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china wont support India for UNSC, says Pakistan

Why are you diverting the topic? How is all this nonsense related to anything which I said? Again showing your immaturity and lack of debating skills. Simply jumping in to type some unrelated nonsense. Did you even understand my post?

And it is only some conspiracy nutcases who believe that 9/11 was an inside job. I have seen enough nonsense like that, and conspiracy theorizing is not my preferred method of spending time, but it seems to be yours, going by your posting history.

And I won't even respond to your typical nonsense vulgar comment about 26/11, except for one small thing: you ask where was our navy when Pakistanis came and made that cowardly attack on Mumbai? Oh well, where is your so-great Army when 26/11s happen on an almost weekly basis in Pakistan?!?

Thats why i said u r idiot because i am not diverting the topic u divert the topic and forget with in min (add ahmidya/suni/shia topic related into this)

and about ur BS against Pakistan Army.. Army never said this thing came from India said atleast some logic ... whole world is laughing when ur minister like krishna statement against pakistan if even any birth of baby in india (ISI behind this... lol) and the most funniest thing is ur military chief statement "we are ready for two front war"

PS: before posting any bulllshit think twice.. u added different topic related thing to ur post first not me!

>> remember you already reported by 2 members!
My relative in United Nation i asked him about this deal btw US=India and answer from my relative is simple and logicall

My relative said: Are you crazy its an lollypop from US to India nothing else more.. Its not possible for country like India will get permanent seat in UnitedNation. Italy, Brazil, Japan and many other countries are far more powerfull countries even they are not able to get this seat how country like india will get its political strategy lollypop to India about seat nothing else more. China will directly reject VETO this and about Russia (Russia already watching India/US relation very seriously its indian dream that Russia is not feel anything or ignore US/India relation. Russian already watchout this relation.

My relative is working in UN since 81.


Do you know how many people work in UN? Are all those employees have a unanimous opinion on this? If one UN employess tomorrow says that UN will impose sanctions on Pakistan for supporting terrorism, will you start preparing for those sanctions.. Even if the employee in question is working there for last 20-30 years..
Do you know how many people work in UN? Are all those employees have a unanimous opinion on this? If one UN employess tomorrow says that UN will impose sanctions on Pakistan for supporting terrorism, will you start preparing for those sanctions.. Even if the employee in question is working there for last 20-30 years..

By Indian logic defintly u said right but as a common thinking .. many countries for P.S in UN

secondly suppose if u r working in some firm ... you are not aware of anything ... what is going on inside ? lol :azn:

Atleast someone know much much better thn u ... a person who is passing statements on forum and a person who is working in that firm on high offfical level...
If u need power first u standoff with your neighbours a country like US which is far miles awway for India will not help in any big conflict (technically), ur power match for your economy not for military/strategy/location. Relation of your country with your neighbours neva good or even stable since last 60 years. Country like Pakistan is the middle of this whole continent technically. Geo strategy US need Pakistan for its location and US need India for fullfill her money requirement which India already did.

About Permanent seat in UN. Its not easy if Obama (single person) said this even US bak there are many countries who hold VETO power option especially big boss CHINA in UN.

US need money which US already get from you. I agreed about India power (but economically not by military/or location). Which is more important especially when 2 countries side by side are not even interested to hold relation with you country (good) because of your policies against both.

P.S in UN is not a joke which Indian think if Obama said they will get.. its not possible might be but later atleast not 10 years.. There are big list of those countries who is already working with or for US since last 30 - 40 years.

No one is dreaming for a UNSC seat tomorrow. And I don't think it matters much. All I am saying is, Pakistan should learn to live with an India that is more assertive and powerful in every possible way.

As for you claiming to have strategic location.. How does it matter exactly? You guys are in the Path of some major players. That's it. You guys are not the destination but just a path to take. You could be important for Afgan war and probably a gas pipe line. Nothing more.
Do you seriously think Pakistan and India are considered as equals internationally? It is more like a menacing small Indian neighbor. Nothing more than a nuisance value. So stop taking about the "delicate" balance of power in south asia being altered. There was never a balance to begin with.
Thats why i said u r idiot because i am not diverting the topic u divert the topic and forget with in min (add ahmidya/suni/shia topic related into this)

and about ur BS against Pakistan Army.. Army never said this thing came from India said atleast some logic ... whole world is laughing when ur minister like krishna statement against pakistan if even any birth of baby in india (ISI behind this... lol) and the most funniest thing is ur military chief statement "we are ready for two front war"

PS: before posting any bulllshit think twice.. u added different topic related thing to ur post first not me!

