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China warned Australia over US military base

china's foreign policy has been a bullsh1t these days.

call it a cowardice one is the best.

or let me put it the other way, a superpower's strength, but a third world's mindset.
Greetings Fateh71

But sir, I do not see how China has been directly/indirectly threatening Australia. If it was a country like Vietnam, or Philippines, then their reaction to allow a military base would be expected.

Sir, as much as I respect your opinion, I begged to differ on China's policy towards America in Afghanistan. But that would be off-topic at the moment.

We don't wanna have US base in VN , it's also not a wise idiea to have a base in Phillipine bcz US doesn't have much of benefit there, and another ASEAN nations like Thailand-Singapore-Malaysia don't wanna have serious trouble with CHina , so, the best choice for US base is in Aussie.

From Aussie , US can watch the whole ASEAN's activities too, they can overthrown any ASEAN Govt. wanna pro CHina and set up pro US there.
I think there will be a USA or Chinese military base in Sri Lanka in the future too.
China warns Australia
China warns America
China warns India
China warns Japan
China warns Indonesia
China warns Vietnam
China warns Philippines
China warns South Korea
China warns Taiwan
China warns Malaysia
China warns Brunei

Who's next?

Empty vessels make the most sound! The noise pollution is reaching comical levels!


where in this article did Chinese government " warned Australia",and I just did a google search and this post is the only match on the whole internet.why did this Indian poster need to make up this title?I dont understand,do you not have anything better to do or to post??

---------- Post added at 07:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

what does that event have to do with Indians,and why this Indian guy needs to make up this flammatory title?
Greetings Fateh71,

As much as China's recent involvement in controversies regarding the Spartly Islands, I believe this is a genuine concern. We have to understand that by setting up a military base in the Australia, it will shift the military power and influence China currently has in the South China Sea. Australia these days has been hyped up about China, which I don't see why Australia should be.


Buddy, the US has military presence in the following countries in the Asia Pacific:-
1. South Korea.
2. Japan.
3. Philippines.
4. Jakarta, Indonesia.
5. Singapore.
6. Thailand.
7. Malaysia.

All of these countries are much closer to South China Sea than Australia. Moreover the Australians are natural allies of the Americans. No surprises here.
where in this article did Chinese government " warned Australia",and I just did a google search and this post is the only match on the whole internet.why did this Indian poster need to make up this title?I dont understand,do you not have anything better to do or to post??
Oh not even official superpower yet and this attitude? India is the only option for all anti china alliance. South Korea, Vietnam, USA, Japan, Australia, Japan list is so long
what a flammatory made up title,you call that "warned Australia".

We do not fear you, Obama tells China
Adam Gartrell, AAP Diplomatic Correspondent
November 16, 2011 - 9:09PM

SMSF (Self Managed Super Funds) | ESuperfund Australia


US President Barack Obama has warned China it must obey the global "rules of the road" but says America does not fear its rapid rise.

Mr Obama and Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday confirmed a boost in the number of US troops that will train in northern Australia.

Under the plan, Australia will play host to a US Marine task force of 2500 troops by 2016.

China was quick with a cool response to the announcement.

"It may not be quite appropriate to intensify and expand military alliances and may not be in the interest of countries within this region," foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said in Beijing.

Mr Obama's speech to a special joint sitting of federal parliament on Thursday will focus on US engagement with the Asia-Pacific region - an engagement already being tested by China's transformation into a global power.

Mr Obama said on Wednesday the US did not fear China, nor seek to exclude it.

"We welcome a rising, peaceful China," he told reporters during a joint press conference with Ms Gillard.

"What they have been able to achieve, in terms of lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty over the last two decades, has been nothing short of remarkable.

"And that is good. Not just for China but potentially good for the region."

But he warned China that its rise came with increased responsibilities.

"It's important for them to play by the rules of the road and in fact help underwrite the rules that have allowed so much remarkable economic progress to be made over the last several decades.

"Where China is playing by those rules, recognising its new role, I think this is a win-win situation."
China's bullying in Asia is going to get only one response, except from client states dependent on china. China must check her behaviour, nobody likes an uncouth bully.

the only bully in asia was japan in the 20th century and currently the US in the 21st century. you call china a bully because we kicked your butt in 1962. get over it or we will do it again, but this time you won't get back up.
see what this Obama guy talked about China on US TV.

February 17, 2011
Obama Says China Has Better Infrastructure Than U.S., Compares Himself to Lincoln

Obama: “China is making investments in the future, they’re making investments in clean energy, they’re making investments in infrastructure…we used to have the best infrastructure in the world…had the best roads, the best airports, the best ports, the best highways, the best internet service, now we’re second, we’re third, we’re fifteenth, we’re twenty-first, we can’t win that way…listen Abraham Lincoln helped to build the intercontinental railroad in the middle of the Civil War...”

Click here to watch the video -- starts at 6:56.

Obama Says China Has Better Infrastructure Than U.S., Compares Himself to Lincoln - President Obama - Fox Nation
When the Chinese government starts to warn nations even in the event of the dalai lama taking a leak......you gotta wonder what's wrong...:lol:..
where in this article did Chinese government " warned Australia",and I just did a google search and this post is the only match on the whole internet.why did this Indian poster need to make up this title?I dont understand,do you not have anything better to do or to post??

what does that event have to do with Indians,and why this Indian guy needs to make up this flammatory title?

Relax buddy! You either don't know how to Google or pulling a fast one that you did! Here, take a peek at this....

Chinese warn of 'crossfire' over base

BEIJING: China's state-owned media warned Australia not to be caught in China-US crossfire by choosing ''to play China for a fool'', as the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced a permanent presence for US forces near Darwin.

''Apparently, Australia aspires to a situation where it maximises political and security benefits from its alliance with the US, while gaining the greatest economic interests from China,'' a story on the People's Daily website said.

''However, Gillard may be ignoring something - their economic co-operation with China does not pose any threat to the US, whereas the Australia-US military alliance serves to counter China,'' the article said.
where in this article did Chinese government " warned Australia",and I just did a google search and this post is the only match on the whole internet.why did this Indian poster need to make up this title?I dont understand,do you not have anything better to do or to post??
I asked the question in the 14th post of this thread, yet people are trolling a lot.
Just ignore them
Indian members, we are sensible to comprehend the article, there is no word in the article that says the china officially or unofficially warned the OZ.
so lets stop this pathetic thread. any one who futher puts flame post is just a magnet of trollers.
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