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Second meeting of Pakistan-China steering committee today

August 2, 2021

ISLAMABAD: The newly constituted Pak-China Relations Steering Committee would supervise economic diplomacy with China in addition to sorting out operational issues hindering implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The supra body, which will meet next week for the second time, will also work to build the positive narrative of China-Pakistan relations, underscoring the government’s renewed focus on the multibillion dollar initiative that remained neglected for three years.

The steering committee that has initially been set up to drive CPEC will also work in areas that traditionally do not fall under the CPEC framework but are critical to cement Pak-China ties, said the officials.

The steering committee has agreed to supervise and steer Sino-Pak economic cooperation in domains of mutual interest. It will also work to support and supervise the Sino-Pak economic diplomacy, according to the terms of references agreed in the first meeting held on July 2.

The sources said that there was consensus among the committee members that the economic diplomacy goal with China can be achieved best through the Special Economic Zones (SEZs).
However, so far both the countries have not agreed to an Industrial Framework agreement to govern the industrial relations. Although the government claims new focus on SEZs, it has not yet been able to finalise a developer for the construction of the Dhabeji SEZ, which is among the prioritised zones.

The committee will resolve operational issues in CPEC and non-CPEC projects and will create inter-provincial synergy. The committee will promote positive narrative of the Sino-Pak relations, according to the decision.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has struggled to keep the CPEC momentum built through the five-year tenure of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government despite setting the CPEC Authority, headed by a retired Lt Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa. There have remained serious coordination issues between various government agencies, which the government is now trying to resolve through the steering committee.

There is also a Cabinet Committee on CPEC, which is also headed by Planning Minister Asad Umar and would deal with CPEC policy matters.

During the first meeting, the representative from the Ministry of Defence stated that it was critical to identify and address issues that arose during CPEC’s implementation as soon as possible.

On July 2, Planning Minister Asad Umar, being the head of the committee, had turned down a proposal from the Ministry of Finance to expand the steering committee focus in the areas of social and culture, saying that the committee’s key focus would remain economic relations with China.

The sources said that many CPEC projects that had been initiated during the last government tenure were still lingering. At least five power sector projects, 884 megawatts Suki Kinari hydropower project, 720MW Karot hydropower project, 330MW Thar Block-II, 330MW ThalNova Thar block-II and 1320MW Thar block-I were falling behind scheduled commissioning dates and needed relaxations.

Similarly, there were also policy and operational issues in the way of operationalisation of the 660KV high voltage direct current Lahore-Matiari transmission line. The decision about the maximum availability of power from September this year and approval of revised tariffs were pending, said the sources.

The government also wanted to build Thakot-Raikot road project on government-to-government basis but it requires a formal decision, which remains pending. The Zhob-Quetta road project was also facing delays due to pending court cases, said the sources.

In its first meeting, the steering committee had decided to expand the membership of the committee on the recommendation of the national security adviser. The supra-body already has representation from the civilian, military, navy and the intelligence agencies.

The planning minister has approved a summary to bring Ministry of Information secretary, Board of Investment secretary and chief secretaries of the four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir into its fold, said a senior ministry official.

The summary is expected to be forwarded to Prime Minister Imran Khan next week to seek his endorsement.
China reiterates stance on Kashmir issue, calls for proper, peaceful resolution

APP, Thu, 5 Aug 2021,

BEIJING, Aug 5 (APP): China on Thursday reiterated its consistent and clear position on the Kashmir issue, and called for its proper and peaceful settlement under the United Nations (UN) Charter, United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and bilateral agreements.

“China’s position on the Kashmir issue is consistent and clear. The Kashmir issue is an issue left over from history between India and Pakistan, and should be properly resolved peacefully in accordance with the UN Charter, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements,” a Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson said in response to a question regarding completion of two years of India’s illegal act of August 5, 2019.

On August 5, 2019, in violation of the UNSC resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir and of international law, India took unilateral measures in a bid to change the demography of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and tried to obliterate the distinct identity of Kashmiri people.

