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China warns India against exploring oil in South China Sea ahead of Krishna

I think it has spoiled India, who invests more in importing weapons than in its own youth. But that's OK because the whole idea of "eeevil Chinks baaaddd" is popular. Wait till it becomes "eeevil Yindoos baaaddd" then you'll feel what we feel.


- One war fought plus a few skirmishes
- India claims Aksai Chin part of Kashmir
- China claims Arunachal Pradesh part of south Tibet
- China helps pakistan (India's enemy) create the nuclear bomb
- China's presence in pakistan occupied Kashmir


- 4 wars fought plus skirmishes as well as an ongoing battle in Kashmir
- Epicenter of terrorism being exported to India
- Sheltered the world's most wanted man "Osama bin Laden"
- In dispute with India over Kashmir since 1947
- Illegally gives China Shaksham Valley (part of Kashmir)
- Two nuclear standoffs with India

No **** India's going to need massive importation of weapons. Look at our neighborhood lol
I think Vietnam should go nuclear, will solve the security situation in East Sea.

Thanks bro, but we don't wanna scare our ASEAN neighbours with nuclear bomb. btw: making nuke bomb is quite easy nowaday, with USA's help in nucrlear tech, we can make it very fast if some one threaten us by Nuclear war.

Lasers create nuclear fuel, fear of rogue bombs

Scientists have long sought easier ways to make the costly material known as enriched uranium - the fuel of nuclear reactors and bombs, now produced only in giant industrial plants.

But critics fear that if the work succeeds and the secret gets out, rogue states and terrorists could make bomb fuel in much smaller plants that are difficult to detect.

Iran has already succeeded with laser enrichment in the lab, and nuclear experts worry that GE's accomplishment might inspire Tehran to build a plant easily hidden from the world's eyes.

Backers of the laser plan call critics' fears unwarranted and praise the technology as a windfall for a world increasingly leery of fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases.

But critics want a detailed risk assessment. Recently, they petitioned Washington for a formal evaluation of whether the laser initiative could backfire and speed the global spread of nuclear arms.

"We're on the verge of a new route to the bomb," said Frank N. von Hippel, a nuclear physicist who advised President Bill Clinton and now teaches at Princeton University. "We should have learned enough by now to do an assessment before we let this kind of thing out."

Read more: Lasers create nuclear fuel, fear of rogue bombs - Home Page - NewsObserver.com
Lasers create nuclear fuel, fear of rogue bombs - Home Page - NewsObserver.com
No **** India's going to need massive importation of weapons. Look at our neighborhood lol

No complaints here. :wave:

More imported weapons, means more money leaving India and going overseas, rather than going into India's own industries. Which will reduce India's economic competitiveness in the long-run.
@ all my Chinese friends: how many of you support with hongwu statement


India is not a superpower. That is why it is powerless when China builds a rail link in Kashmir to Pakistan. Pakistan will be part of the new silk road, whether India likes it or not.

China is a superpower. That's why China will end India's existence as a unified country if India is stupid enough to collude with Vietnam to invade China's water. Our missiles in Tibet are upgraded and our warhead supply is enough to saturate all Indian targets.


Pentagon warns India of Chinese build-up - The Times of India

CD please let me know your openion on hongwu post.
@ all my Chinese friends: how many of you support with hongwu statement

CD please let me know your openion on hongwu post.

I disagree with China being a superpower, clearly we are not one.

However, I agree that China has an overwhelming nuclear weapons advantage over India. And a conventional advantage too, according to the Indian Army itself.

Not many people in China consider India a threat, because they don't think India has the capability to do anything.
No complaints here. :wave:

More imported weapons, means more money leaving India and going overseas, rather than going into India's own industries. Which will reduce India's economic competitiveness in the long-run.

No complaints here. :wave:
conflict at the veitnams water will help india govt to abonden all imports from china and that will help more in terms of indian money going into India's own industries and incresing India's economic competitiveness in the long-run...
No complaints here. :wave:
conflict at the veitnams water will help india govt to abonden all imports from china and that will help more in terms of indian money going into India's own industries and incresing India's economic competitiveness in the long-run...

