent state? largest arms importer who have more % of population suffering from poverty then Pakistan, recieve more aid from all over the world inculduing US and was behind 65 out of 70 years on per capita income is more capable?

I agree, we all should be worried if China fails.. Hence for our own good we should not side with who want to harm china.

whether your questions assumes the USA or India, the answer is yes. Ofcourse ...did you eave have to ask? The US is the most influential nation in the world and more countries depend on it for their own well being. India is the largest democracy and probably the most diverse in its make up. Despite being poor, they have managed to develop into a world power technologically, economically and culturally. Modi says 'lets declare a Yoga day' and it happens.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings but Pakistan has thrown its present and future away by being dumb and jealous. Dumb because they always look for a sugar daddy to help them (USA, KSA, China...) and jealous because everyone around them is ding so well, including Bangladesh which is threatening to match and exceed Pakistan in many developmental aspects.
In your dreams.... India, Russia are not good friend....keep dreaming

Strategic ally is what I said .... never used 'not good friends' ... as usual, a Hallucinating Hindu who can't seem to read & differentiate plus makes up his own meanings!
whether your questions assumes the USA or India, the answer is yes. Ofcourse ...did you eave have to ask? The US is the most influential nation in the world and more countries depend on it for their own well being. India is the largest democracy and probably the most diverse in its make up. Despite being poor, they have managed to develop into a world power technologically, economically and culturally. Modi says 'lets declare a Yoga day' and it happens.

technologically, you are largest importers of Arms, economically you took more aids then Pakistan can take in next 100 years, yoga day happen bcoz it effects no one. try to impose your decision on even an tiny Island and they will show real worth of beggar, malnutrition, poverty filled shupa powa on your face.. culturally you are known as caste ridden, taboo society.. no one watch bollywood except bhartis and few people here and there.

I don't mean to hurt your feelings but Pakistan has thrown its present and future away by being dumb and jealous. Dumb because they always look for a sugar daddy to help them (USA, KSA, China...) and jealous because everyone around them is ding so well, including Bangladesh which is threatening to match and exceed Pakistan in many developmental aspects.

yeah bharat mata dont have sugger daddy in shape of soviet who used to own its every department back then?
what you call dumb i call it smart move, it led to isolation of shupa powa for 50 years while Pakistan got economic,military and diplomatic support from western world.

as for Jealousy well i am not commenting on bharti forum to show bhartis how great we were or are like your kind..:lol: its called inferiority complex..

as i said earlier Pakistan have 65 out of 70 years higher per capita then your failed country, less poverty, more income equality hence bigger middle class compared to bhartis.. suck it up.

As for democracy, you keep them, i hope you worship congress and BJP while 3000 farmers commit suicide in mharashtra every year..

let us live in our dictatorship, losing 500 people in terrorism is better then starving 3000 people to death..
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Strategic ally is what I said .... never used 'not good friends' ... as usual, a Hallucinating Hindu who can't seem to read & differentiate plus makes up his own meanings!
We dont believe in ally and never been ally of anyone....We are friends only...Even USA offered us ally status and we rejected that....
We dont believe in ally and never been ally of anyone....We are friends only...Even USA offered us ally status and we rejected that....
uhm no, you have become america's ally. now trump is getting ready to push india to prove your alliance.
well if india doesn't then its good for india's own well being. but I highly doubt trump is the kind who would take no for an answer from india.
nobody can dictate India..USA or Russia or China.....They know it very clearly....History tells the same...
Fact remains Chinese investments aren't doing too good at the moment.

E.g. Chinese investment in sri lanka has been a dud in every sense !


Chinese investment in Uganda didn't even take off except the pics floated in the media


Chinese investors don't park their money in local banks and their corporations bring their own labor. The investment never have any rollover positive effect on the local economy.


What happens to CPEC will depend on multi lateral participation of countries in it. Chinese companies left by themselves will leech away the lifeblood of the local economy ! That's guaranteed !
Do u wanna know what it means to influence a country?
Hint: it's what India did with Nepal

Can u say that China did the same with Pakistan using its CPEC investment as leverage?
If China would've been in control, our politicians wouldn't have been able to create hurdles for CPEC and bicker which routes are better than others.

This whole idea of China's hegemonic ambitions towards Pakistan is nothing but Indian fantasy.

