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China with Pakistan

Pakistan, China to enhance cooperation in anti-terrorism campaign

August 25, 2021

China hopes Pakistan will soon find out the culprits of the suicide attack at the Gwadar Eastbay Expressway Project, reveal the truth behind the Dasu terrorist attack, fully fix the security loopholes and enhance protection measures to ensure all the Chinese nationals and projects in Pakistan are safe, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, Zhao Kezhi, told Moeed W. Yusuf, National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

During an online meeting on Tuesday with the Pakistan official, Zhao praised the efforts made by Islamabad in the investigation on the Dasu terrorist attack, which has gained significant progress in very few days, and also hoped that Pakistan will continue the investigation based on facts and evidence to find the truth of the attack and hold criminals accountable.

The attack on a bus in northern Pakistan that killed nine Chinese nationals on July 14 was a suicide attack carried out by a branch of the Pakistani Taliban backed by Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies, Pakistani Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, informed on August 12.

On Friday at the Gwadar East Bay Expressway project in Balochistan, a motorcade carrying Chinese workers was attacked by a suicide bomber.

Zhao urged Pakistan to find out the cause of the incident and strike down the terrorist forces in accordance with the law, fully re-examine the security loopholes and evaluate the potential risks to reinforce equipment and protection measures.

China and Pakistan should cooperate to enhance the protection mechanism and ensure all the Chinese nationals and projects are safe in Pakistan, Zhao said. Also, China is willing to enhance anti-terrorism cooperation with Pakistan and keep a close communication and coordination on the situation in Afghanistan to play constructive role in safeguarding regional and national security and stability.

Yusuf said that Pakistan and China are iron-clad brothers and Islamabad attaches great importance to concerns from China and will make all efforts in holding the criminals of the Dasu terror attack accountable.

Pakistan signs an agreement with Huawei to launch country's first smart forest near Lahore.
China facilitating Pakistan’s service trade

August 29, 2021

BEIJING, Aug 28 (APP):”Pakistan is a country with a population of more than 200 million and has a huge consumer market. Population and resources are huge advantages for the development of service trade, and their labor force is very young,” said Zhang Wei, chief expert of China Association of Trade in Services.

During the FY2020-2021, Pakistan’s service exports increased by 9.19% to US$ 5.937 billion, and the service trade deficit fell sharply by 43%. Pakistan service trade shows great potential. For its development, Zhang Wei shared his advice.

“For Pakistan, the development of the network infrastructure industry should be the priority. It is necessary to establish 4G and 5G base stations, especially in ports where cross-border freight is concentrated and large cities where cross-border trade is concentrated,

this is the foundation of developing online cross-border trade.” Zhang Wei told CEN that he knew there are many Chinese network companies including China Mobile investing in Pakistan for its infrastructure network facilities and he strongly supports that.

Zhang Wei also stressed the importance of the processing trade development.

“Pakistan’s exports to China, including agricultural products and minerals, are all resources products.
China’s exports to Pakistan are all manufacturing products, home appliances, electronics, and mechanical products. Such trade in goods between China and Pakistan is bound to have a deficit.” Zhang Wei said, adding that Pakistan should increase the added value and variety of products, which could help increase the employment and promote the development of service trade.

Last year, China signed RCEP with other 14 countries. Zhang Wei noted that it manifests the international cooperation tendency of establishing free trade zones and signing free trade agreements.

“More and more countries have reached a consensus to be more open and provide convenience in their customs. All participants have benefited from RCEP. Vietnam has cooperated with China in entrepot trade, and Singapore and China cooperate in offshore finance. RCEP can provide them with more conveniences and profits.

These have strong references for Pak-China cooperation. China and Pakistan also have free trade agreements which can be fully utilized.”

