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China's Comment Entirely Correct - India Is Some 13 Years Behind China


Mar 27, 2017
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United States

This isn't the sort of thing anyone really wants to be told, that a place or country is some 13 years behind the great regional rival. But it is in fact true, as the Chinese Ambassador to India has pointed out, that India is about 13 years behind China in economic development. The reason given is also true--India started to liberalise the economy around and about 13 years later than China did. But if we put aside any bruised amour propre we can actually see that this is excellent news for India. For now that India is indeed following in those liberalising economic paths we can expect the next 13 years to follow that of China. Not exactly and precisely of course, Marx was wrong, history does not repeat itself. But in general we can expect something like the same path to be followed. India should, as long as no one does anything silly, follow China's path of economic development. Move from being a poor country to being most definitely middle income at the least.

This is of course something to be welcomed for it will mean over a billion of our fellow human beings living much better lives and why wouldn't we be happy about that?

"Now the GDP of India is roughly that of China in 2004, some 13 years ago. China leads India by 13 years mainly because we started reform and opening-up 13 years earlier," he said while addressing a session at the United Service Institution of India here.

As to the equivalence and the times, that's around and about right. I never take these international economic statistics too, too, seriously as there are large problems in determining the actual output of something as complex as an economy. Most especially when so much is, as in India, in the informal sector. But the usual recorded GDP (at market exchange rates) for India in 2015 is around and about $2 trillion. The same number in China for 2004 is the same sort of number, around and about $2 trillion. Given the roughly equivalent populations, that gives per capita GDP (again, at market rates, PPP or living standards are quite, quite different) either side of $1,500 for the two countries on the two dates.

There are, of course, huge differences, India is a democracy and China, well, umm, no, not really, eh?

But the economic observation is entirely correct. China stopped the Maoist idiocy in 1978 with Deng's comment about it not mattering whether a cat is black or white but whether it catches mice. The plans didn't stop, there's still a significant portion of the economy in those state owned enterprises and so on. But the real secret of Chinese growth has been not in those SOEs but in the fact that everyone else has been left to get on with things in what is almost certainly the most viciously free market economy on the planet. Yes, even more so than Hong Kong, for the Mainland economy is less hampered (in a bad way) by such things as property rights, the rule of law and patent protections. These are going to cause terrible problems real soon now as the move from middle income to developed economy depends upon those very things. But from peasant destitution to middle income, China's done well and quickly. And they've done so by letting that free market capitalism rip, red in tooth and claw.

We might not describe India's economy in quite the same manner but the over arching story is roughly the same. The Licence Raj held back economic development as government tried to do too much. Manmohan Singh and Narasimha Rao changed that in 1991, beginning the process of dismantling that Raj. And that's when the economic growth really started. And for the same reason. Government now left room for market processes to work, the room necessary for economic development to take place.

Yes, India is 13 years behind China and it is because the economic liberalisation process started 13 years later. This is good news though--we don't think that India is going to follow exactly the same growth path, a 5 times rise in GDP in only 13 years. But at growth rates of 7 and 8%, instead of China's 10%, a 3 times growth over that period, possibly a 4 times, isn't out of reach. And the good news is that China, as S Korea, Japan, Singapore and so on before, show that it is possible. India started later than China but there's really no reason at all why it shouldn't get to the same place, even if a little later again.
Most humbly I beg to differ with Chinese gentleman. We are some 15 years behind if one only takes 'GDP' as a measure of progress.


India in 2015 was having GDP almost same as China's in 2000. But here is a bigger problem.


From year 2000 to 2008 China saw the fastest and accelerating growth rate in their history. Starting from 8.2 % it went all the way to 14.2% in the period of 8 years. This is almost impossible for any country to achieve. I think in coming 10 years India will see her growth rate fluctuating between 6.9% to 8.5%. Days of double digit growth are over, none of our fault but because of world economy.

Meaning after 8 years we will not be where China was in 2010 but more like where China was in 2006 or so. So the gap will widen to 20 years first before starting to close, given that India keep on managing 8%+ real growth rate.
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Yes, India is 13 years behind China and it is because the economic liberalisation process started 13 years later.

Don't know why people still believe this "theory". India's lag behind is not merely on GDP figures, it is in all aspects including the very mindset that derives this "theory".
Only if you assume that India will grow consistently above double-digits like China did in the same time frame, up to a 14.2% growth rate in 2007 for example.

If India keeps growing at around 6-7% then the gap is in fact quite a lot bigger.
Only if you assume that India will grow consistently above double-digits like China did in the same time frame, up to a 14.2% growth rate in 2007 for example.

If India keeps growing at around 6-7% then the gap is in fact quite a lot bigger.

Its already been addressed in the article:

Yes, India is 13 years behind China and it is because the economic liberalisation process started 13 years later. This is good news though--we don't think that India is going to follow exactly the same growth path, a 5 times rise in GDP in only 13 years. But at growth rates of 7 and 8%, instead of China's 10%, a 3 times growth over that period, possibly a 4 times, isn't out of reach.
Only if you assume that India will grow consistently above double-digits like China did in the same time frame, up to a 14.2% growth rate in 2007 for example.

