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China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

normally I am not interested to post here in this section. too many warmongers. just because some Chinese clowns here threaten to invade or nuke Vietnam, so I open my mouth.

Vietnam is a non-nuclear state, so for me it is not understandable why some posters here think it is necessary to resort to nuclear weapons. Everbody knows Vietnam has never been a threat for China existence. Moreover, nuclear weapons are weapons of last resort for instance if the fate of China is at risk. China has 1.4b people, while Vietnam 90m. China spends $160b a year for the army, while Vietnam can only afford a fraction of it. so why nukes? makes no sense.

actually Vietnam is one of your least concerns.

From the strategic perspective, China is very vulnerable from others. Look at the map.
You have an unpredictable N Korea regime with nuclear arms Kim dynasty.
More than two US elite devisions station in S Korea. We can assume that America has tactical nuclear weapons to deter North Korea.
Same goes for Japan as America promises nuclear umbrella.
Not much difference for Taiwan
and of course same applies to the Philippines.

A Chinese invasion of Southeast Asia is less about Vietnam and more about bypassing the Strait of Malacca and gaining a coastline along the Indian Ocean.

For example, why do you think we built this pipeline through Myanmar?


We did it to bypass the Strait of Malacca.


Now imagine a PLA ground invasion straight through Southeast Asia all the way down to Peninsular Malaysia. China would then control the Strait of Malacca itself and we can proceed to choke off all of East Asia with our own blockade. Thus Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam would be defeated all at once.

Now imagine a PLA ground invasion straight through Southeast Asia all the way down to Peninsular Malaysia. China would then control the Strait of Malacca itself and we can proceed to choke off all of East Asia with our own blockade. Thus Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam would be defeated all at once.

Ships would have the option to use the waters between Indonesia and Australia.

In a worse case scenario they could use the route in-between Australia and Antarctica.
Ships would have the option to use the waters between Indonesia and Australia.

In a worse case scenario they could use the route in-between Australia and Antarctica.

China will use DF-21D and HGV as a countermeasure against someone who attempts to block the strait against China.

To militarily occupy the strait is not China's style.
China will use DF-21D and HGV as a countermeasure against someone who attempts to block the strait against China.

To militarily occupy the strait is not China's style.

I think the idea itself just goes to show how China will totally dominate Asia by circa 2030.

Even if the US has military parity with China, it still it an ocean away and China can bring overwhelming force to bear in any part of Asia that would just steamroller the US and anyone else stupid enough to get in the way.
The SSBN with SLBM isn't going to be better to be too close China's shore.

The boost phase of the ICBM/SLBM is slow and vulnerable if it is getting too close to enemy's range.

The SSBN with SLCM is another case, but the SLCM is mostly at the subsonic speed, which will give enemy too much time to react.

China has the HGV, so the US soil is not 100% safe when it is contempting to attack China's soil.
Does China have sophisticated air defence shield, covering the entire East and South China Sea?

No, as far as I know. China still lacks of modern air missile defence and capitility of detect US submarines. You would lose the war.

In general, it is very difficult to detect submarines. in contrast, detecting surface warships is a piece of cake.

that is correct the Tomahawk is a subsonic cruise missile, but it is one of best weapons America has. To say you have more time to detect and destroy it is very optimistic assumption. The missile can fly 30m over the surface and reach the target accurately thanks to onboard modern navigation.

I wonder about how some Chinese members here brag about nukes. they can nuke here and there to win the war. nuclear weapons are for deterrence. to deter a nuclear attack. to avoid a war. once you resort to nukes, you must make sure you can kill the enemy, if not you will die as second. that means if you decide to launch nukes, then it is recommended you fire all of the stock piles on the first strike.

for instance, during the cold war, the Soviets planned to launch 5,000 nukes (Hiroshima equivalent) just on the Northern part of Germany.

pic of a Tomahawk missile launch from a sub (wiki)
A Chinese invasion of Southeast Asia is less about Vietnam and more about bypassing the Strait of Malacca and gaining a coastline along the Indian Ocean.

For example, why do you think we built this pipeline through Myanmar?


We did it to bypass the Strait of Malacca.