“Trade between Pakistan and China has progressed a lot during the first 6 months of 2021. In this duration, Pakistani exports have increased up to 80%.
The reason behind this is that in 2020 the second phase of FTA was launched,” said Moin ul Haque, Pakistani Ambassador to China.
“Along with that we are trying to arrange promotional events, many Pakistani pavilions are established in many cities of China, through which we are promoting trade and products of Pakistan.”
Pakistan purchases 12 MN more doses of Covid-19 Vaccines from China

August 30, 2021

Four special flights of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) carried a fresh batch of 12 million doses of Sinovac vaccines from Beijing to Islamabad on Sunday.

The PIA airlifted the Sinovac vaccine doses obtained from China and brought it to Pakistan for the people under the government’s ongoing prevention and control drive against Covid-19.

The PIA Country Manager for China said, “PIA special flights PK-6852, PK-6853, PK-6854 and PK-6856 transported 12 million doses of Sinovac vaccine procured from China for vaccination of people under government’s ongoing prevention and control drive against Covid-19 pandemic.”
He further said that under able leadership of its Chief Executive Officer, Arshad Malik, the national flag carrier had so far airlifted 57 million doses of anti-Covid-19 vaccine through 47 special flights.

He added, “Till now, PIA has brought around 17 million doses of Sinopharm and 40 million doses of Sinovac and CanSino vaccines from China to Pakistan.”

It is worth mentioning that the government under its mass vaccination drive has set a target to vaccinate 75 million people by the end of 2021. So far, over 51 million vaccines have been administered. Chinese vaccines namely Sinopharm, Sinovac and CanSino, besides other vaccines, are being used in the mass vaccination drive.

The health authorities launched the nationwide vaccination drive with around a million doses of Sinopharm vaccine donated by China, starting with older people and frontline healthcare workers, in March this year.
ISLAMABAD: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, is one of the most important projects for the economic revival of Pakistan, said Khalid Mansoor, adviser to the prime minister on CPEC affairs.

“CPEC’s phase two will be developing an industrial hub in the country, providing many opportunities for local and foreign investors,” Mansoor told Chinese media in Islamabad.

Underlining the importance of CPEC to uplifting the agriculture sector of his country, Mansoor said that Pakistan is an agricultural country and its economy depends on the development of the agriculture sector, which meets most of the food requirements of the country.

“There are several areas where we can benefit from the excellent research and experience of the Chinese agricultural sector, for improving the quality of the seed, and then benefiting from the research and development to improve our yield, and to improve and modernize our mechanical cultivation and harvesting.”

He said that Pakistan is also working on upgrading its livestock sector and enhancing its meat exports, which can all be expected to achieve with the cooperation of China.

Talking about the commitment of the two countries to make CPEC a green corridor, the official said that they would be growing a number of trees along the CPEC route and “we want to make sure that as the industrial hub is going to be increased, it should not be detrimental for the people’s health and also make sure that it is not polluting the environment by producing emissions.”

Coal power plants working under CPEC are making sure that they use state-of-the-art technology to meet world standards in emissions, removing the apprehensions that they are hazardous to the environment, he said.

The official said that the common people of Pakistan are the ultimate beneficiaries of the CPEC projects.

“We believe that wherever we are putting our industry, the adjoining community should fully benefit […] Projects are underway which are going to be improving their health, their education, their livelihood, so specific projects are being developed and there are several projects which are in the implementation stage with the help of China’s grant, including vocational institute, the hospital, the international airport, etc.,” he added.

Apart from job opportunities and livelihood prospects, CPEC is also solving the daily life problems of people, he said, citing the example of the country’s southwest Gwadar district where people had a shortage of clean drinking water and electricity.

“So, we are working very closely with the authorities like Gwadar Development Authority and Gwadar Port Authority, and the Chinese company to make sure of providing all sorts of facilitation to residents of Gwadar.”

Talking about CPEC’s creation of job opportunities for the unemployed in Pakistan, the official said that in phase two, huge jobs opportunities would be created for people and special importance will be attached to their skill enhancement and for that purpose, vocational training institutes will be constructed in special economic zones.

