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China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

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No. Your 'analysis' are merely creative reinterpretations of other people's real analysis.

I quoted Admiral Willard. You're the one who's disputing Admiral Willard's statements. You pretend that you know more than the commander of U.S. Pacific forces. You are the pretender with delusions of grandeur.

At Amalakas, you have only made a fool of yourself in front of everyone. No one cares about a Greek maintenance guy on U.S. aircraft. You are still only knowledgeable about maintenance. A Greek janitor cannot promote himself to chairman of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff. It doesn't work that way.
I quoted Admiral Willard. You're the one who's disputing Admiral Willard's statements. You pretend that you know more than the U.S. commander of U.S. Pacific forces. You are the pretender with delusions of grandeur.
So certain are you? Bring the Admiral's comments back on and let the readers see.
So certain are you? Bring the Admiral's comments back on and let the readers see.

No thanks. You can browse the earlier pages. I quoted Admiral Willard multiple times and posted his picture. You were adamant in your naysaying. You are willing to pursue your anti-China agenda in direct contradiction of Admiral Willard's statements.

You're a zealot. I'm not. My time is valuable and I'm not willing to argue the same point with you for the tenth time.
I quoted Admiral Willard. You're the one who's disputing Admiral Willard's statements. You pretend that you know more than the commander of U.S. Pacific forces. You are the pretender with delusions of grandeur.

At Amalakas, you have only made a fool of yourself in front of everyone. No one cares about a Greek maintenance guy on U.S. aircraft. You are still only knowledgeable about maintenance. A Greek janitor cannot promote himself to chairman of the American Joint Chiefs of Staff. It doesn't work that way.

Perhaps I am a janitor and perhaps I am working in the Greek embassy in the U.S. tasked with foreign affairs, military attaché, we will never know, ..

but aside from all that, care to explain to us what happened with those reputable sources you were asking for as I mentioned in post #447 ?

I think that is more of value establishing what you are, now that we all know I am a janitor ...

So certain are you? Bring the Admiral's comments back on and let the readers see.

don't ask for the impossible...
Perhaps I am a janitor and perhaps I am working in the Greek embassy in the U.S. tasked with foreign affairs, military attaché, we will never know, ..

but aside from all that, care to explain to us what happened with those reputable sources you were asking for as I mentioned in post #447 ?

I think that is more of value establishing what you are, now that we all know I am a janitor ...

Look, you are Greek and we expect you to understand Greek policies and military capabilities in more depth than others on this forum. We expect to hear about Greek military affairs from you. However, we do not expect you to fly American B-2 bombers wherever you like. That is just ridiculous.

Similarly, we expect to hear about Russian affairs from PtldM3. We do not expect him to fly American B-2 bombers wherever he likes, which he rationally doesn't do.

He's rational and you're not. Do you get it?

If you insist on your stupid fantasy of flying American B-2 stealth bombers over China then I demand you show me a reputable citation from the Obama administration suggesting this possibility. If not, shut the hell up.
No thanks. You can browse the earlier pages. I quoted Admiral Willard multiple times and posted his picture. You were adamant in your naysaying. You are willing to pursue your anti-China agenda in direct contradiction of Admiral Willard's statements.
Yeah...Just as I thought...Cowardice.

My time is valuable.
Suuuuure it is...:lol:...What you are is frustrated that the only people who sing your praises are the technically ignorant and gullible and the Chinese. That is why you keep coming back here with your so called 'analysis' in hope that you can convince more on how 'smart' you are because deep down you are tired of that intellectually dead playground of yours where everyone is nothing more than members of a mutual admiration society.
Look, you are Greek and we expect you to understand Greek policies and military capabilities in more depth than others on this forum. We expect to hear about Greek military affairs from you. However, we do not expect you to fly American B-2 bombers wherever you like. That is just ridiculous.

Similarly, we expect to hear about Russian affairs from PtldM3. We do not expect him to fly American B-2 bombers wherever he likes, which he rationally doesn't do. He's rational and you're not. Do you get it?

Yes, sure, but when did I say that I fly B-2's whenever I like ?

Look, I will try to explain this to you, as best as I can...

Greece is a member of NATO,

NATO is primarily equipped with US equipment and hence American doctrine.

to put it simply, WE WERE TRAINED BY THE U.S. .. the americans trained us !!! every step of the way !! how more toned down can I say it..
Yeah...Just as I thought...Cowardice.

Suuuuure it is...:lol:...What you are is frustrated that the only people who sing your praises are the technically ignorant and gullible and the Chinese. That is why you keep coming back here with your so called 'analysis' in hope that you can convince more on how 'smart' you are because deep down you are tired of that intellectually dead playground of yours where everyone is nothing more than members of a mutual admiration society.

My insights are welcomed by the community.

I have 1.5 "thanks" for every one of my posts. You have 0.5 "thanks" for every one of your posts. One of my posts is worth about three of your posts.

Yes, sure, but when did I say that I fly B-2's whenever I like ?

Look, I will try to explain this to you, as best as I can...

