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China will never build a better military than the US; US military most lethal war fighting machine on the planet : General Milley

If it's under PRC control,then why do you want to...."take it back" ?
Do u know what is peaceful reunification? Seems like your westerner only know violent. No wonder the Chinese call the west barbarian in the past. Becos they are savage who think problem can only be solved thru use of force.

And what is the hurry when all major countries support one China policy with none of them support an independent Taiwan. :rolleyes:
Have any of Chinese governors visited Catalan or Scotland or Wales without coordinating with their central governments? Guess what, Pelosi did that.
And she paid the price for being sanction by PRC. :rolleyes: tell me, why not US president of US, Biden go instead if Taiwan is so independent in the eyes of US?
That is the most sad & pathetic thing a General could say.

I could be wrong, but isn't it mentioned somewhere in the US Military Text Books: Never underestimate your enemy

Either way, the so-called #1 Military got their *** handed to 'em in VietNAM, Korea & more recently Afghanistan by a bunch of 'Ragheads'.

On the flipside, China has taken a page from Napoleon with the approach: Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a Mistake.
But they do -- by trading with Taiwan.
Trading doesnt mean u are independent. We Chinese promote trade. Hong Kong and Macau also trade with rest of the world. But they are under one China policy. So???
Either way, the so-called #1 Military got their *** handed to 'em in VietNAM, Korea & more recently Afghanistan by a bunch of 'Ragheads'.
Then why is China not converting the Parade Line Army (PLA) to the Taliban model?

On the flipside, China has taken a page from Napoleon with the approach: Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a Mistake.
The flip side here is that the US military have been the better student of 'The Art Of War' than China has been.

Trading doesnt mean u are independent. We Chinese promote trade. Hong Kong and Macau also trade with rest of the world. But they are under one China policy. So???
But it does, especially when they do it regardless of what China says.
Do u know what is peaceful reunification? Seems like your westerner only know violent. No wonder the Chinese call the west barbarian in the past. Becos they are savage who think problem can only be solved thru use of force.
Ah peaceful reunification is flying Drones over Taiwan and sending your fighter jets in a show of power?

Tell me,because a western barbarian like me doesn't know. We're all savages here. But please,continue with your narration of "peaceful reunification" through threats of military invasion.
Ah peaceful reunification is flying Drones over Taiwan and sending your fighter jets in a show of power?

Tell me,because a western barbarian like me doesn't know. We're all savages here. But please,continue with your narration of "peaceful reunification" through threats of military invasion.
How many Taiwan fighter jet has we shot down? How many Taiwanese soldier has we killed for last 50 years?

How is that savage compare to the blood of Iraqi , Syrian, Libyan ,Pakistanis and afghan you have killed? That is what I called savage and barbarian. And I guess the west is best to understand that. :enjoy:
When did Chinese premier visit this province last time? Claiming it on a map isn’t going to cut ice.

As of now Taiwan dream is going to remain a dream for China in the foreseeable future.

You obviously don't have any idea what you try to be a smartass about. That is the constinutional OFFICIAL map of ROC (aka Taiwan)

Btw, when did Indian PM visit Azad Kashmir or Aksai Chin last time?
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When Pelosi was planned for the visit, Xi declared consequences. Pelosi came and went, Xi launched ballistic missiles in thin air and rolled tanks within his own cities.
Within a couple of months his bot army is asking - why Pelosi, why no The President?

Great armies have been built in the past and those armies have conquered the world. These armies were able to achieve what they did because adversaries ignored them or took them lightly.
In this case, no one is ignoring China, or taking them lightly. China has been able to trigger a shitstrom by following hegemonic activities. World has seen through and multiple efforts are on to contain China. If they achieve the power that allows them to retake Taiwan in 1000 years then it is like not attaining that power ever.
When Pelosi was planned for the visit, Xi declared consequences. Pelosi came and went, Xi launched ballistic missiles in thin air and rolled tanks within his own cities.
Within a couple of months his bot army is asking - why Pelosi, why no The President?

Great armies have been built in the past and those armies have conquered the world. These armies were able to achieve what they did because adversaries ignored them or took them lightly.
In this case, no one is ignoring China, or taking them lightly. China has been able to trigger a shitstrom by following hegemonic activities. World has seen through and multiple efforts are on to contain China. If they achieve the power that allows them to retake Taiwan in 1000 years then it is like not attaining that power ever.
The consequences is we will sanction whoever goes to Taiwan under their official title. If they are so gung ho. Why not the president ? I though u claim Taiwan is really independent? So they shall able to invite whoever to visit them, right?

Ok. If this is your answer then i have nothing to say.
Why not? U think Taiwan is so independent that they can make whatever decision they want. And since UK is so sure of Taiwan Independent. They shall send their PM there to make a point. Rather than sending other small fries for firing squad.
Low IQ people straight up acting like China is not invading Taiwan because of Taiwan millitary. Its the combined strength of the West which is why China doesn't invade Taiwan not because of Taiwan lol. Just like saying US is scared of North Korea because malnourished North Korean soldiers with sharp sticks and ak47s can shoot down F22s. No its because they are afraid China will enter the war on the side of the North Koreans.

But its the internet so you got to deal with the lower IQ people who often come from places with very bad education systems e.g. US
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