“The strategy is that the unskilled people are going to be trained and hired in the project activity and thereafter, they will get opportunities to earn and support their families.”

On the role of the BRI in Pakistan-Afghanistan cooperation, Mansoor said that BRI would unfold a lot of economic opportunities for landlocked Afghanistan, which will get the chance to enhance its exports through regional connectivity offered by the BRI.

“The BRI has got a clear-cut mandate for the regional connectivity, whether it is in Afghanistan or other neighbouring countries,” he said, adding CPEC phase two will not only bring revolution to Pakistan but also benefit Afghanistan.

He said that due to CPEC’s special economic zones, his country is going to be a major manufacturing hub which will not only uplift Pakistan’s economy but will also create huge opportunities for Afghanistan to rebuild and revive its economy.

“Afghanistan is a landlocked country, so it will have to depend on Pakistan for its needs in terms of importing and exporting. So we believe that this regional connectivity through the BRI will be really providing opportunities for us to develop further ties with our brotherly country Afghanistan and also providing the mutual opportunities for the growth of the economy in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” he added.
Chinese investment to open up immense job opportunities: PM

Mon, 13 Sep 2021, 3:35 PM


ISLAMABAD, Sep 13 (APP): ...... Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said the government would extend utmost assistance to the foreign investors and expressed confidence that the Chinese investment in Pakistan would open up immense employment opportunities.

The prime minister expressed these views in a meeting with heads of the Chinese companies. China’s ambassador Nong Rong, federal minister Hammad Azhar, Shaukat Tareen and Asad Umer, and Commerce Adviser Abdul Razak Dawood, Special Assistant CPEC Khalid Mansoor and senior officials were also present.

The prime minister said the government was focusing on the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ policy and was extending facilities to investors.

He said Pakistan could learn a lot from China in terms of industrial development, particularly in areas of agriculture, fisheries, vegetables and fruits, high-yielding livestock and information technology.

The delegation appreciated the investor-friendly policies of the government of Pakistan and expressed keen interest in investing in the country.
Chinese firms confident in Pakistan after meeting with PM Khan

Several Chinese business leaders on Tuesday expressed increased confidence in their operations in Pakistan after attending a meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan on Monday that was aimed at addressing Chinese firms' concerns regarding policy support and security after recent terrorist attacks.

During the meeting with a delegation of Chinese business leaders, Khan vowed to chair a monthly self-review meeting to address their concerns, according to local media, sending a strong signal that the Pakistani government attaches great importance to Chinese companies.

Zhang Shilu, general manager of Zhengbang Agriculture Pakistan (Pvt) Limited, who attended the meeting, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the meeting was held in response to concerns that have gripped Chinese investors
© Global Times
Pakistan, China agree to strengthen cooperation in education, culture

September 16, 2021

During a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong and Federal Minister for Education, Professional Training and National Heritage Shafqat Mahmood, a range of bilateral issues on education and skills development were discussed. The two discussed how communication on Pakistani students studying in China can also be discussed, while they also reiterated their resolve to consolidate their relationship in areas of education, skills development, and culture.

Moreover, Ambassador Nong said the two countries have always stood by each other on national and international fora to support each other on a range of issues.


Pakistan to severely punish perpetrators behind the Dasu Dam terror attack, do its utmost to protect safety of Chinese in Pakistan and firmly advance CPEC construction, Pakistani PM Imran Khan said to Chinese President's Rep. FM Wang Yi in Dushanbe Tajikistan.
Pakistani national flag retrieved from re-entry capsule of Shenzhou-12 spacecraft

The national flag of Pakistan and a commemorative certificate featuring national flags of Pakistan and China were retrieved from the re-entry capsule of China’s Shenzhou-12 and handed over to the representatives of Pakistan and China, at a Monday ceremony (September 27) held in Beijing to open the re-entry capsule of the Shenzhou-12 spacecraft.

