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China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

Are they thermonuclear warheads or basic nuclear atomic warheads, because, for thermonuclear, 100kt is weak. Thermonuclear warheads can be as powerful up to 50mt. For an atomic warhead 100kt is powerful.

How is 100kt weak? Yes, all those 100kt warheads I listed are thermonuclear. Megaton weapons are heavy and since accuracy is improved they have become pretty much useless... 100kt dropped to a big city enough to make a big dent.

Gosh, you are full of it.

You are on my ignored list right now, goodbye.

lol, nice counter argument.
Some Chinese love nukes so much as if they sleep with them every night.
New Chinese DF-41 10-MIRV ICBM picture!


Latest Chinese DF-41 10-MIRV ICBM picture. The truck tail-lights and wheel configuration are identical to a known DF-41 picture (see below). Also, the truck cabin has the exact same profile.


Known DF-41 ICBM picture due to double rings on canister. Wheels on a DF-41 TEL are all grouped together.

The only difference between the two pictures is the extra panels in the top picture. Otherwise, the wheel configuration (e.g. separation distance), four vertical yellow/red brake lights (including a bottom-most rectangular fifth white light in both pictures), and cabin shape are all identical. The protrusion of the DF-41 ICBM beyond the back of the truck is also about the same.


Wheel pattern/separation is very different on a DF-31A TEL (transporter erector launcher) compared to a DF-41 TEL.

[Note: Thank you to ChineseTiger1986 for the new top DF-41 ICBM picture. I flipped the picture horizontally to enable a direct comparison with the known DF-41 ICBM picture. Since I can't remember the source of the middle picture, I'll use the most likely probability and thank Greyboy2 for the known DF-41 ICBM picture.]


A mere 32 DF-41 ICBMs can target EVERY American city with a population of 50,000 people

PLA test-fired multiple warhead ICBM in July: Jane's Defence Weekly

"PLA test-fired multiple warhead ICBM in July: Jane's Defence Week
Staff Reporter | 2012-08-22

An anonymous US official says a Chinese DF-41 ICBM with the range to strike any city in the United States was test-fired by the PLA's Second Artillery Corps for the first time on Jul. 24, according to Jane's Defence Weekly.

With many American observers believing the missile can carry multiple independently targetable warheads, the DF-41 is considered a serious threat to US national security. An analyst told Jane's Defence Weekly that the ICBM can carry around 10 nuclear warheads to strike at multiple targets in the continental United States.

An article by Bill Gertz published in the Washington Free Beacon on Aug. 15 said the test of the DF-41 was conducted by the Second Artillery Corps of the People's Liberation Army at Wuzhai missile and space test center in the eastern province of Shandong nearly a month ago. "The new missile bolsters China's strategic forces," Gertz said, "making them among the most diverse in the world, with a variety of short-, medium-, intermediate- and intercontinental-range missiles."

The United States is currently unable to intercept missiles which employ a MIRV system. "The DF-41's multiple warheads are expected to include special simulated warheads called 'penetration aids' that are designed to counter US missile defense sensors," said Larry Wortzel, a member of the congressional US-China Economic and Security Review Commission.

"The Chinese military's Second Artillery Corps, which is in charge of both strategic and non-nuclear missiles, is working to integrate the DF-41 into its operational inventory," said Mark Stokes, executive director of the Project 2049 Institute. "The system appears to incorporate a new, larger solid rocket motor than that used on the DF-31 series of delivery vehicles. Ground tests on the motor have been underway for a couple of years."

Phillip Karber from Georgetown University said that China will be able to target every US city with a population over 50,000 people by just putting 32 DF-41 MIRV missiles into service."
China's "no-first-use" pledge on thermonuclear weapons looks like it's dead

Over the past few years, I have called for the retraction on China's "no-first-use" pledge. The reason is simple. China derives no benefit by removing an important military option. The United States and Russia have not pledged "no-first-use" of nuclear weapons. Why should China?

China should continue to build as many DF-41 10-MIRVed ICBMs as necessary to deter the United States. Also, if necessary, China should use its thermonuclear IRBMs or SRBMs whenever it is expedient. Furthermore, thermonuclear-powered EMP weapons should be the first choice to disable stealth fighters or aircraft carriers.

