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ChinaIndia first broke the Tacit that's why PLA made tent

Excuses excuses excuses. We are making a mockery of your entire country and you are helpless running to your American daddy for help.

You should ask that with your all weather and all time ally.... who is invited US in this region... when chinese keep making new disputes with all countries around it.... yes we got no problem.... to invite US here... stop acting like kid...
The Tent was well within Indian territory, Chinese should acxt responsible and leave the area. The consequences will be severe for both countries if not.

It looks like Chinese are uncomfortable if India strengthens its borders, India has every right to do it.


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As the pics shown , China clained the red line as LAC, while India clained the green line as LAC.
However, both have Tacit: both sides don't make fixed post at this small disputed area. Even look at ntensive posts nere the red line(ITBP post, Daulat Beg Oldi, Leh, Indian Army post), but now, look at inner the red line, India made a new fixed post:Raki Nala(in the PLA clained LAC), PLA worry about India want another forward policy, so PLA made tent nere Raki Nala, India should remove the Raki Nala post then PLA will remove tent.
In the past, PLA and India army Cross-patrol between red line and green line, India army never pass the green line, PLA never pass the red line, India should remove the fixed post, this is wake-up memories of the forward policy of PLA, very similar to the forward policy

Buddy look at the picture with which u have made the claim carefully.

1. The Indian posts in the image are all in Indian territory i.e outside the Chinese perception of the LAC (RED line)

2. The Chinese tents are pitched withing the Indian perception of the LAC (according to the image u have posted) thus invoking the outcry.

3. There are no fixed posts of the Indian army at Raki nala. India pitched tents 500 m away from the current Chinese tents only after they spotted the Chinese tents.

Before that there were no Indian army structures between the Green and the Red line which is the area in dispute. However there were Indian posts outside the Chinese perception of the LAC (red line, see the image u have posted).


Thus your claim of China building the tent as a tit for tat has no basis. It is China which has violated the border agreement by setting up tents in disputed territory.

I can provide you more sources and the Google map of the claims made by me feel free to counter claim.
The current Indian government is a dove and its position will hardly satisfy even a rational Indian in many situations - why should Indian government be apologetic if they understood the question what @IBRIS and myself are raising here. And this is after the Chinese have built excellent infrastructure on their part both in the AP section and in Akshai Chin in the past couple of decades - So why a tent should bother the Chinese and take it as a mark of aggression?

there you go:
In below green marks surrounding Aksai Chin are Indian mailitary Airports or Advanced landing grounds(ALG).

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Buddy look at the picture with which u have made the claim carefully.

I said very clear, the map I used is from Indian media, not I made it, Indian army first built the fixed post to change the status quo, India should remove the post. Empty cry is useless, PLA will remove the tent after India remove the post. PLA will not listen anything only see the post, India or kill them and start a war or let them there or remove the post
I said very clear, the map I used is from Indian media, not I made it, Indian army first built the fixed post to change the status quo, India should remove the post.

But that post is well within Indian territory outside the perception of the Chinese LAC.

Ok what i realize is that there is very little information to discuss constructively can you find a accurate map of the Chinese LAC and the position of the above post on the map.

Or other sources of information which is not Indian but Chinese media.

Also the above picture seems to be a video so can anyone find the video and post the link. It would be helpful.
But that post is well within Indian territory outside the perception of the Chinese LAC.

Ok what i realize is that there is very little information to discuss constructively can you find a accurate map of the Chinese LAC and the position of the above post on the map.

Or other sources of information which is not Indian but Chinese media.
The post is inner the red line, which seen as LAC for PLA; China give honor to India for not building any thing within green line which claimed as LAC by India, but find that it's useless to give honor.
In the past, PLA and India army Cross-patrol between red line and green line, India army never pass the green line, PLA never pass the red line, India should remove the fixed post, this is wake-up memories of the forward policy of PLA, very similar to the forward policy

Forget about lines the whole Kashmir belongs to India and Tibet belongs to Tibetans china should leave occupied Tibet. :smokin:
The post is inner the red line, which seen as LAC for PLA; China give honor to India for not building any thing within green line which claimed as LAC by India, but find that it's useless to give honor.