While addressing the ceremony, Mr Moin ul Haque, the Pakistani ambassador to China, said that taking the Chinese and Pakistani flags into space not only demonstrates the special friendship between China and Pakistan, but also marks yet another milestone in the in-depth bilateral cooperation in space technology.

Pak-China cooperation in space technology dated back to as early as 1990, when the Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) launched the Badr-1 satellite. In 1991, the two sides entered into an agreement on space sciences and technology to educate space-oriented talents and develop related infrastructure.

The year 2011 witnessed a landmark collaboration between the two countries, when PAKSAT-1R, an upgraded version of PAKSAT-1, blasted off in China to provide communication services across South and Central Asia, East Asia, Eastern Europe, and East Africa.

In 2019, the all-weather friends inked another milestone cooperation agreement on space exploration and missions. Signed between SUPARCO and China Manned Space Engineering Office, the deal covered potential cooperation in space science and technology experiments, the selection and cultivation of astronauts, and applications of manned space science.

Given the fruitful results in Pak-China cooperation in space technology, Mr Haque expressed his confidence in more such in-depth bilateral cooperation, saying that the bilateral relations are as broad and vast as the outer space. “We also look forward to the day when Pakistan can send its astronauts into space,” remarked Mr Haque.

Shenzhou-12 spacecraft was launched in June for a 3-month space trip carrying three astronauts. The items, which were loaded inside its capsule when it began its space journey, also include a national flag of Namibia, equipment for science education experiments and crop seeds.


Chinese investment for reviving Pakistan Steel Mills

Three Chinese companies have expressed interest in reviving Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM), including Metallurgical Corporation of China (MCC). The company believes it can help the two countries develop a model business relationship between the two countries to enhance economic cooperation.

The MCC has also previously managed the construction of the Saindak Copper-Gold Mines and helped maintain a steady profit stream for 18 consecutive years. The Chairman of MCC, Gui Wenqing also earlier met with Prime Minister Imran Khan to discuss joint ventures, whereas, the government has also announced that it is expecting an investment of USD 1 billion to revive PSM.

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With the help of China, these projects are being completed...

* 1- Kohala Dam
It will generate 1024 MW of electricity and will be completed in 2024. It has the capacity to store 39,000 acre feet of water.

👈 2- Mohmand Dam
It will generate 800 MW of electricity, be completed in 2024 and have the capacity to store 1.3 million acre feet of water.

👈 3- Diamer Bhasha Dam
It will generate 6000 MW of electricity and has the capacity to store 66 lakh acre feet of water. It will be completed in 2028.

👈 4- Dasu
It has the capacity to generate 4300 MW of electricity. It has the capacity to store 1.5 million acre feet of water. Phase 1 will be completed in 2025 and Phase 2 in 2028.

👈 5- Mahal Hydropower Project
It has the capacity to generate 640 MW of electricity

👈 6- Suki Kinar Hydropower Project
Capable of generating 884 MW of electricity will be completed in 2024

👈 7- Mehj Dam
Capable of generating 120 MW of electricity

👈 8- Karote Hydropower Project
It has the capacity to generate 720 MW of electricity and will be completed in 2022

👈 9- Balakot Hydropower Project
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is being built with the help of the government has the capacity to generate 320 MW of electricity

👈 10- Koto Hydropower
Koto Hydro Project is being completed with the cooperation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government. It has the capacity to generate 40 MW of electricity. It will be completed in 2021.

* 11- Nuclear power plant Karachi
Two nuclear power plants in Karachi, one of which has been completed which was inaugurated by Khan Sahib in recent days and the other will be completed in 2023. The project has a total capacity of more than 1000 MW.

All these projects are being worked on day and night in the security of the Army without any hindrance.
All the elements who want to create anarchy or crisis in the country are working on all the agendas, so that, these projects can be stopped somehow.
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