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China Would Gain Swift Air Superiority Over Taiwan, US Leaks Show

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Actually Taiwan's population is approx 2.3% of China's.

China population 1,410 million. Taiwan population 20 million.

Taiwan island is easy to defend due to large size and long distance from mainland China, but Kinmen island is vulnerable due to its short distance from Xiamen island and its small size.

Chinese air strikes are based at Kashgar which is 4,000+ km from Taiwan island. Means China can strike Taiwan using strategic bombers and air launched cruise missiles but Taiwan don't have missiles that can strike Kashgar.
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Rather than creating shock and fear, its withdrew from Afghanistan has created nothing but contempt and mockery. US action in the middle east has very much weakened its own global position and strengthened that of its adversaries. If you think war are just anger management tools with no political objective, then you are the one that needs to grow up.

US dismantled Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda Network in this region - the organization deemed responsible for 9/11 and other attacks. This was the main goal. American chapter of the War On Terror is settled for now.

But Pakistani chapter of the War On Terror continues. Pakistan helped restore Afghan Taliban to power, and this didn't change a thing for the country. US made a wise decision to unplug from Afghanistan and focus on other issues.

The Establishment was in love with the 90s era setup in Afghanistan and also in Pakistan. Both are here.

Sorry but few in Pakistan have critical thinking ability. Many continue to think with emotion. The Establishment thinks that it has strategic depth while Pakistan's economy has gone to the dogs and crooks have returned to power in the country.

The end to any war is to achieve political objectives, not to just kill people. In that the US failed on both accounts, handing Iraq to Iran and Afghanistan to a more entrenched Taliban. You can win a thousand battles while still lose the war.

Changes in Iraq:

1. Saddam regime is history.
2. Former Iraqi army that could fight is history.
3. New Iraqi setup is democratic.

US has reshaped political landscape of Iraq for better or worse. But turned Iraq into a toothless banana republic in the process. This was the mission and it is achieved.

Iran has influence in Iraq via some shiite elements. But all shiite elements are not on the same page. For example, Muqtada al-Sadr is a nationalist and thinks about Iraq.

One camp cannot have everything going its way in a country that has ethnic faultlines and divisions. Iraq is not like North Korea united under a strongman.

There are 3 million dead afghans left behind---.

All older US weapons tested---newer weapons initiated---.

I am already grown up son---on my last legs now---.

It is very very difficult for the ORDINARY to understand the american mindset---so I don't blame you for your shortcomings and sarcasm---. You can only know what you can understand---.

Americans don't fight wars in anger---. Anger maybe a reason for war---but its application is ice-cold---.

You can kill 30 million and still doesn’t do anything for the US to advance its interests. It’s more harmful than anything else. What you describe is a very immature mindset that doesn’t understand the long term consequences of one’s own actions.

US dismantled Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda Network in this region - the organization deemed responsible for 9/11 and other attacks. This was the main goal. American chapter of the War On Terror is settled for now.

But Pakistani chapter of the War On Terror continues. Pakistan helped restore Afghan Taliban to power, and this didn't change a thing for the country. US made a wise decision to unplug from Afghanistan and focus on other issues.

The Establishment was in love with the 90s era setup in Afghanistan and also in Pakistan. Both are here.

Sorry but few in Pakistan have critical thinking ability. Many continue to think with emotion. The Establishment thinks that it has strategic depth while Pakistan's economy has gone to the dogs and crooks have returned to power in the country.

Changes in Iraq:

1. Saddam regime is history.
2. Former Iraqi army that could fight is history.
3. New Iraqi setup is democratic.

Iran has influence in Iraq via some shiite militias. But Muqtada al-Sadr is a nationalist and thinks about Iraq.

US has reshaped political landscape of Iraq. Also, turned Iraq into a toothless banana republic. This was the mission and it is achieved.

You cannot have everything going your way in a country that has ethnic faultlines, nevertheless. Iraq is not like North Korea united under a strongman.

Iran says thank you. China too.
What you describe is a very immature mindset that doesn’t understand the long term consequences of one’s own actions.
Yes, like the Taliban hosting Al-Qaeda. Not understanding the long term consequences of one's own actions.

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I am not confident in china until it has a comparable stealth fleet to USA.

There are 3 million dead afghans left behind---.

All older US weapons tested---newer weapons initiated---.

I am already grown up son---on my last legs now---.

It is very very difficult for the ORDINARY to understand the american mindset---so I don't blame you for your shortcomings and sarcasm---. You can only know what you can understand---.

Americans don't fight wars in anger---. Anger maybe a reason for war---but its application is ice-cold---.
American mindset is no better than that of a terrorist. Kill, humiliate and genocide your enemy to keep your global dominance at all costs. To our Chinese ally's I would say trying to be diplomatic with USA is trying to be diplomatic with a bull. I am confident tho for all the misery on this earth by the Hands of USA will be paid in full sooner or later. Tyrants of today will be under tyranny of Tomorrow as history dictates.
Chinese Airforce hasn't fought an air battle for decades, highly likely it will be overwhelmed by the US airforce. Don't ever recall a Chinese air battle.

Neither has US...
The PLAAF has not fought any air battles because it COULD NOT. US airpower has fought only a few because we hit the other guys BEFORE they get airborne. Big difference. :enjoy:
The end to any war is to achieve political objectives, not to just kill people. In that the US failed on both accounts, handing Iraq to Iran and Afghanistan to a more entrenched Taliban. You can win a thousand battles while still lose the war.
First of all, that is the problem with modern war, you don't fight to conquer. You fight to implement policy, which unlike fighting a war, you don't have a specific guideline or timeline to chart your progress.

Ask yourself this question, to what end it is a mission accomplished on building a nation? You never stop building a nation because what happened today may not be the same tomorrow, the Sudan Coup have told us just that.

On the other hand, I wouldn't say Iraq and Afghanistan "Win" both war, I mean Iraq is completely destroyed inside and out, have been ravaged by ISIS for decade and Afghanistan is a fail state they was back in 1990s. Nobody win a political motivated war, except politician who line their pocket.

This is these wars are about, do you think US military care about winning or losing Iraq or Afghanistan? They don't, as long as the Armed Force have new budget and they can skim it off from the Weapon manufacturer, that's a win for them, if you lose a leg, a hand or your live fighting in those war, then it's too bad for you.

We went over there because we can, that show people power, I can fly 12,000 mile to your home and f up your home if you piss us off, that's the meaning of true power.
The PLAAF has not fought any air battles because it COULD NOT. US airpower has fought only a few because we hit the other guys BEFORE they get airborne. Big difference. :enjoy:
Yes I could also take out saddys birds with a sling shot would have been a great air battle... :yahoo:

US neutralized Iraqi airforce, Libyan airforce, Serbian airforce etc and used their aircrafts to bomb Afghan, Libya, Iraq, Syria etc even recently.
Yep these were the best AFs in the world, US should now send a few over to Ukraine....

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