If India keeps growing at around 6-7% then the gap is in fact quite a lot bigger.
And if you assume that india doesnt end up like other economies and end up growing very slowly like some other countries.(brazil etc)
Its already been addressed in the article:

Yes, India is 13 years behind China and it is because the economic liberalisation process started 13 years later. This is good news though--we don't think that India is going to follow exactly the same growth path, a 5 times rise in GDP in only 13 years. But at growth rates of 7 and 8%, instead of China's 10%, a 3 times growth over that period, possibly a 4 times, isn't out of reach.

Yeah I saw that part, so they say India's GDP is likely to grow at around 3 times rather than 5 times for China during the same time frame.

So India's GDP is around $2 trillion now, three times that would be $6 trillion in the next 13 years.

Which is similar to other predictions I've seen for India's GDP in 2030:


And if you assume that india doesnt end up like other economies and end up growing very slowly like some other countries.(brazil etc)

Oh you mean the Middle income trap.

Interestingly, the only countries that have successfully beaten the Middle income trap in the last few decades were in East Asia, such as the Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan).

China's GDP per capita is also starting to approach the level where we will be considered as an entry-level developed country, should happen within the next few years as long as nothing goes seriously wrong.
Still lots to catch up in infrastructure and city comfort levels where we suck a lot...

We need a lot of industrial centres in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities to have equitable growth..
Yeah I saw that part, so they say India's GDP is likely to grow at around 3 times rather than 5 times for China during the same time frame.

So India's GDP is around $2 trillion now, three times that would be $6 trillion in the next 13 years.

Which is similar to other predictions I've seen for India's GDP in 2030:


Oh you mean the Middle income trap.

Interestingly, the only countries that have successfully beaten the Middle income trap in the last few decades were in East Asia, such as the Asian Tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan).

China's GDP per capita is also starting to approach the level where we will be considered as an entry-level developed country, should happen within the next few years as long as nothing goes seriously wrong.

Actually the 2030 scenario will also bring another peculiar fact which all of these BBCs etc are missing. The nominal GDP of China may simply sky rocket because of currency appreciation. Currently Chinese government keep her currency down to keep the FDI and exports up. Once it completes the migration from a export oriented economy to a domestic consumption driver economy, it will not need to keep the currency down any futher. It will allow the currency to naturally appreciate so as to gather more purchasing power in foreign trade and more especially value in investing in other economies/countries. China will complete her positioning from a producer to an investor, making money from her own printed money --like USA-- and unlike current making money out of hard labour and real goods.

Meaning China's GDP nominal (inflation adjusted) will start approaching China GDP PPP. This is one reason why I usually prefer to argue in terms of GDP PPP. It measures more realistic picture of an economy compared to nominal dollars.
Actually the 2030 scenario will also bring another peculiar fact which all of these BBCs etc are missing. The nominal GDP of China may simply sky rocket because of currency appreciation. Currently Chinese government keep her currency down to keep the FDI and exports up. Once it completes the migration from a export oriented economy to a domestic consumption driver economy, it will not need to keep the currency down any futher. It will allow the currency to naturally appreciate so as to gather more purchasing power in foreign trade and more especially value in investing in other economies/countries. China will complete her positioning from a producer to an investor, making money from her own printed money --like USA-- and unlike current making money out of hard labour and real goods.

Meaning China's GDP nominal (inflation adjusted) will start approaching China GDP PPP. This is one reason why I usually prefer to argue in terms of GDP PPP. It measures more realistic picture of an economy compared to nominal dollars.
GDP PPP is a feel-good metrics. For international trade/business, it is the nominal number that matters.
60 million new homes are set to be constructed for the middle and low inccome classes by 2022. This in my view should fuel the economy well.
Only if you assume that India will grow consistently above double-digits like China did in the same time frame, up to a 14.2% growth rate in 2007 for example.

If India keeps growing at around 6-7% then the gap is in fact quite a lot bigger.
It would be a miracle for any country to keep growing at around 6-7%, including China. Any country that does it will eventually become world #1.
GDP PPP is a feel-good metrics. For international trade/business, it is the nominal number that matters.

I do not want to get into that debate in this thread. I guess Chinese on this forum have some built in repulsion for GDP PPP because they do not understand it. It is classical 'Asian Parent' syndrome. If something 'appears' harder, it should be real or better. When their GDP PPP conversion factor will be less than 1, they will harp that GDP PPP is the real measure of the economy.

Think about it. Russia's nominal GDP crashed or halved after trade restrictions. Do you really think that production in Russia actually decreased by that amount. Nope! not even close!



Here is also what is called as 'real gdp'. GDP adjusted by inflation on in case of Russia it would have been deflation.


Here is even better data to support this - Electricity consumption. If economy has halved, electricity consumption will also go down, right?


It doesn't in that period 2013-14.

This is why like of Li Kiequin prefers these real commodity matrices than Dollar GDP.
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Only if you assume that India will grow consistently above double-digits like China did in the same time frame, up to a 14.2% growth rate in 2007 for example.

If India keeps growing at around 6-7% then the gap is in fact quite a lot bigger.
True, Chinese gdp growth was in double digits in the first decade of this century...i remeber u comparing india to china in 2014, back then the diff was 12 yrs nw its 15... and it will keep on rising till thr end of the decade. India has taken way to long to become a $2trill economy.
It would be a miracle for any country to keep growing at around 6-7%, including China. Any country that does it will eventually become world #1.
Growth rate has a lot to do with the developmental levels of a country. A sustained 6-7% growth rate for a developed country is very hard to achieve. The growth rate doesn't exist in a vacuum.
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