>> remember you already reported by 2 members!

Please don't lie, your countrymen keep saying that RAW is responsible for TTP, RAW is responsible for blasts, India is responsible for floods, yada yada yada.

Your country has accepted that the 26/11 terrorists came from Pakistan, and are already trying to prosecute the perpetrators. But some people like you are not able to come to terms with it.

As far as world's laughter is concerned, the world laughs at people like you who make everything a big conspiracy theory even when your own government accepts the reality. It is only Pakistanis like you who stay in their own cocoon and are unable to grasp the fact that Pakistan is hardly being taken seriously anymore.

Report me all you want, if you cannot hear the truth and it the truth is too bitter for you, that is your prerogative.
By Indian logic defintly u said right but as a common thinking .. many countries for P.S in UN

secondly suppose if u r working in some firm ... you are not aware of anything ... what is going on inside ? lol :azn:

Atleast someone know much much better thn u ... a person who is passing statements on forum and a person who is working in that firm on high offfical level...

So you think all the thousands of people working on UN already know the direction of the UN reforms which even the presidents of the countries are not aware of. Do you know how many Indians work in UN? And its a big secret shared between all those thousands of people and is still a secret that is known either to those employees and Mr Stealth of Defence.PK.. :rofl:

Classical reasoning that we keep hearing on this forum.. Its either my relative in the UN or my uncle in ISI who confirm the hottest conspiracy theory conforming to Pakistani members' views..
I believe that China will neither support nor oppose. And as all the other permanent members have been vocal proponents of the inclusion of India; India gets elected by default.

Will the proceedings be tough? yes. But right now India is in a win-win situation. If China makes any noise about the Indian bid; (which imho they wont; as they are smart enough) India can always dangle the possibility of increased Indian-American cooperation...even an alliance of sorts in front of China. Does China Really want India to be a sworn enemy? especially in an emerging multipolar world? I do not think so. Already the tightening ties between India and Japan(and other SEA countries as well as S.Korea) are seen with alarm in China. China will not make the mistake of opposing the Indian bid. It would definitely abstain would voting (as a concession to Pakistan) but will definitely not veto the big. And it seems like both the Chinese members who posted on this thread share the same view

In the Extremely unlikely event that China does Veto the Indian bid, the GOI should make a big issue out of it and make statements which call into question the entire framework of the UN, especially since India represents 1/6th of humanity and the largest democracy.

Further it should also remind the UN about the fate of the league of nations that preceded it (after ww1) and why the league of nations failed. For the exact same reason...due to the fact that nations were not given proper representation and were subject to the whims of the "old boys" club; a club that was past its prime and definitely did not reflect the world order of that day.

but I digress, I stand by my assertion that the possibility of a Chinese veto of the Indian bid is almost nil; doubly so because China is a pragmatic nation and is definitely not stupid enough to shoot its own foot.
So you think all the thousands of people working on UN already know the direction of the UN reforms which even the presidents of the countries are not aware of. Do you know how many Indians work in UN? And its a big secret shared between all those thousands of people and is still a secret that is known either to those employees and Mr Stealth of Defence.PK.. :rofl:

Classical reasoning that we keep hearing on this forum.. Its either my relative in the UN or my uncle in ISI who confirm the hottest conspiracy theory conforming to Pakistani members' views..

And a person like you who is sitting in front of PC all the time and posting comments telling others truth right ? LOLzz :rofl:

love your thinking ability LOL
Well if China not support neither oppose us so does that make any difference.

Or China's support is essential ???
China the ultimate betrayer
India would have been the UNSC Permanent Member.
But we donated it to China.

And now,China can't even 'Thank' after decades..
China the ultimate betrayer
India would have been the UNSC Permanent Member.
But we donated it to China.

And now,China can't even 'Thank' after decades..

Donate? Are you kidding me?

China is the Co-founder of the UN with US, USSR, France and you British Master in 1945.

When did India declared its own sovereignty? You guys must have a time machine or get some coffee.
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