I say hallelujah. It's about time for China to rescind its "no-first-use" pledge to match the realities of modern warfare.

You never give up an important strategic military option for nothing. If the U.S. wants a Chinese "no-first-use" pledge then it should be prepared to trade for the equivalent value of no U.S. naval warships and stealth fighters in Asia.

Otherwise, China should fight with thermonuclear weapons however it sees fit. The U.S. pivot to Asia (to implicitly threaten China) was a terrible idea. China's cancellation of its "no-first-use" pledge of thermonuclear weapons is the first blowback. The stationing of Chinese ASBMs across from Taiwan was the second reaction. I'm sure there is more to come (e.g. deployment of megaton EMP warheads on enlarged Shenlong Space Planes).

Annoying China is never a good strategy. They will push back.


Is China Changing Its Position on Nuclear Weapons? | The New York Times



Try it

Chinese nuclear strike policy is starting to resemble Russian policy.

ANY conventional strike on the Chinese homeland will result in a Chinese thermonuclear strike on an equal countervailing target on the aggressor's homeland.

Russia was able to annex 20% of Georgia without third-party intervention. The new Chinese thermonuclear reprisal policy will finally force trash-talkers to stay out of China's foreign relations.

You want to drop a conventional bomb on Beijing or Shanghai? Try it. You want a five-megaton thermonuclear warhead dropped on your city in retaliation?

For the three major thermonuclear powers to exist in peace, there exists three spheres of influence. The United States has a free hand in the Western Hemisphere and Europe. China has a free hand in Asia. Russia has a free hand in the former Soviet Republics.

Adherence to this reasonable demarcation of spheres of influence will minimize the threat of global thermonuclear war among the Big Three.
ANY conventional strike on the Chinese homeland will result in a Chinese thermonuclear strike on an equal countervailing target on the aggressor's homeland.

You want to drop a conventional bomb on Beijing or Shanghai? Try it. You want a five-megaton thermonuclear warhead dropped on your city in retaliation?

Adherence to this reasonable demarcation of spheres of influence will minimize the threat of global thermonuclear war among the Big Three.

It is about time to push US out of Asia or restrict them, I would like to see in Future Chinese Naval Armada covering Areas and blocking Access to US Naval Fleet near Taiwan and Areas of Interest.
It is about time to push US out of Asia or restrict them, I would like to see in Future Chinese Naval Armada covering Areas and blocking Access to US Naval Fleet near Taiwan and Areas of Interest.

Again, another silly, anti American post with a total lack of proper knowledge and no reality check of course. Re-read your statement, you think anyone can REALLY push the US out of Asia or anywhere for that matter?
Just because some countries have started to progress in the field of military technology, doesn't mean that the worlds strongest military and the economy is at risk or wants to 'leave' or can be 'forced' to leave. The reality of the matter is, if the US hadn't given the Chinese and the Indians a portion of its economic pie, where would these countries be, probably thirty years back from where they are today!!! And for ANYONE to think that the US didn't think this through.....you are sadly mistaken!!! (US is probably the ONLY country who's been a master of strategic planning across the globe, both, economic wise and military wise and to protect her interests). Any believe opposite to my statement is silly and out of touch with reality.

Just a hint, while China and India start working on aircraft carriers......the US may be getting away from them and using hypersonic attack planes or even drones that can hit anything across the planet within an hour of taking off. The US Navy and other platforms can fry a can of Pepsi with laser weapons from a very long distance. The point is, the US military is really in the year 2033 TODAY!!....but for the rest of the world.. the current year is: 2013. Hope you guys got the point. So let's not 'imagine' that the US will leave Asia because some anti-American fanboy had a wet dream or a nightmare. Let's wake up and grasp the reality !!
100kt nuclear warhead arnt bad.

having 10 100kt warhead against..say a city, is actually more effective than a single 2 mt warhead

total nuclear firepower isnt the whole story, whats more important is, how many warheads, how miniaturized are they, and what the delivery systems are.
Just a hint, while China and India start working on aircraft carriers......the US may be getting away from them and using hypersonic attack planes or even drones that can hit anything across the planet within an hour of taking off. The US Navy and other platforms can fry a can of Pepsi with laser weapons from a very long distance. The point is, the US military is really in the year 2033 TODAY!!....but for the rest of the world.. the current year is: 2013. Hope you guys got the point. So let's not 'imagine' that the US will leave Asia because some anti-American fanboy had a wet dream or a nightmare. Let's wake up and grasp the reality !!

