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China Warns US Military Against Attacking Pakistan, Readies Nuclear Missile

If this news is true than for the first time China has shown such kind of aggression still its good for Pakistan and if Pakistan decides to take a stand America could do nothing because the are in real trouble in Afghanistan and attacking Pakistan would mean that Afghanistan can become into Dead End for Americans and Nato Troops
Doubt it would happen because of nuclear threat, but USA would not lose. I don't think you guys know how much the us invests in their military. see more..
It doesn't matter how many warnings have been issued, your big daddy is certainly behaving more rationally after the warnings.
I wonder if you're paid by the PAK govt/army for spreading their propaganda but it seems that alot of Bang posters here are pro PAK instead of borderline neutral !
In fairnesss, I think it's rather sensitive position for all sides; no one can afford to make any wrong moves or try anything too soon... third party(indians) hysteria don't mean $h!t. I don't understand why indians get all hysterical,this is USA we're talking about, NOT india...
The reason we are talking is that, we don't prefer a mess in the neighbour hood with Nuclear blast killing 10s of 1000's of people either in US or in China or in Pakistan or in India.
The moment a war goes nuclear, birds cross in the sky and the WW4 will be fought with arrows and bows as all human kind will go back to bronze age.
The reason we are talking is that, we don't prefer a mess in the neighbour hood with Nuclear blast killing 10s of 1000's of people either in US or in China or in Pakistan or in India.
The moment a war goes nuclear, birds cross in the sky and the WW4 will be fought with arrows and bows as all human kind will go back to bronze age.
Don't think we'll go back to the bronze age but definitely the collateral damage would be unimaginable & most of South Asia would be nuke ash perhaps China as well if it decides to do something fancy !
China Warns US Military Against Attacking Pakistan, Readies Nuclear Missiles
Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:11

China has warned the US military to cease its hostilities toward Pakistan. The Chinese government has sworn to defend Pakistan in the event of an attack.

The Chinese military has placed on alert ballistic nuclear missiles. China says that Pakistan has given the US military 15 days to get out of their country. The article below seems to say that the US has had a troop buildup at the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.

Article: China’s Second Artillery Rare Raid Warning!
(You can use Google Translate to translate the above article)

Pathetic Indeed....
Wonder how low will they fall... the moment you think that was the lowest... they prove you wrong by falling down even lower.
Sometimes it is amusing... yet some times one feels for the masses who are so strongly being mislead by their Govt. and Military... no wonder a joke is what has been made here.
Seriously where do you come up with these ridiculous postings? China readies nuke lol perhaps you might consider a career as the new Tolkien!
Hey Hey! ...I guess this shold be good enough message for U PAL......
nomatter whatever U say about China.......We will alwayz stand by them and they alwayz stand by us.......momatter what......:smokin:
I guess this message won't let U guyz go sleep at night due to the jealously problem.Cuz We guyz now realli deserted U for our dear neighbor China.We dumped U for ure evil nature.......:D

Yes I lost out sleep after reading this thread because I cant stop laughing. When I stopped, I read your reply and cant stop laughing.

And for the bold part, I know you will always stand by them, because that's how Pakistan has been standing for a long time, it cant stand on its own, it need some body by the side to stand. And as you said that China will stand by, yes that's what I am saying, China will Stand by the side, when problem comes.
Well, you could attack a large weaker country like China or Russia. :P

US vs Afghanistan lol, that is like a whale beating up an ant.

More precisely Whale beating and ant and still loosing to the ant.

Yes I lost out sleep after reading this thread because I cant stop laughing. When I stopped, I read your reply and cant stop laughing.

And for the bold part, I know you will always stand by them, because that's how Pakistan has been standing for a long time, it cant stand on its own, it need some body by the side to stand. And as you said that China will stand by, yes that's what I am saying, China will Stand by the side, when problem comes.

Really ? If thats the case than why hasn't the US taken out Pakistan nuke and split the country
if the US is Soooooooooooooooooo good in destroying Pakistan. ....oh I get it if you tried there won't be an ISrael and then you'll fall. I get it now. :tup:
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