The spokesperson said as a common neighbour of India and Pakistan, China sincerely hoped that India would live in harmony, peacefully resolve the dispute between the two countries through mutual dialogue, and work together to maintain peace and stability in South Asia.

The remarks of the Chinese spokesperson came at a time when the entire Pakistani nation is observing ‘Youm-e-Istehsal’ to protest the completion of two years of India’s illegal act of August 5, 2019.
Last month, in the joint press release of the Third Session of the Foreign Minister’s Strategic Dialogue of China and Pakistan held in Chengdu, capital city of Sichuan Province of China, the Pakistani side briefed the Chinese side on the deteriorating situation in Jammu and Kashmir, including its concerns, position and current urgent issue.

The Chinese side reiterated that the Kashmir issue was a dispute left over from history between India and Pakistan, which was an objective fact, and that the dispute should be resolved peacefully and properly through the UN Charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements. China opposed any unilateral actions that complicate the situation.
For the first time in the country, a Rs 70 coin was issued.

The State Bank of Pakistan has introduced a special Rs 70 coin for the first time in the history of the country. This coin has issued a commemorative coin on the completion of 70 years of Pak-China diplomatic relations.

China has listed Pakistan as its priority as Beijing pledged $100 million to COVAX -- a worldwide initiative aimed at equitable access to Covid-19 vaccines -- for distributing vaccines to developing countries, said China's Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong on Tuesday.

Pakistan has so far received 5.5 million doses of the Moderna vaccine and 2.4 million doses of AstraZeneca along with over 100,000 doses of Pfizer as part of the COVAX effort.

In a tweet, envoy Nong shared that the first batch of vaccines provided to COVAX by Beijing is being shipped to Pakistan, which has been 'put' as China's priority. "Our commitment: making vaccines a global public good, and put Pakistan as our priority," the ambassador wrote on his Twitter handle.
China reaffirms support to Pakistan as ‘strategic partner’

Chinese envoy discusses CPEC, defence collaboration with army and ISI chiefs at GHQ, says ISPR

News Desk
August 10, 2021

chinese ambassador to pakistan nong rong called on coas general qamar javed bajwa at ghq photo ispr

Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong called on COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa at GHQ: PHOTO: ISPR

China’s Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong on Tuesday called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi and discussed matters of mutual interest, military said.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement that during the meeting matters of mutual interests including defence collaboration, progress on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and regional security were discussed in detail.

“Visiting dignitary appreciated Pakistan's sincere efforts for peace and stability in the region. He reiterated that China shall continue to support Pakistan as a strategic partner,” it added.

Director-General Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt General Faiz Hameed was also present during the meeting, the military’s media wing said.

Last month, Gen Qamar had said that both the Pakistani and Chinese armies will continue to contribute towards safeguarding collective interests, terming the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and Pakistan Army brothers in arms, a statement issued by the ISPR said.

The army chief was speaking at the 94th anniversary of the founding of PLA commemorated at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi.

Chinese Ambassador Nong Rang, Defence Attache Major General Chen Wenrong, officials from the Chinese embassy and officers from the tri-services of Pakistan attended the event.

On the occasion, according to the ISPR, the defence attaché thanked the COAS for hosting a reception on the eve of PLA’s 94th Anniversary.
Pakistani mangoes to further sweeten friendship with China

August 14, 2021

In a bid to introduce and popularize Pakistani mangoes in China, the Trade and Investment Section of Consulate General of Pakistan in Guangzhou organized ‘Pakistan Mango Festival ‘ which was attended by a diverse group of individuals including Chinese dignitaries, government functionaries, diplomats from Consulate General of Malaysia, Belgium and Turkey in Guangzhou, members of civil society, fruit importers, and media persons.
Muhammad Irfan, Trade and Investment Counselor of Consulate General on the occasion said that mango is the national fruit of Pakistan and it is called the ‘King of Fruits’ and Pakistani mango is among the sweetest fruits on the face of the earth.
Pakistan shows solid support for China:

By Liu Xuan | China Daily
Aug 16, 2021

Pakistan sees a bright future in the cooperation and friendship of China, as the two are celebrating a remarkable anniversary, a senior Pakistani diplomat said, while also showing firm support for China's fight against the pandemic.