Greece is a member of NATO,

NATO is primarily equipped with US equipment and hence American doctrine.

to put it simply, WE WERE TRAINED BY THE U.S. .. the americans trained us !!! every step of the way !! how more toned down can I say it..

NATO doesn't have any B-2 bombers. When did NATO end up in charge of American armed forces?

You guys are the tail of the dog. The tail does not wag the dog.
...show me a reputable citation from the Obama administration suggesting this possibility. If not, shut the hell up.
This is where your so called 'analysis' failed. Military plannings TRANSCENDS political administrations, even under dictatorships where a single leader rules over decades. What the Obama Administration say today can be discarded tomorrow, by Obama or by the next administration. If you cannot understand this, shut the hell up.
My insights are welcomed by the community.

I have 1.5 "thanks" for every one of my posts. You have 0.5 "thanks" for every one of your posts. One of my posts is worth about three of your posts.

NATO doesn't have any B-2 bombers. When did NATO end up in charge of American armed forces?

You guys are the tail of the dog. The tail does not wag the dog.

You are asking me about mission planning. During NATO operations, the B-2s are part of the NATO assets in its disposal. Believe it or not we don't have to be flying B-2s to know what their mission planing requirements are within NATO.

what you forget is that all of NATO countries are essentially potential bases for ANY american piece of military asset.

NATO personnel anywhere in Europe is briefed accordingly, not just Greece, anywhere, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey...
My insights are welcomed by the community.
And I can say the same.

I have 1.5 "thanks" for every one of my posts. You have 0.5 "thanks" for every one of your posts. One of my posts is worth about three of your posts.
From mostly the Chinese...:lol:...People here knows my contempt for the 'Thank' feature and know I do not care for it. For the Chinese conscript rejects here, even an insult is 'useful'. I have yet to see where any of you Chinese contribute significantly to a technical discussion WITH posts that are devoid of anything relating to China.
This is where your so called 'analysis' failed. Military plannings TRANSCENDS political administrations, even under dictatorships where a single leader rules over decades. What the Obama Administration say today can be discarded tomorrow, by Obama or by the next administration. If you cannot understand this, shut the hell up.

Want to see my citation from Secretary of State Clinton pledging neutrality in the South China Sea?

Now, I challenge you to provide a citation from the Obama administration stating it is willing to commit the full might of the U.S. military to fight China in the South China Sea.

You are asking me about mission planning. During NATO operations, the B-2s are part of the NATO assets in its disposal. Believe it or not we don't have to be flying B-2s to know what their mission planing requirements are within NATO.

what you forget is that all of NATO countries are essentially potential bases for ANY american piece of military asset.

NATO personnel anywhere in Europe is briefed accordingly, not just Greece, anywhere, Germany, Spain, Italy, Turkey...

Baloney. I've never heard of NATO planning for war with China. Show me a reputable citation.

You two idiots have been posting garbage in this thread and I'm demanding to see some reputable citations to back up your crap.
Want to see my citation from Secretary of State Clinton pledging neutrality in the South China Sea?

Now, I challenge you to provide a citation from the Obama administration stating it is willing to commit the full might of the U.S. military to fight China in the South China Sea.
The US had no territorial claims in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan either. And look what happened. That is how simplistic is your thinking.

I've never heard of NATO planning for war with China. Show me a reputable citation.
That is not what he meant.
The US had no territorial claims in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan either. And look what happened. That is how simplistic is your thinking.

You're kidding right? The U.S. administrations made clear statements prior to the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Regarding Vietnam, the U.S. stated its intent to stop the communist domino effect in Southeast Asia.

Regarding Iraq, Bush said Saddam had 24 hours to leave Baghdad.

Afghanistan was the base for the attack on 9/11. This was simple retaliation.

Now, give me a credible citation of official Obama administration policy for an imminent war with China. Time to put up or shut up.

Official Obama administration policy is neutrality. You two anti-China idiots live in a fantasy world. I want some credible citations from you two dummies for real-world relevance.

This is either a professional defense forum or it's not. I'm demanding you two clowns to prove the professionalism of your views and a connection to real life.
The US had no territorial claims in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan either. And look what happened. That is how simplistic is your thinking.

That is not what he meant.

Well I think that went straight over his head...

You're kidding right? The U.S. administrations made clear statements prior to the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Regarding Vietnam, the U.S. stated its intent to stop the communist domino effect in Southeast Asia.

Regarding Iraq, Bush said Saddam had 24 hours to leave Baghdad.

Afghanistan was the base for the attack on 9/11. This was simple retaliation.

Now, give me a credible citation of official Obama administration policy for an imminent war with China. Time to put up or shut up.

Official Obama administration policy is neutrality. You two anti-China idiots live in a fantasy world. I want some credible citations from you two dummies for real-world relevance.

When did this suddenly become a preparation for war with China. Open your eyes, we are not talking about war preparations.

and after all, you were posting about the chinese capabilities in destroying an american carrier. Show us reputable sources that the chinese are indenting to do so then!!

do you see how twisted your logic is?
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