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China warns U.S. surveillance plane


Aug 23, 2012
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United States
Above the South China Sea (CNN)The Chinese navy issued warnings eight times as a U.S. surveillance plane on Wednesday swooped over islands that Beijing is using to extend its zone of influence.

Seeking to further challenge China's military build-up in the South China Sea, the plane conducted a reconnaissance mission over a contested military installation being constructed on a manmade series of islands.

A CNN team was given exclusive access to fly onboard the P8-A Poseidon, America's most advanced surveillance and submarine-hunting aircraft, as it flew over the islands.

The U.S. is considering flying such surveillance missions even closer over the islands and sailing U.S. warships within miles of them as part of a new, more robust U.S. military response to make clear the U.S. does not recognize China's territorial claims.

This is the first time the U.S. has allowed journalists on board an operational mission of the P8 over the contested waters, and the first time it has declassified video of China's building activity and audio of Chinese challenges of a U.S. aircraft.

In response to the American surveillance presence, a voice in English could be heard crackling through the radio of the aircraft in which CNN was present.

"This is the Chinese navy ... This is the Chinese navy ... Please go away ... to avoid misunderstanding," said a voice in English.

Soon after the Chinese communication was heard, its source appeared on the horizon seemingly out of nowhere: an island made by China some 600 miles from its coastline.

The U.S. plane was on a mission to monitor Chinese activities on the island and two others like it, reefs that months ago barely peaked above the waves but now are massive construction projects that the U.S. fears will soon be fully functioning military installations.

China's alarming creation of entirely new territory in the South China Sea is one part of a broader military push that some fear is intended to challenge U.S. dominance in the region. Beijing is sailing its first aircraft carrier; equipping its nuclear missiles with multiple warheads; developing missiles to destroy us warships; and, now, building military bases far from its shores.

"I'm scratching my head like everyone else as to what's the (Chinese) end game here. We have seen increased activity even recently on what appears to be the building of military infrastructure," Capt. Mike Parker, commander of the fleet of P8 and P3 surveillance aircraft deployed to Asia, told CNN aboard the P8.

"We were just challenged 30 minutes ago and the challenge came from the Chinese navy, and I'm highly confident it came from ashore, this facility here," Parker said of the Chinese message for the U.S. plane to move away, as he pointed to an early warning radar station on an expanded Fiery Cross Reef.

In just two years, China has expanded these islands by 2,000 acres -- the equivalent of 1,500 football fields -- and counting, an engineering marvel in waters as deep as 300 feet.

In video filmed by the P8's surveillance cameras, we see that in addition to early warning radar, Fiery Cross Reef is now home to military barracks, a lofty lookout tower and a runway long enough to handle every aircraft in the Chinese military. Some call it China's "unsinkable aircraft carrier."

In a sign of just how valuable China views these islands to be, the new islands are already well protected.

From the cockpit, Lt. Cmdr Matt Newman told CNN, "There's obviously a lot of surface traffic down there: Chinese warships, Chinese coast guard ships. They have air search radars, so there's a pretty good bet they're tracking us."

The proof was loud and clear. The Chinese navy ordered the P8 out of the airspace eight times on this mission alone.

Each time, the American pilots told them calmly and uniformly that the P8 was flying through international airspace.

That answer sometimes frustrated the Chinese radio operator on the other end. Once he responds with exasperation: "This is the Chinese navy ... You go!"

This is a military-to-military stand-off in the skies, but civilian aircraft can find themselves in the middle.

As was heard on the first of several Chinese warning on the radio, the pilot of a Delta flight in the area spoke on the same frequency, quickly identifying himself as commercial. The voice on the radio then identified himself as "the Chinese Navy" and the Delta flight went on its way.

The more China builds, U.S. commanders told CNN, the more frequently and aggressively the Chinese navy warns away U.S. military aircraft.

Over Fiery Cross Reef and, later, Mischief Reef, fleets of dozens of dredgers could be seen hard at work, sucking sand off the bottom of the sea and blowing it in huge plumes to create new land above the surface, while digging deep harbors below.