Typical fanboi post, Yes China can effectively execute Plans to restrict [the term is restrict and control] US in its backyard. With Increasing PLA Navy development and deployment of its Navy/Naval Assets they can and they will implement Plans for others in Areas of Interest. There is no rocket science in it once Chinese Navy has couple of more ACs and capable increasing number of Destroyers they will effectively have their own Carrier battle Groups when that happens be assured a Control would be imposed in Chinese backyard.

You Think US will hit China and China would be sitting ducks. It does not matter if US is in 2033 technologically whatever Chinese got they will fight with and use it effectively you can fetch the list of their weapons. If something hits China be assured They will hit back hard.

If you want to discuss Economy well my friend US economy is doing not so good get over it swallow it, its all of the News for the past 4 Years.
Again, another silly, anti American post with a total lack of proper knowledge and no reality check of course. Re-read your statement, you think anyone can REALLY push the US out of Asia or anywhere for that matter?
Just because some countries have started to progress in the field of military technology, doesn't mean that the worlds strongest military and the economy is at risk or wants to 'leave' or can be 'forced' to leave. The reality of the matter is, if the US hadn't given the Chinese and the Indians a portion of its economic pie, where would these countries be, probably thirty years back from where they are today!!! And for ANYONE to think that the US didn't think this through.....you are sadly mistaken!!! (US is probably the ONLY country who's been a master of strategic planning across the globe, both, economic wise and military wise and to protect her interests). Any believe opposite to my statement is silly and out of touch with reality.

Just a hint, while China and India start working on aircraft carriers......the US may be getting away from them and using hypersonic attack planes or even drones that can hit anything across the planet within an hour of taking off. The US Navy and other platforms can fry a can of Pepsi with laser weapons from a very long distance. The point is, the US military is really in the year 2033 TODAY!!....but for the rest of the world.. the current year is: 2013. Hope you guys got the point. So let's not 'imagine' that the US will leave Asia because some anti-American fanboy had a wet dream or a nightmare. Let's wake up and grasp the reality !!

China is working on laser weapons and hypersonic weapons. Try harder.
@Martian2 :

While China would not take kindly to anyone dropping a conventional bomb on one of it's cities, don't you think that it is disproportionate to reply with a nuclear bomb that could kill millions?
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@Martian2 :

While China would not take kindly to anyone dropping a conventional bomb on one of it's cities, don't you think that it is disproportionate to reply with a nuclear bomb that could kill millions?

If a serial killer stabbed you in the gut with a knife, do you think it is disproportionate to defend yourself with a gun?
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@Martian2 :

While China would not take kindly to anyone dropping a conventional bomb on one of it's cities, don't you think that it is disproportionate to reply with a nuclear bomb that could kill millions?
What this mean is that it will give China the (perceived) license to act militarily aggressive towards others with the full knowledge that the victim is aware of the nuclear retaliation if they respond to the China in kind. With this fear and uncertainty, militarily weaker countries will be forced to either concede to China's aggression or risk nuclear annihilation.

For example...

China can conventionally hit Tokyo, but if Japan respond in kind to one of China's major cities, China will retaliate with full nuclear assault. This leave Japan only the option to meet China's military outside of China's borders, essentially making a siege out of the Japanese islands.
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China can conventionally hit Tokyo, but if Japan respond in kind to one of China's major cities, China will retaliate with full nuclear assault. This leave Japan only the option to meet China's military outside of China's borders, essentially making a siege out of the Japanese islands.

I think this was meant in a context where China does not act first.

But even in retaliation it would be so grossly disproportionate no Chinese leader(as long as they are sane) would even consider the option.
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