I understand that but where is the source?
I understand that but where is the source?
You can take it as "Source said" or "Source from China", or "Source from one tent", PLA soldiers got the command“Watch at the post untile it disappeared”
It’s like 2 gangs having an overlapping area that they both claim. The tacit agreement to maintain balance is that both are patrolling inside this area yet none should build a permanent base let alone several bases inside the area - like what China and India did in the past decades. So the peace was maintained.

The difference was:

when Indian army patrolled this region, China has always kept quiet and Chinese media has never reported that “Indians are intruding into the Chinese territories”;

whereas when Chinese patrolled this same region, however, Indian media have ALWAYS reported for years that “Chinese troops are invading India…for over 600 times, etc”

There is no such a thing as “invading India”, because the region is disputed in the first place, god darn it!! :hitwall: Is that 82 IQ so low for this kind of basic understanding?

Elements of sneaky Indian army started itching for 1962-type “forward policy” in May, 2008 (when China was busy at pre-Olympics) , when India first broke this tacit agreement by installing several permanent structure military bases INSIDE this area!

When the sneaky India saw China kept quiet about it, it started building another permanent structure, a military runway INSIDE this area again, during 2008 summer when China was busy at the Olympics, and landed the first Indian fixed wing military aircraft on this runway in Nov 2008!

Since then India repeatedly and periodically landed il-76 military transporters on it and started to build another permanent structure INSIDE this area recently.

This time:

Make no mistakes here, India have been provoking for 4 f@$%king years now. It's India who acted first to destroy the staue quo. China’s protest by erecting some temporary tents to make a point this time is very reasonable.

Yet at the same time it’s the drama queen Indian media that cry foes pretending to be the victims, making endless false claims all over the world this time when sneaky India thinks that perhaps it can steal some goodies ( exactly like what they did in 1962!), also claiming the false moral high ground, when China is distracted from their disputes with Japan on the East and Filips on the South…

3 fair observations here:

1. Provocative Indian army and media are god darn sneaky and cunny, and act very very LOW…just like 1962. No surprise though knowing how many Indians act in this way in the West

2. China’s response is reactive and quite measured

3. it almost looks like an exact carbon copy of 1962 forward policy... we all know what happened and will happen, you f@#k with China, PLA will f@#k you.

here is the source to support you claim read the full article

India, China fail to break impasse over Ladakh incursion

New Delhi: India and China on Tuesday failed to break the deadlock over the deep incursion by Chinese troops at Daulat Beg Oldi(DBO) sector in Ladakh at their second flag meeting and more Indian soldiers may be deployed in the area. Sources here said the over three-hour-long meeting of Brigadier-level officers at Spanggur Gap in the Chusul sector did not produce any result as the Chinese troops refused to move out from the Indian territory.

Brigadier BM Gupta and Senior Colonel Ayan Yanti led the respective sides. The Chinese side maintained that the area where they have set up tented posts is part of their territory and denied any intrusion, they said.

India asked the Chinese side at the meeting to withdraw from DBO, which is at an altitude of 17,000 feet, and revert to status quo as was before the incursion, the sources said. Sources said there was no positive response from the Chinese side and the matter continued to be deadlocked, the sources said.

At the meeting, the Chinese side raised objections to construction of bunkers by India at Phuktsey area and wanted the structures to be demolished. Sources also said that India may ask for more flag meetings to resolve the issue and avoid any escalation in the situation. The first flag meeting was held on April 18.

Indian Army had earlier sent a team of Ladakh Scouts - an Infantry regiment specialising in mountain warfare - to the DBO sector, manned by the troops of Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) - soon after the incursion was detected. Additional troops may be deployed in the area if the situation does not de-escalate and Chinese troops do not go back to their old position, sources said.

A platoon-strength contingent of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) had come 10 km inside the Indian territory in Burthe in DBO sector on the night of April 15 and established a tented post there. Details of the agreed position of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) were also shared by both the sides.

Transgressions in the Ladakh sector have taken place earlier also due to differences in perception of the LAC. The Defence Ministry had earlier also maintained that the LAC is not properly demarcated in some areas. ITBP troops have also established a camp approximately 300 m opposite the Chinese location and is monitoring the development.

source: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/india-china-fail-to-break-impasse-over-ladakh-incursion/387349-3-245.html
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