"We see this every day," Parker said. "I think they work weekends on this because we see it all the time."

Exclusive: China warns U.S. surveillance plane - CNNPolitics.com
China must learn something from US about propaganda and soft power.

That is why I'm saying that internet restrictions don't work. They are a very old way of fighting on the information war.

Just see how US is good at soft power.

From my experience the single most important thing in information war, is credibility. And when China censors information so blatantly, credibility is lost instantly.
That's Interesting , i wonder if US did not take those Warning Seriously what would China do ?
Yet the construction in China's South Sea is still going on.

Sending aircraft and ships will NEVER stop our construction.

China just laughs at the hapless US :lol:

Had you not included the last line, you would have got my respect for adding to this thread. (for once)
Yet the construction in China's South Sea is still going on.

Sending aircraft and ships will NEVER stop our construction.

China just laughs at the hapless US :lol:

Laughing? It certainly doesn't seem that way. After contacting our aircraft 8 times, they were essentially begging us to leave, and we told them each time to F off. China can keep building their islands, but what this boils down to is control of the SCS. The message being sent to China with these flights and ship patrols is that we can fly and sail through the SCS whenever we want to.

By the way Beidou, what's with the new account? Your other 4 get banned?
China must learn something from US about propaganda and soft power.

That is why I'm saying that internet restrictions don't work. They are a very old way of fighting on the information war.

Just see how US is good at soft power.

From my experience the single most important thing in information war, is credibility. And when China censors information so blatantly, credibility is lost instantly.
US engage the people, China engage the government. But sometimes engaging the people's will is no good.

For example, every ordinary people of cos wants as much welfare and subsides from government as possible. They do not care whether the government will collapse or not. So, shall we heed the voice of people?
Laughing? It certainly doesn't seem that way. After contacting our aircraft 8 times, they were essentially begging us to leave, and we told them each time to F off. China can keep building their islands, but what this boils down to is control of the SCS. The message being sent to China with these flights and ship patrols is that we can fly and sail through the SCS whenever we want to.

By the way Beidou, what's with the new account? Your other 4 get banned?

US can't do a damn thing to stop China's construction in China's South Sea, not a damn thing. You are utterly powerless to stop the construction :lol:

Those are bases for the Chinese military which will support China's MASSIVE military naval buildup including coast guard ships.

Get ready for the SCS ADIZ, you can send your little plane but the ADIZ will remain.....just like the ECS ADIZ :lol:
Once again, our aircraft gives the Chinese a middle finger....

We chinese like to observe how the game is playing now and decide how to answer to US's challenge, wait until we fly our H-6K over Guam and show the middle finger to US, dare you shoot our plane down? or we will reciprocate to shoot your P-8.:coffee:
We chinese like to observe how the game is playing now and decide how to answer to US's challenge, wait until we fly our H-6K over Guam and show the middle finger to US, dare you shoot our plane down? or we will reciprocate to shoot your P-8.:coffee:

No need. US is throwing a tantrum because they are powerless, utterly powerless, to stop China's construction in China's South Sea.
They didn't take them seriously. The Chinese warned the P-8 eight times, not once did the P-8 acknowledge the Chinese warnings as legitimate, it kept on flying - it was in international air space.

And China didn't and wont do anything other than intercept the aircraft, this time they did nothing at all. They aren't stupid either, they wont risk anything over some common occurrence and if they do act aggressive they can expect the SCS to turn further into the arms of the US. Right now the US has the cards, it can poke China, if China pokes back it risks damaging an already damaged image in the region. Damage your image too much and the US has some new friends, we already saw with with Vietnam last year.

Sure we're not stupid for now, wait until we finish fortifying all our islands and declare the ADIZ over SCS, then we will deal with American provocation. what make you think we can poke American back? we dare to fight US's lead UN army in korean war, what make you think we're scare of US when America is within China's reach either space warfare, nukes or cyberwarfare?. If US wants to take risk to antagonize China, they should also learn to capitalize their lost not just China...LMAO.

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