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China Warns US Military Against Attacking Pakistan, Readies Nuclear Missile

:disagree:Another sore gringo loser who just can't admit that his country is losing it's status as superpower.

American population = 300 million

Chinese population = 1.2 billion

You tell me who's gonna be stronger in the long term.:wave:

As for all these delusional Indians, just remember one thing. China is stronger than you in every possible way. Economically, Militarily, Politically, Scientifically. :)

Having a bigger population don't mean squat.
You tell us , you been licking every other nations A$$ inorder to fight against Pakistan. :pakistan:

Care to give some examples..?Did we form any a$$ licking alliances like ceato or cento or whatever?Did we join any other super power rivalry as obedient puppets like you did in soviet afghan war?Did we join nato wot for some dollars?Did we allow our country to be bombed by nato?
THis ARSENAL6 guy is most fake poster ever on PDF. He doesnt even know that Pakistan does not recognise the state of Israel. A true Pakistani would hate Isreal. Seriously some Pakistanis need lessons on geography and world affairs !

As for the Chinese threat to US .... I have heard it before . Hollow chest thumping. Makes lot of noise, but breaks their own ribs ! :lol:
These Chinese warnings itself will start global war ... errr i mean global warming for sure :blah:

My Pakistani brethren need to realize that no one is going to help us out of the corner we have found ourselves in. The Chinese will not risk their chance at true prosperity for the interests of any other nation. And our foreign policy is, in no way, comparable to that of India. They chose non-alignment and are reaping the dividends today as very few nations have a negative opinion about the country. Our foreign policy has been one of "all powerful" leaders selling our dignity and interests to the highest bidder for the gain of their own personal families.
This article is a joke. We keep hearing about China warnings from their Federal bureau of Warnings and Fear Mongering often. First there is a remote chance for US to attack Pakistan. Even if that happens, China may issue another warning, China's policy is take care of itself and is using Pakistan for its gain and for dumping its cheap products, in the event of war China will just wash her hands.

Are we not getting tired of these message

China warns Vietnam
China warns India
China warns Taiwan
China warns Dalai Lama
China warns Japan
Hey Hey! ...I guess this shold be good enough message for U PAL......
nomatter whatever U say about China.......We will alwayz stand by them and they alwayz stand by us.......momatter what......:smokin:
I guess this message won't let U guyz go sleep at night due to the jealously problem.Cuz We guyz now realli deserted U for our dear neighbor China.We dumped U for ure evil nature.......:D

---------- Post added at 07:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 AM ----------

THis ARSENAL6 guy is most fake poster ever on PDF. He doesnt even know that Pakistan does not recognise the state of Israel. A true Pakistani would hate Isreal. Seriously some Pakistanis need lessons on geography and world affairs !

As for the Chinese threat to US .... I have heard it before . Hollow chest thumping. Makes lot of noise, but breaks their own ribs ! :lol:
Hey Now U hate Mr. ARSENAL6 too....???
Hey! BTW don't laugh so much cuz U might loose ure mind.......:D
Hey Hey! ...I guess this shold be good enough message for U PAL......
nomatter whatever U say about China.......We will alwayz stand by them and they alwayz stand by us.......momatter what......:smokin:
I guess this message won't let U guyz go sleep at night due to the jealously problem.Cuz We guyz no realli deserted U for our dear neighbor China.We dumped U for ure evil nature.......:D

Thank you my brother. :cheers:

And don't worry about the USA, they have never directly attacked a nuclear armed nation. Look at how they ran away when Russia invaded Georgia, or even when North Korea bombarded the South Koreans and sunk their naval vessels. North Korea can keep the USA at bay with only a handful of fission bombs.

The real problem, is that the USA is trying to "buy out" Pakistani political leaders like Zardari. That is how they want to play the game, they are trying to win by buying out your leaders. I hope you guys get rid of the Zardari government in the next elections.
Thank you my brother. :cheers:

And don't worry about the USA, they have never directly attacked a nuclear armed nation. Look at how they ran away when Russia invaded Georgia, or even when North Korea bombarded the South Koreans and sunk their naval vessels. North Korea can keep the USA at bay with only a handful of fission bombs.

The real problem, is that the USA is trying to "buy out" Pakistani political leaders like Zardari. That is how they want to play the game, they are trying to win by buying out your leaders. I hope you guys get rid of the Zardari government in the next elections.
Yes! U are absolutely right sir.
The US is a coward country alwayz try to attack weaker countries.... Where they certainly know death is coming they won't go there. We realli need to get rid of the Western imposed system and their agents/politicians trying to control/rule us.Very soon .....Insha-Allah.......:smokin:
Uh oh! I hope the Chinese nukes don't take out the Federal Reserve Bank of New York!!! What will happen if the $Trillion of our IOU's to the PRC got vaporized????
what china is doing right china did not speak up before never wake up a sleeping dragon

China and Pakistan bond can never be broken

USA is making too much sound
The US is a coward country alwayz try to attack weaker countries

Hey dude!! Weaker countries are the only ones that exist on this planet. We HAVE to attack weaker countries. There's nobody else for us to attack! GEEEEEEZZ!
Hey dude!! Weaker countries are the only ones that exist on this planet. We HAVE to attack weaker countries. There's nobody else for us to attack! GEEEEEEZZ!

Well, you could attack a large weaker country like China or Russia. :P

US vs Afghanistan lol, that is like a whale beating up an ant.
Hey dude!! Weaker countries are the only ones that exist on this planet. We HAVE to attack weaker countries. There's nobody else for us to attack! GEEEEEEZZ!
Hey U damn right!
Cuz U couldn't even go and save Georgia from Russian attack when It was crying/calling bitterly for ure help........GEEEEEEEEZZZZ..:D
The Chinese military has placed on alert ballistic nuclear missiles.
:rofl: This is so dumb it's not even funny!

So the Chinese wanna destroy themselves and the whole goddamn world just to protect Pakistan? Jeez! :fie:
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