You can't even spell, what does that say about your competitiveness?
I disagree with China being a superpower, clearly we are not one.

However, I agree that China has an overwhelming nuclear weapons advantage over India. And a conventional advantage too, according to the Indian Army itself.

Not many people in China consider India a threat, because they don't think India has the capability to do anything.

thanks for ur reply. just i wanna knw how many of you having dictatorship mind, now i cant count. what about US presence South china sea.
thanks for ur reply. just i wanna knw how many of you having dictatorship mind, now i cant count. what about US presence South china sea.

The American Navy rules all the oceans in the world. That is why they are called a superpower.

America also has one of the largest consumer markets on Earth. This is how we will profit the most from the situation.
The American Navy rules all the oceans in the world. That is why they are called a superpower.

America also has one of the largest consumer markets on Earth. This is how we will profit the most from the situation.

not at all my friend. they are aware of china. just waiting for chance to enter in asia( i mean in bet India & China) matters. If we go for war, that will end up with our dried economies, US will surely take advantage. we will neva become as developed economy. India and China knows about it, don't worry all these situation will end up with diplomatic ways.
not at all my friend. they are aware of china. just waiting for chance to enter in asia( i mean in bet India & China) matters. If we go for war, that will end up with our dried economies, US will surely take advantage. we will neva become as developed economy. India and China knows about it, don't worry all these situation will end up with diplomatic ways.

Why would I be worried?
No complaints here. :wave:

More imported weapons, means more money leaving India and going overseas, rather than going into India's own industries. Which will reduce India's economic competitiveness in the long-run.

god bless your troll,maximum money which is invested is again used in local market
Muse you are right...it is not about oil...It is part of our look East policy....as far it is going to be messy or not then only time will tell...However in the current scenario both China or India cannot afford a war....

The message from GOI is loud and clear...You are going to play smart in my backyard i will surely return the favor...

China can afford a war with India. At a price of 2 nuclear missiles out of 3600, China can level New Delhi and Mumbai, ending the war (and India's existence as a single country) within minutes.

It is India that is bent on committing suicide by getting involved in the explosive South China Sea situation.

China is acting like the overspoilt kid who thinks he can overshadow the sun with his palm. They will learn with time. But right now the new found money has spoilt them and the brashness is showing.
LOL.... China has been building thermonuclear weapons since 1967. India doesn't even have a thermonuclear weapon in 2011. If we are really that "brash" we would have nuked you in 1967.

Now that China has 3600 nuclear weapons, it is long past the time to prove that there is only one superpower in Asia -- and that is China! We may be late in making our stand, but better late than never.

I think Vietnam should go nuclear, will solve the security situation in East Sea.
Yes it will! The way Vietnam will "go nuclear" is a massive Chinese nuclear strike on Hanoi and Ho Chi Min. Then Vietnam will "be gone" ...... forever!

China can afford a war with India. At a price of 2 nuclear missiles out of 3600, China can level New Delhi and Mumbai, ending the war (and India's existence as a single country) within minutes.

It is India that is bent on committing suicide by getting involved in the explosive South China Sea situation.

LOL.... China has been building thermonuclear weapons since 1967. India doesn't even have a thermonuclear weapon in 2011. If we are really that "brash" we would have nuked you in 1967.

Now that China has 3600 nuclear weapons, it is long past the time to prove that there is only one superpower in Asia -- and that is China! We may be late in making our stand, but better late than never.

Yes it will! The way Vietnam will "go nuclear" is a massive Chinese nuclear strike on Hanoi and Ho Chi Min. Then Vietnam will "be gone" ...... forever!

dump your 3600 nukes, im any nuke attack from china will cut you into pieces.
you are thinking ur self tooooooooooooooooooo much, neva mind, y r u crying and telling us about you have 3600. i thinking you are wishing US presence in south china sea, permanently.
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