"We reject all instigation, politicization or standardization. Any Covide-19 virus tracing has to rest on scientific data," said Moin ul Haque, ambassador of Pakistan to China.

In an exclusive interview with China Daily on Saturday, the ambassador praised China's efforts in battling the virus, calling for countries to work together to tackle the crisis.

Through its campaign, China has taken effective measures to control the pandemic, and the people and government of China have shown the unity and discipline needed to resolve the problem, which is another example for the world to follow, he said.

Haque also said it would be "very unfair" for some countries to hold vaccines, as there are still many poor or developing countries lacking doses.

"We want countries, especially major rich and developed countries, to take this responsibility to help the poor or developing countries," Haque said. "This is a time for solidarity. This is a time for cooperation. No country alone can address this challenge."

As for Pakistan-China relations, the ambassador said he is "very hopeful and very confident" that the relationship is going to be strengthened and the cooperation between the two countries will become more solid and pragmatic in various fields.
Making efforts to build 'regional consensus' on Afghanistan, Qureshi tells Chinese FM

Naveed Siddiqui
August 18, 2021

This combination photo shows Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi (left) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. – AFP/Reuters

This combination photo shows Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi (left) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. – AFP/Reuters

With Pakistan maintaining that the decision to recognise the Taliban regime in Afghanistan should be a regional one, Federal Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi informed his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, on Wednesday that he would be making visits to other countries to develop a "regional consensus on the evolving situation in Afghanistan".

A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Qureshi shared the details of his upcoming visits with Yi during a telephone call, adding that both the foreign ministers agreed to remain in contact on shared interests, particularly the Afghanistan situation.

The exchange between the foreign ministers comes after China said it is ready to deepen “friendly and cooperative” relations with Afghanistan following the country's takeover by the Taliban.

A Chinese government spokesperson had said on Monday, “The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China's participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.”

The spokesperson had also called on the Taliban to “ensure a smooth transition” of power and keep its promises to negotiate the establishment of an “open and inclusive Islamic government” and ensure the safety of Afghans and foreign citizens.
Economic integration consolidating Pak-China friendship

August 24, 2021

BEIJING, Aug 23 (APP): Trade volume between China and Pakistan totaled US$ 12.56 billion in the first half of 2021, showing an increase of 1.6 times against the same period last year, Cheng Xizhong, Visiting Professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law and Senior Fellow of the Charhar Institute said on Monday.

According to the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, trade volume between China and Pakistan has increased explosively against the global trend under the serious impact of the pandemic.

In an article published by CEN, he said the main reasons are as follows: First, over the past two years, China and Pakistan have overcome the impact of the pandemic and jointly promoted the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Special economic zones, special technological zones, industrial parks, and agricultural demonstration zones in Pakistan have been carried out in an all-round way, which has greatly improved the business environment in Pakistan.

Many foreign enterprises, especially Chinese enterprises, have greatly increased their investment in Pakistan, and multiple Chinese enterprises from a variety of industries have settled down in Pakistan and cooperate with local companies across different industries by providing them with modern technologies and equipment. This has greatly enhanced the production and export of Pakistan’s commodities.

Second, this year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. The both sides take this opportunity to comprehensively promote bilateral relations, including trade and economic cooperation, to a new height.

China-Pakistan relations have become more pragmatic, and economic and trade cooperation has further consolidated the foundation of traditional friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.

Third, since the second phase protocol of the China-Pakistan FTA entered into force on December 1, 2019, the number of zero-tariff products between the two countries has increased significantly, thus paving the way for the substantial and sustained growth of bilateral trade.

Fourth, China, with a population of 1.4 billion, is a huge market for all kinds of commodities from Pakistan. Over the years, more and more Pakistani exporters and Chinese importers have vigorously tapped the Chinese market and contributed to the growth of bilateral trade.

Pakistan’s exports to China in the first quarter of 2021 totaled US$ 888 million compared with US$ 526 million during the same period in 2020, representing a year-on-year increase of 69%, thus reducing the trade imbalance between China and Pakistan.
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