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China warns U.S. surveillance plane

US flights and patrols of the SCS ensures that the Chinese don't gain control over the SCS. We'll continue to conduct them whenever we want to.

Whose the one with a "bruised ego?" You mean the country that cried 8 times to our aircraft and was told to F off?

Do you use emoticons on all your posts Beidou? What are you, a child?

Flights and patrols will not stop China constructing airstrips and ports in the SCS which are intended to help Chinese aircraft and ships. China will also increase its flights and patrols in the SCS backed up with the airstrips and ports.

China will turn the entire SCS into China's private lake and establish full control.

You can't do a damn thing about it :lol:
Flights and patrols will not stop China constructing airstrips and ports in the SCS which are intended to help Chinese aircraft and ships. China will also increase its flights and patrols in the SCS backed up with the airstrips and ports.

China will turn the entire SCS into China's private lake and establish full control.

You can't do a damn thing about it :lol:
Turn the sea of other five countries to your private lake. you think you are King of the world?
lol US Navy and Air Force is acting like Taylor Swift.

You want to shake her, but her song just keep coming :)

Pretty much nothing. Chinese Navy warned them 8 times. The only thing they can say is "YOU GO!!!"

Pretty sure they are saying "You Go Now"
The Chinese here can spin it however they want to, but as I stated in my previous post, it's all about control of the SCS. Our flights and patrols of the SCS ensures that it stays out of Chinese hands. Regardless, those islands the Chinese are building are sitting ducks against US bombers and cruise missiles.
Today we will warn you. Tomorrow we will send an aircraft to escort you. Mark my words!
What are all the Americans (and flags) jazzing about?
We are still building the islands and we keep expanding them every minute before tropical storms come. So what?
It is so immature for the Americans yapping with their naval ships in the waters afterall we have declared that "freedom of navigation" is allowed (as long as the declaration lasts at our discretion).

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Before we built islands, there would be no warning.

Now we have islands, we warn.

Soon we will have airbases with fighter jets and missiles, then it's target practice.

If you bring recon aircraft, we will escort and do dangerous maneuvers.

If you bring armed aircraft, the moment you enter 12 nautical miles it's goodnight.

You know the game changes in our favor when our airbase is operational, yet you are too cowardly to stop us from construction. Just make a show for media like an Indian while China changes facts on the ground.
Flights and patrols will not stop China constructing airstrips and ports in the SCS which are intended to help Chinese aircraft and ships. China will also increase its flights and patrols in the SCS backed up with the airstrips and ports.

China will turn the entire SCS into China's private lake and establish full control.

You can't do a damn thing about it :lol:

As long as the US flies, patrols, and conduct exercises with our allies, China will never gain control of the SCS. Your flood of rants, hot air, and emoticons won't change that fact Beidou. It's not just the US either, expect to see Japan increase its presence in the SCS. The US and Japanese militaries are creating a massive arc of military assets that are boxing in China. Japan is now deploying anti-air and ship batteries just east of Taiwan to Ishigaki island, stretching its influence further south. China is driving its neighbors into US arms. You've made it easy for us.
Nice Development.

Kam Ranh Bay and Andaman Island chains would be center of attraction in few years.

Love to see Ohio Class docked in Andaman.

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