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China warns US to 'act cautiously'

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all r saying that chinese r reverse engineer..they hv no indigenous technology..they r master in duplicate/smuglled technolgy..sorry all u r wrong..china pakistsn/dabong1/shchinese hv great indigenous troll technology..its 10th genration ..they r a master in troll independent of topic..hats off to them..hats off too chinese language from which next 2000 years ppl can read those great trolls...

yes..india has poorty.its bigest challenge against us but we never hide them and chinese hv seconde highset poor ppl which they hiding in their beijing shine and commnism..forget abt attacking on india lol.1962 is a past...china counlnt did in 1971 even in 1999 where india was in war..ur russian papa alwyz with us.

at most china can jump for some time for a small island called taiwan arms deal and feeling great proud of killing innocent tibetian ppl..but they cant to do anything more..lolz they lives on export and it is their major weakness.its the fact..
Do you know what 1970s Shanghai was like, Honor? Serious question.

My memory is quite vague now! The quality of life is bad as compare to now.

If you had been to mumbai, you will change your perception on India! The street is really messy and you will be really surprise. You can look at the slum and you will pity the people living there. The standard of living is really bad there.
My memory is quite vague now! The quality of life is bad as compare to now.

If you had been to mumbai, you will change your perception on India! The street is really messy and you will be really surprise. You can look at the slum and you will pity the people living there. The standard of living is really bad there.

I confess to only having seen pictures of Mumbai slums. But the Shanghai of 70s/80s that I grew up in were full of slums, too.

It wasn't as much of a disorganized expanse of corrugated steel and carboard with garbage strewn about as far as eyes could see, granted.

But a slum was a slum and "lied in the eyes of the beholder" :azn:.

Just to jog your memory that's all ...

I confess to only having seen pictures of Mumbai slums. But the Shanghai of 70s/80s that I grew up in were full of slums, too.

It wasn't as much of a disorganized expanse of corrugated steel and carboard with garbage strewn about as far as eyes could see, granted.

But a slum was a slum and "lied in the eyes of the beholder" :azn:.

Just to jog your memory that's all ...


The slums in shanghai and india are in different league! Perhaps if u had opportunity to go there and make a judgement youself.
I confess to only having seen pictures of Mumbai slums. But the Shanghai of 70s/80s that I grew up in were full of slums, too.

It wasn't as much of a disorganized expanse of corrugated steel and carboard with garbage strewn about as far as eyes could see, granted.

But a slum was a slum and "lied in the eyes of the beholder" :azn:.

Just to jog your memory that's all ...


Off the topic but..
In china, govt controlled the influx of people from rural to urban areas. In India, that isn't possible.
Well thats because you were so busy copying....:lol: , And still busy with that..:lol:

Yeah, busy coping political systems, and still busy in that: :lol:

Politics of India take place in a framework of a federal parliamentary multi-party representative democratic republic modeled after the British Westminster System...

Politics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sadly, you can't digest what's in UK system and result in a number 1 poverty country and million children in death.
Well, then 1962 is the time when India was new, was war stricken, 1962 India did not enough troops,no weapons.....


LOL in deed!

Moreover, it's incredible again.

Why then you still foolhardily forwarded into Chinese territory with your wimpy arm?

Some Indians’ incredibility lies in the fact that they can always find excuses for their failures, not to draw a lesson from them.
Look at Mumbai now!!! I've been there and she is worst then 1970s Shanghai!

Road is crap! Hygience is crap! I just dun know... Mumbai is "HOT" and smelly and dirty!!! I do not know how they survive there!


Worse, Mumbai is perhaps still teemed with terrorists and protected with inferiorly equipped police. As the money all goes to corrupted officers and send to against China. :tdown:
Why do we need to copy, we are not encouraged to do so... sorry:disagree:

Just don’t understand why couldn’t you guys stop being incredible. Would it hurt you if you become a little bit more credible?

Tell us why then do you copy british system?

Politics of India take place in a framework of a federal parliamentary multi-party representative democratic republic modeled after the British Westminster System...

Politics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incredible indeed!
all r saying that chinese r reverse engineer..they hv no indigenous technology..they r master in duplicate/smuglled technolgy..sorry all u r wrong..china pakistsn/dabong1/shchinese hv great indigenous troll technology..its 10th genration ..they r a master in troll independent of topic..hats off to them..hats off too chinese language from which next 2000 years ppl can read those great trolls...


And India upper caste is a master in copying, duplicating and smuggling political system so as to manipulate vast poor and uneducated.

Politics of India take place in a framework of a federal parliamentary multi-party representative democratic republic modeled after the British Westminster System...

Politics of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is perhaps the biggest conspiracy of your upper classes and interest groups. By fooling your vast poor/uneducated with much touted (by your upper classes) UK system, they can fill their own moneybags with the public properties.

Just look how many billionaires a poor India has and how many billionaires a rich Japan has.
I been there 3 times per year for bussiness. And I know a lot about there. And every time i been there, some indian in my company always asked me "How do you think about indian?", "Do you like indian", "Do you like mumbai?". Watching their eyes I cant be so vicious to tell them the real feeling of me. Considering bussiness manner, I always said mumbai is a good city.:lol: And I am also curious that why indian like asking forienger about their feeling about india. Brother, do you know why?

Nice PR!

Perhaps it would be better if you would say: hey guess what! If you can help me expand my business and enhance my pocket, (and of course you will have a share,) Mumbai is really the best in the world. Then you continue on enumerating (I.e. raving) how the slum is rich in culture and freedom, how those poor can express them selves, how India will catch USA in 20 years.. whatever in 30 years...and how the biggest democracy is blahblah… etcetc...

Anything and everything they want to hear. :lol:
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