Now imagine a PLA ground invasion straight through Southeast Asia all the way down to Peninsular Malaysia. China would then control the Strait of Malacca itself and we can proceed to choke off all of East Asia with our own blockade. Thus Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Vietnam would be defeated all at once.

how would the PLA carry out the invasion?

I guess if you just want to control the Strait of Malacca, then you just send the Navy there and take it from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. if the South China Sea, then the PLA ground force into Vietnam, then the PLA navy to the South China Sea.
That alone would be a huge task for China, assuming the other great powers remain neutral.

China will use DF-21D and HGV as a countermeasure against someone who attempts to block the strait against China.

To militarily occupy the strait is not China's style.
to block the Strait of Malacca is easy. Vietnam can secretly send Kilos there and lay sea mines. Nobody knows.
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to block the Strait of Malacca is easy. Vietnam can secretly send Kilos there and lay sea mines. Nobody knows.

Do you wanna a full scale war with China? Meanwhile getting sanctioned by the whole world?
Ships would have the option to use the waters between Indonesia and Australia.

In a worse case scenario they could use the route in-between Australia and Antarctica.

With enough helicopters, the PLA could island-hop across a huge chunk of Indonesia from Peninsular Malaysia if it wanted to. But you're right. If merchant vessels wanted to take the long way around Australia, they can certainly do that. Nevertheless, China would have much to gain from having a huge coastline on the Indian Ocean and effective control of the Strait of Malacca. The extra food security from Southeast Asia's arable land and fresh water wouldn't hurt either.

how would the PLA carry out the invasion?

I guess if you just want to control the Strait of Malacca, then you just send the Navy there and take it from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. if the South China Sea, then the PLA ground force into Vietnam, then the PLA navy to the South China Sea.
That alone would be a huge task for China, assuming the other great powers remain neutral.

I already explained how it could be done in a previous post. Talking to Viets is like talking to a chimp.:lol:

I want to talk logistics again because I want to reiterate just how easy it is for China to invade Southeast Asia.

Three maps.




First, do you see any major geographical features that would prevent the PLA from simply driving the entire army into Southeast Asia? I sure don't. In fact, the highway map would suggest that it is astonishingly easy for the PLA to drive in because the road network already exists.

Could the USAF respond to such an invasion?


The answer is yes, but not easily, and only with a LOT of tanker support. What kind of sortie rates should we be expecting for distances like these? What if China shoots down the tankers? Something like the J-20 could do that quite easily.

China always has the option of hitting the airbases directly. Then what?


That leaves the US Navy against the DF-21D.
With enough helicopters, the PLA could island-hop across a huge chunk of Indonesia from Peninsular Malaysia if it wanted to. But you're right. If merchant vessels wanted to take the long way around Australia, they can certainly do that. Nevertheless, China would have much to gain from having a huge coastline on the Indian Ocean and effective control of the Strait of Malacca. The extra food security from Southeast Asia's arable land and fresh water wouldn't hurt either.

I already explained how it could be done in a previous post. Talking to Viets is like talking to a chimp.:lol:
...and you assume Indonesia and Malaysia do not do anything against your invasion? :tdown:

yes, I like your avatar, but you are a chimp, not me.

You want to invade South East Asia, including Vietnam. I look for how exactly the PLA wants to carry out the plan, aka invasion plan. Just showing me some road maps do not count. In the 1979 war, you mobilized 600,000 men and 400 tanks and just achieved 40km at the farthest point. I guess, this time you must put more on the table in order to reach Hanoi, for instance 1,000,000 men, 1,000 tanks and 1,000 jets, etc...

You want to invade South East Asia, including Vietnam. I look for how exactly the PLA wants to carry out the plan, aka invasion plan. Just showing me some road maps do not count. In the 1979 war, you mobilized 600,000 men and 400 tanks and just achieved 40km at the farthest point. I guess, this time you must put more on the table in order to reach Hanoi, for instance 1,000,000 men, 1,000 tanks and 1,000 jets, etc...


This isn't 1979 anymore. The Chinese auto industry produced over 19 million vehicles in 2012.

List of countries by motor vehicle production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Driving the entire army into Southeast Asia would be the easiest thing in the world.
I like you because you have humor.
do you want to invade Vietnam by passenger cars? :rofl:

Why not? Are soldiers unable to sit inside passenger cars? What's the big difference between a SUV and a US Army Humvee?



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