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china wont support India for UNSC, says Pakistan

Donate? Are you kidding me?

China is the Co-founder of the UN with US, USSR, France and you British Master in 1945.

When did India declared its own sovereignty? You guys must have a time machine or get some coffee.

Most of the educated Indian elite didn't believe in it ,but now posted in Washingtonpost a credible news source,we are confused ourselves.

(India was offered a permanent seat on the council 55 years ago, in 1955. But that offer, made by the United States and the Soviet Union, was declined by India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru said the seat should be given to China instead.)

Obama supports adding India as a permanent member of U.N. Security Council

However,China was offered the seat becasue it was a one of the victorious in WW2 ,do you have any more info on this?
Most of the educated Indian elite didn't believe in it ,but now posted in Washingtonpost a credible news source,we are confused ourselves.

Obama supports adding India as a permanent member of U.N. Security Council

However,China was offered the seat becasue it was a one of the victorious in WW2 ,do you have any more info on this?

China had been the UNSC since its very beginning in 1945. There was just a switch from the Republic to the People's Republic in about 1971.
Why are Pakistanis sooo interested in India.

Hahaha, they want to be like India, but they have to admit, the closest they can be like India, is to think they are Chinese themselves. ;)
Why are Pakistanis sooo interested in India.

Hahaha, they want to be like India, but they have to admit, the closest they can be like India, is to think they are Chinese themselves. ;)

God indians are comedians, your a classic dude, your saying Pakistanis are interested in india, being an indian on a Pakistani forum, irony much.:bunny:
I believe that China will neither support nor oppose. And as all the other permanent members have been vocal proponents of the inclusion of India; India gets elected by default.

Will the proceedings be tough? yes. But right now India is in a win-win situation. If China makes any noise about the Indian bid; (which imho they wont; as they are smart enough) India can always dangle the possibility of increased Indian-American cooperation...even an alliance of sorts in front of China. Does China Really want India to be a sworn enemy? especially in an emerging multipolar world? I do not think so. Already the tightening ties between India and Japan(and other SEA countries as well as S.Korea) are seen with alarm in China. China will not make the mistake of opposing the Indian bid. It would definitely abstain would voting (as a concession to Pakistan) but will definitely not veto the big. And it seems like both the Chinese members who posted on this thread share the same view

In the Extremely unlikely event that China does Veto the Indian bid, the GOI should make a big issue out of it and make statements which call into question the entire framework of the UN, especially since India represents 1/6th of humanity and the largest democracy.

Further it should also remind the UN about the fate of the league of nations that preceded it (after ww1) and why the league of nations failed. For the exact same reason...due to the fact that nations were not given proper representation and were subject to the whims of the "old boys" club; a club that was past its prime and definitely did not reflect the world order of that day.

but I digress, I stand by my assertion that the possibility of a Chinese veto of the Indian bid is almost nil; doubly so because China is a pragmatic nation and is definitely not stupid enough to shoot its own foot.

Really good post man....But whats the use of telling this to pakistani....they will never understand it...

As far as my analysis is concerned pakistanis are not able to Digest there Diplomatiic loss in inter nation Geo politics( guys time have passed...if u cry abour Kashmir no one will listen...as u have seen in recent comments by UK Or USa...tell me any country who is supporting u in Kashmir stance...not even China Says it openly...Ur soo called Musim Freinds...Arabs...They are also coming INDia way....in another 10 years...u will stand no where) Aslo they are not able to digest INdia's Economic Progress....Whatever they say....we will get there some day as this will take time...may be 5-10 years...by that time Our economy will be much more stronger

All my pakistani freind...take this on positive note...

See 60 Years of Independence... u r Country has not made any progress and u guys are future of ur country Please make some positive moves now...

Also guys see the recent floods as an example ur country didn't had enough money to survive...the floods...do u call this a progress of country which is not even sufficient in 60 years of Independence....
when india had the quake they also asked for aid, in fact to this day india recieves a billion dollars worth of British aid every year. Hahaha your really delusional all we need is the Kashmiri peoples support and Ms A Roy has shown how strong that is observe:-

On August 15, India's independence day, Lal Chowk, the nerve centre of Srinagar, was taken over by thousands of people who hoisted the Pakistani flag and wished each other "happy belated independence day" (Pakistan celebrates independence on August 14) and "happy slavery day". Humour obviously, has survived India's many torture centres and Abu Ghraibs in Kashmir.

As the crowd continued to swell I listened carefully to the slogans, because rhetoric often holds the key to all kinds of understanding. There were plenty of insults and humiliation for India: Ay jabiron ay zalimon, Kashmir hamara chhod do (Oh oppressors, Oh wicked ones, Get out of our Kashmir.) The slogan that cut through me like a knife and clean broke my heart was this one: Nanga bhookha Hindustan, jaan se pyaara Pakistan. (Naked, starving India, More precious than life itself - Pakistan.)

That's not China's fault, nor it has anything to do with Pakistan. Other members of UNSC will not become likely to share their power of veto with India. This is a pragmatic reality.
Face it, no matter what you and your friend think India has a say in world Geopolitics..

india was a mute who has been given a voice, has been given some confidence and balls - yeh now its a bit more important, only because OTHERS say so, not because indians say so

It has already cleared by many Chinese members in this forum that officially China was fine with India's UNSC entry.

well what more do you need than the word of the forum LOL
where is ur super duper blue navy force when 10 people fuk india with in 10 seconds from through by ur indian logic from pakistan ??

and about 9/11... idiot AMERICANS WANT TRUTH about 9/11 not PAkistani if u know eva watch any international channel rather thn BS bollywood style indian channels!

PS: open that thread and read what i said carefully! and who commented on my post he got answer from various members thr!

But wait you still got F'ed for what some non-state actors did in India..You are condemned in internationally..you are accused of sponsoring terrorism..I would think we got enough revenge for it.. Sometimes foreigners even accuse Pakistan of being a 'terrorist state', not my words..
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And a person like you who is sitting in front of PC all the time and posting comments telling others truth right ? LOLzz :rofl:

love your thinking ability LOL

Not sure how you are an elite on this forum..You have zero knowledge of Geopolitics.. Just saying what I see..
india was a mute who has been given a voice, has been given some confidence and balls - yeh now its a bit more important, only because OTHERS say so, not because indians say so

Sorry if that intended for me, I have no clue what you just said..Why would anybody would give voice (whatever that means) to India unless they think India is important.. If India is important then how is it not Indians doing?
Most of the educated Indian elite didn't believe in it ,but now posted in Washingtonpost a credible news source,we are confused ourselves.

Obama supports adding India as a permanent member of U.N. Security Council

However,China was offered the seat becasue it was a one of the victorious in WW2 ,do you have any more info on this?

Look let's stop this here because this is just not true. Washington post hasn't done their fact checking and one of the two author was an Indian. This is a internally perpetuated fact. India was never ever offered a seat on the security council.
That's not China's fault, nor it has anything to do with Pakistan. Other members of UNSC will not become likely to share their power of veto with India. This is a pragmatic reality.

We still don't know if Obama's permanent seat endorsement includes veto power.
and now what will indians says, who gives a **** because its pakistan:lol:, and it doesnt matter... because they themselves think, god damn we are fucked anyway :lol:

moral of story: dont laugh at pakistan, bcoz u dont know whats coming
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