Indian logic:

India aligns with US against China = India's successful multidimensional diplomacy/For securing India's interests

Pakistan aligns with China against India = Pakistan has become China's colony

dont you feel stupid
Your comments itself prove what the article says
India is not letting us to build roads across India for usa's gain
If you remember India was in verge of default in 1990 to imf but India had gold and a huge market to escape from it
what does pak have against China???????
dont you feel stupid
Your comments itself prove what the article says
India is not letting us to build roads across India for usa's gain
If you remember India was in verge of default in 1990 to imf but India had gold and a huge market to escape from it
what does pak have against China???????
First, of the $55 billion, only 11 billion is loan, rest is investments. Further, two words for you...riko dik! Yeah that's a mountain range in Pakistan chuck full of billions of tons of gold and there are other mountain ranges like that. They are all federal government's property. Debt is not a problem for us.
First, of the $55 billion, only 11 billion is loan, rest is investments. Further, two words for you...riko dik! Yeah that's a mountain range in Pakistan chuck full of billions of tons of gold and there are other mountain ranges like that. They are all federal government's property. Debt is not a problem for us.
Pretty much the only journalist who is covering both sides of CPEC. Read his other articles at dawn too,very informative->

Birth of another dependency
KHURRAM HUSAIN — UPDATED about 9 hours ago

The writer is a member of staff.

THE latest quarterly report from the State Bank of Pakistan may sound like a dry affair, but read it a little closely and you’ll notice some startling revelations.

For the past three years now we have grown accustomed to a steady drumbeat of positive news and statements about the economy — the reserves are rising, the circular debt has been contained for almost two years now, growth is ticking upward (even if very slowly), the fiscal deficit is coming down (targeted to hit 3.8pc of GDP this year, the lowest in over a decade).

For a couple of years now we have been told that the country’s macroeconomic fundamentals are stabilising and a new round of investment coming in from China is laying the groundwork for a new growth spurt that will last far into the future.

This story has not been without its skeptics. We have heard similar stories in the past too, only to watch the whole thing unravel very quickly.

The skeptics have pointed out that the rise in reserves owes mostly to declining oil prices and increasing foreign borrowing, and as such is not sustainable.

The continuous declines in exports, drying up of FDI are serious weaknesses, they maintain, and while remittances have shored up the external account, this could change given the fiscal difficulties of the GCC countries.

In short, they have argued that the government’s narrative of an improving economy is built on shaky ground.

The latest SBP report, although optimistic in its overall tone, points towards some changes in the first quarter of the current fiscal year that could lend lasting credence to the voice of the skeptics.

Even though the SBP has taken pains to avoid letting its assessment become fodder for the skeptics to beat the government with, the underlying facts are too stark to now paper over.

We seem to be substituting CSF inflows with commercial borrowings from China as a stopgap measure to plug our current account deficit.
Here are some noteworthy developments the report brings up on the external sector.

Pakistan saw net inflow of $1.1 billion in “net loan and FDI inflows from China in Q1-FY17” says the report.

Out of this, $700 million (the lion’s share of the total) was a commercial loan from the China Development Bank whose only purpose, apparently, was to help pay for the nearly $2bn of machinery that Pakistan imported from China in the same quarter.

In case you missed it, let me put it in plain English here: we’re borrowing money on commercial terms from a Chinese bank to pay for machinery imported from China under CPEC-related projects.

Elaborating on this, the report says “[w]hereas Q1-FY16 had seen a dramatic pick-up in net FDI from China, it was long-term loan disbursements that dominated in Q1-FY17.”

So last year in the same quarter, Pakistan saw net FDI inflow from China of $192m, but this year that figure dropped to $91m.

And loans from China in the first quarter last year were $138m, and this year they jumped to $979m, of which $700m was the commercial loan mentioned above.

These inflows helped cover up a hole that opened up in the country’s external account due to the drying up of Coalition Support Funds (CSF).

In the same quarter last year, Pakistan ran a current account deficit that was less than half of what it ran this year. Last year the CSF inflows played a big role in helping cover the gap.

This year the report says the commercial borrowing from China “helped to cover the increase in current account gap and lower foreign investment in the quarter”.

This is important for a couple of reasons.

First, we seem to be substituting CSF inflows with commercial borrowings from China as a stopgap measure to plug a running deficit in our current account.

CSF was always billed as a “reimbursement”, a
Fact remains Chinese investments aren't doing too good at the moment.

E.g. Chinese investment in sri lanka has been a dud in every sense !


Chinese investment in Uganda didn't even take off except the pics floated in the media


Chinese investors don't park their money in local banks and their corporations bring their own labor. The investment never have any rollover positive effect on the local economy.


What happens to CPEC will depend on multi lateral participation of countries in it. Chinese companies left by themselves will leech away the lifeblood of the local economy ! That's guaranteed !
We didn't throw bombs to other countries, but you threw many bombs on other countries, killing many innocent civilians. You have caused the turmoil in north Africa and the middle east, resulting in a large number of refugees!
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