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China's 3rd-generation fighter planes take live-ammunition training

Pretty close, but this next picture is more smurfy :confused:


Russian paint job is at least better than the ugly, monotonous, obsolete, paint job done on other Chinese fighter. The paint job on J-11 is the only one that looks modern. For god sake, the pakistani J-7 looks a whole generation more advanced than chinese J-7 because of its paint. the greyish american paint job makes their planes look simply newer and more advanced.
Russian paint job is at least better than the ugly, monotonous, obsolete, paint job done on other Chinese fighter. The paint job on J-11 is the only one that looks modern. For god sake, the pakistani J-7 looks a whole generation more advanced than chinese J-7 because of its paint. the greyish american paint job makes their planes look simply newer and more advanced.

uggh... I agree sort of but it's really kind of sad that we mentally link the American paint scheme to looking cool and advanced.

I knew those damned Hollywood movies were subliminally influencing me!
Russian paint job is at least better than the ugly, monotonous, obsolete, paint job done on other Chinese fighter. The paint job on J-11 is the only one that looks modern. For god sake, the pakistani J-7 looks a whole generation more advanced than chinese J-7 because of its paint. the greyish american paint job makes their planes look simply newer and more advanced.

So true, an aircraft should be nice and clean looking not look like a smurf or some ricer street car painted by some teenager in his parents garage. Like i said earlier atleast the new Mig-29K's/Mig-35 are grey and sexy :azn:

Another thing i hate is those stupid greenish smurf cockpits :sick: again atleast the Mig-29K/Mig-35 has the good **** :yahoo:

In my opinion whoever chose those smurf colors should be jailed.
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lol i just noticed one thing, almost every russian fighters' cockpits are in blue/green colour..
Lol, I feel sorry for India.

In case you forgot India operats the MKI, not only that but Indian MKI pilots receive up to 300 hous anually which is more than alot of NATO pilots receive. Don't forget that MKI pilots have trained against some of the best pilots as well as some of the best aircraft in the world, which includes, Rafales, F-16's, F-15's, Mirages, Typhoons and many more.

So stop feeling sorry.
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